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Global Warming/Guns
Free markets not government programs are the best way
to supply people with the things they need.
Our society would be better off if the distribution of wealth
was more equal.
It seems like the criminals and the welfare cheats get all
the breaks, while the average citizen picks up the tab.
It's society's responsibility to make sure everyone's basic
needs are met.
Government should put limits on the choices individuals
can make so they don't get in the way of what's good for
People should be able to rely on the government for help
when they need it.
The government should stop telling people how to live
their lives.
Our government tries to do too many things for too many
A gay or lesbian couple should have just as much right to
marry as any other couple.
Society works best when it lets individuals take
responsibility for their own lives without telling them
what to do.
Nowadays it seems like there is just as much
discrimination against whites as there is against blacks.
The government should do more to advance society's
goals, even if that means limiting the freedom and
choices of individuals.
It's old fashioned and wrong to think that one culture's set
of values is better than any other culture's way of seeing
the world.
Sometimes government needs to make laws that keep
people from hurting themselves. We live in a sexist society that is fundamentally set up to
discriminate against women. We have gone too far in pushing equal rights in this
The women's rights movement has gone too far. Private profit is the main motive for hard work.
It's a mistake to ask society to help every person in need.
A lot of problems in our society today come from the
traditional family, where the man works and the woman
stays home. Discrimination against minorties is still a very serious
problem in our society. It seems like blacks, women, homosexuals and other
groups don't want equal rights, they want special rights
just for them. The government interferes far too much in our everyday
People who are successful in business have a right to
enjoy their wealth as they see fit. If the government spent less time trying to fix everyone's
problems, we'd all be a lot better off.
Society as a whole has become too soft and feminine.
We need to dramatically reduce inequalities between the
rich and the poor, whites and people of color, and men
and women.
It's not the government's business to try to protect people
from themselves.
Parents should encourage young boys to be more
sensitive and less "rough and tough."
Government regulations are almost always a waste of
everyone's time and money. Too many people today expect society to do things for
them that they should be doing for themselves
Guns don’t kill people — people kill people. So Gun control is not the answer.
Don’t target guns — target mental illnesses.
The way to prevent gun violence is more guns.
Criminals will break laws any ways.
Put simply, if your fellow citizens have easy access to guns, they’re more likely to kill
you than if they don’t have access. Interestingly, this turned out to be true not just
for the twenty-six developed countries analyzed, but on a State-to-State level too.
But study after study indicates that suicide is not so much a rational decision, but
something people do on the spur of the moment—meaning that a lack of access to a
death-shooting murder-stick at that critical moment could be the difference
between life and death.
While someone really determined to pull off a massacre could do it using a handgun,
shotgun or even a musket if they had to, they’d be pretty unlikely to kill anywhere
near as many people as they would with, say, an AR-15 assault rifle. So putting
controls on the assault rifle has to be a good thing, right?
If someone had guns on school campuses, gunmen looking to cause major damage
could be shot and more lives would be saved.
No other developed country on earth has as lax gun laws or more weapons than the
United States.
The easy access to weapons and the ineffective methods of tracking weapons to
make sure that they don’t fall into the wrong hands facilitate violent and unstable
people in the United States getting weapons with which to kill people.
Currently, there are 88 guns for every 100 people living in the United States (not
even counting the illegal weapons which our government couldn’t account for).
With so many weapons and so few controls on who can own the weapons, there is
simply no realistic way to keep these guns from falling into the hands of violent
criminals and disturbed people.
“The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, thus gun control
measures are unconstitutional.”
Gun enthusiasts and gun lobbyists love to cite the 2nd amendment to the constitution
as the catch-all defense to their right to carry any weapon that they can get their
hands on (ex. assault rifles). In order to do this, these gun owners/sellers have
hopelessly perverted the original intent of the 2nd Amendment and have expanded
its guarantee of the right to “keep and bear arms” far beyond its original bounds.
The 2nd amendment was predicated upon the maintenance of state militias—
something that has become irrelevant in the face of our federal armed services—
and is not something that should have allowed individuals to claim the right to own
What gun control proponents (people who care more about children being killed
then their ability to buy 4 assault rifles in one day) suggest is not a blanket ban on
guns, but an expansion of the already constitutional limits that exist.
“Guns are a right in our country so that we can rise up against a tyrannical
“Guns don’t kill people; people kill people” or “ Limiting guns will only lead to
violent people simply using other methods of killing large numbers of people”
The consumption of fossil fuels in last few decades has contributed much to the
degradation of our environment.
Depletion of ozone layer is a problem from which our environment is suffering.
Global warming is the increase of earth’s average surface temperature due to the
effect of greenhouse gases.
These greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane absorb heat that
would otherwise escape from earth.
According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, the earth’s
temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century.
More than half of the 0.8 degrees Celsius increase in the earth’s temperature has
happened in the last 25 years.
It seems that the temperature of the earth is rising at a rate faster than ever before.
Human activities like burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, industrialization and
pollution are considered as few of the factors responsible for global warming.
