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The Roman
Mr. Stagnaro
Los Banos High School
To learn about the significance of the
Republic in Rome and later democracies.
 California Content Standards
 10.1.1
- Analyze the views of law, reason and
faith, and duties of the individual.
 10.1.2 - Development of Western political
 Brief History of the Republic
 Republican Government (not GOP)
 The Assembly
 The
 The Consuls
Roman Law
Republic: power rests with the citizens who
have the right to elect the leaders who make
government decisions (p.8).
Since the Roman world was larger than one city,
it became important to include people via
representation instead of direct votes.
Also known as an indirect democracy.
The United States government is a republic.
Brief History of the Republic
From 753 to 509BC, Rome was ruled by Kings.
It then became a Republic because the people of Rome
didn't like the way that King Tarquinius had ruled.
The REPUBLIC was set up to make sure that there
weren't any more Tyrants in charge of Rome.
In the Republic there were different parts of the
Government. The Three main parts of the government
were the Senate, the consuls and the Assemblies.
The Republican Government:
The Assembly
An Assembly was a gathering of Roman citizens.
 Discussed new Laws
 Voted on Laws.
 The citizens also elected new senators and consuls.
The rich had more votes than the other citizens so power was
not shared equally.
The Assembly was composed of all the plebian, the common
The Assembly did not have a building. It was the right of the
common man to assemble in the Forum and vote.
Chose the 2 Consuls
The Republican Government:
The Senate
The Senate was a bit like our Congress.
People were elected by citizens and they had a
discussion then voted to decide what should and
should not happen.
The Senate was composed of leaders from the
patricians, the noble and wealthy families of
ancient Rome.
 They
controlled spending.
 Members of the Senate were not elected.
 They were chosen by the Consuls.
 Once chosen, they served for life. There were 300
seats in the Senate.
The Republican Government:
The Consuls – The highest position
Two (2) elected consuls shared the head of
Consuls were members of the Senate, who had
been elected to serve for a one year term in the
position of Consul
The consuls most important power was that they
controlled the army.
Selected by the Assembly
Structure of Government Under the Republic
2 Consuls
Head of Government
Senate (300 members)
1 year term
Life term
Consuls chose the Senators
Elected the 2 Consuls
Ran the government, overseeing
the work of other
government officials.
Advised the consuls. Advised the
Directed (commanded) the army
Directed spending, including tax
Acted as judges
Approved or disapproved laws
made by the Assembly
Voted on laws suggested by
government officials
In an emergency, consuls could
choose a dictator – a single
ruler to make quick
Made decisions concerning
relationships with foreign
Declared war or peace
Both consuls had to agree on
their decisions. Each had the
power to Veto the other. In
Latin, veto means “I forbid.”
Elected government officials
including judges.
Roman Laws
 All citizens had the right to equal treatment under the law
 A person was considered innocent until proven guilty
 The burden of proof rested with the accuser rather than the
 Any law that seemed unreasonable or unfair could be set
The Twelve Tables: 451 BC – The rights to protection
of the laws
The Justinian Code: AD 528 – Collection of 5,000
 Guide on legal matters in Western Europe
 Rulers and powerful people are held accountable
to the law.