1. Use Fluorescent Light Bulbs: You should immediately change incandescent light bulbs and use
fluorescent light bulbs, because these fluorescent bulbs consume only 25 % energy comparable
incandescent bulbs.
2. Switch Off Electric Appliances: When electric appliances are not in your use, then plug them off,
because they use some energy even in off position.
5. Uses of Solar Energy: You should convert your heating system to the solar energy, in this way you can
save electricity, money and your environment from global warming.
6. Use Electric or Hybrid Car: You consider purchasing a hybrid or electric car, in place of gasoline car.
Gasoline car covers 20 to 30 miles per gallon, whereas hybrid or eclectic gives you 130 to 140 mg.
7. Plant Trees At Home: If you have placed at the front or back side of your home, trees shading, can
make your home cold during summer. Since trees absorb carbon dioxide, so reduce the carbon dioxide in
your surroundings.
11. Get Your House Insulated: Your house must be properly insulated, use insulation in the lower floor,
ceiling, over crawl spaces and walls.
12. Reduce Trash At Home: You should reduce trash that gets produced in your house . You can achieve
this goal by using recycled products and avoiding unnecessary garbage items.
13. Reduce the Usage of Hot Water: You should try better to reduce the usage of hot water, install lowflow shower-heads in your bathroom; you will avoid contributing 350 pounds carbon dioxide yearly.
14. Grow your Own Foods: Fresh vegetable is better than you buy from the grocery store. They will save
you expense on gas & time.
The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) comprised of 2500
scientists have charted the Earth’s climbing temperature, and conclude it has
warmed 0.6 degrees in 9 years alone. Just in the last decade, the Earth’s climate has
doubled that of 100 years ago.
The truth is, as most of us know, that global warming is real and humans are major
contributors, mainly because we wastefully burn fossil fuels.
The last two decades of the 20th century have been hottest in the last 400 years,
according to climate studies.
The Arctic is one of the worst places to be effected by global warming.
According to the multinational Arctic Climate Impact Assessment report compiled
between 2000 and 2004, the average temperature in Alaska, Western Canada and
Russia have risen at twice the global average.
The Arctic ice is melting rapidly. By 2040 the region is expected to have a
completely ice free summer, or even earlier.
The Montana Glacier National Park has only 25 glaciers instead of 150 that were
there in the year 1910.
Due to global warming and pollution, coral reefs are suffering the worst bleaching
with the highest dying record since 1980.
Global warming that is causing extreme weather changes has shown it implications
in the way of forest fires, heat waves and severe tropical storms throughout the
Humans are emitting more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, faster than the
absorbing rates of plants and the oceans.
Sea levels have risen about 7 inches in the in the last 100 years, which is more than
the previous 2000 years combined. The rising sea levels due to global warming
could threaten the lives of people living along the coastal areas.
Melting of glaciers will cause sea levels to rise on one hand and water shortages in areas that depend on
natural sources of water.
Fact 17: More than 1 million species have become extinct due to disappearing habitats, ecosystems acidic
oceans all caused due to global warming.
Fact 18: The global warming will completely alter the ocean’s conveyer belt which will cause a mini ice
age in the Europe.
Fact 19: Increasing temperatures will release more greenhouse gases, unlock methane, and cause more
evaporation of water.
Fact 20: 200o-2009 has been the hottest decade periods of the earth.
The carbon dioxide levels in the 20th century have been highest in 650,000 years. Till 1950, the levels rose
by 11% and recently the levels have risen by 40%.
Fact 23: Due to industrial revolution, the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas started on a massive
scale. This not only increased greenhouse gases but was also responsible for large scale deaths due to
asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Fact 24: Human activities release around 37 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
Fact 25: Since the industrial revolution in 1700, the level of carbon dioxide on earth has increased by 34%.
Fact 26: By year 2100, the average temperature will rise by 5.8 degrees as a result of global warming.
Droughts, hurricanes, wildfires, extinction on endangered species, melting of polar ice caps, storms are few
of the effects of global warming.
Fact 33: The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) proposed the Clean Air Act to cut power plant
emissions by 26 percent in the next 7 years.
Fact 34: The heat trapping gases have been increasing in the atmosphere at an alarming rate. The presence
of large number of these gases has resulted in enhanced greenhouse effect. Heat waves caused by global
warming is responsible for many heat related illness and deaths.
Fact 35: Global warming can lead to massive food and water shortages and has a life threatening impact on
the wildlife.
If these figures do not startle, then it will be extremely difficult to prevent the world from collapsing from
global warming. Many schools, organizations, government bodies etc are making efforts to encourage
people to take steps that would prevent them from taking a
Global Warming
Fossil Fuels
Energy Articles
30 Myths vs. Facts on Global Warming
While colder winters continue to rise in the U.S., many aren’t sure which factors to attribute such extreme
weather and freezing temperatures to. The question might be posed, how can it be global warming when it
snowed in places like Phoenix and Las Vegas last year? The truth is, global warming doesn’t just mean the
earth is supposed to turn into an all-out fireball. To the skeptics, however, the persistent weather and
climate changes are dismissed as pure happenstance. Is global warming even real? Here are 30 global
warming myths vs facts to separate science from conspiracy.
More from global warming:
Various global warming facts
Global warming effects
35 easy ways to stop global warming
Causes of global warming
Steps to reduce global warming
Is global warming real?
How global warming works?
Global warming threatens our health, our economy, our natural resources, and our children’s future. It is
clear we must act.
– Eliot Spitzer
1. Myth: Global warming isn’t real:
Fact: If you only look at one side of the coin without doing research, you’re left to your own personal
preference of what you believe is real. Thwarted by political ambitions, scientific interests, and other
factors, it’s hard to truly know what’s real and what’s conjecture. Truth is, science isn’t always perfect, but
then again, we can’t just ignore what’s happening around us either.
2. Myth: Global warming causes droughts:
Fact: Scientific research shows conflicting reports. If global warming and greenhouse effects really occur,
there should be more moisture in the air, not less.
3. Myth: We can stop global warming if we wanted to:
Fact: Conspiracy theories hold strong with oil industries and political leaders being blamed for not
stopping “global warming.” Truth is, there’s no guarantee that if global warming exists, we can do anything
about it.
4. Myth: Global warming will eventually make the earth uninhabitable:
Fact: While no one can predict future events, and species have become extinct over time, the fact that the
world will cook us to death renders no evidence or support from scientific facts.
5. Myth: Global warming will only get worse if we don’t stop using oil:
Fact: If we stopped burning oil all together, chances are that wouldn’t stop global temperature from rising.
Many factors keep and regulate the earth’s temperature, not just the burning of fossil fuels.
6. Myth: Seasons are getting shorter:
Fact: Seasons like spring are crucial in planting venues around the world. According to most recent
almanacs, summer, spring, winter, and fall are still arriving on time as they have in the past.
7. Myth: The meat industry is to blame for global warming:
Fact: Before the drastic rise in animal farms for food, there were thousands of species that produced
methane gases.
8. Myth: The food chain is being disrupted:
Fact: With climate change, scientists argue the disruption will cause a huge gash in the animal world. So
far, no rupture has resulted or caused a kink in the animal food chain.
9. Myth: Coral reefs are disappearing because of climate change:
Fact: Biologists and oceanographers conclude coral reef demise is not conclusive to global warming.
Pollution and other factors are also at work.
10. Myth: Quality of life will diminish:
Fact: Climate change has been happening since the dawning of time. People learn how to adjust, adapt, and
rethink. With renewable energy being tapped into, not only is our quality of life improving, but so are our
11. Myth: Too much carbon dioxide is bad for crops and vegetation:
Fact: Research has been conducted to go either way on this topic. It depends on who you choose to believe.
Governments in Canada have added carbon dioxide on its most toxic list. Other studies show improved
growth and crop cultivation using extended CO2.
12. Myth: 97% of the scientific community believe global warming is real and man causing:
Fact: This number is dramatically exaggerated. Depending on who and where you get your research,
anyone can come up with a number to support their cause. According to studies and surveys given, no
number can accurately depict the scientific community’s consensus.
13. Myth: Global Warming causes increase health risks:
Fact: People are living longer than ever before, with worse air quality. There’s no reason to believe now
we could be taking a step backwards.
14. Myth: Global warming is causing more severe weather:
Fact: These natural occurring storms are part of our environment, and there’s no proof added carbon
dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide is the cause.
15. Myth: Global warming will reduce the amount of fresh water on the planet:
Fact: Research actually shows otherwise. If ice caps continued to melt, an abundance of water flowing into
lakes and rivers would provide more natural drinking water.
16. Myth: Global warming will cause a world-wide economic collapse:
Fact: Whole countries have suffered severe economic collapses, without any help from climate change.
While economic collapse effects all of us, a global economic collapse would have to include an allencompassing war of some fashion.
17. Myth: The Industrial Revolution heightened the beginning of climate change like never before:
Fact: While the time before the Industrial Revolution constituted less carbon dioxide in the air, climate
change has been occurring naturally on its own for thousands of years. Over 35,000 scientists ally to
dismiss the myths involved in global warming.
18. Myth: The sun’s rays reflecting off the earth cause global warming:
Fact: Yes, the sun’s rays provide warmth and nourish plants and vegetation, but just because the heat
bounces off the “blanket” of the atmosphere, there’s no scientific proof this is causing global warming.
Studies conducted over the sun’s interaction with the climate have suggested that none of its recent
behavior accounts for today’s shift.
19. Myth: Mass extinction of species:
Fact: When forest fires explode and disrupt habitats, wildlife in the area are found migrating elsewhere.
There’s no depleted or extinction of species caused by an eruption in climate change or disaster in a
particular region.
20. Myth: Sea levels are rising:
Fact: While some sea levels are rising, this doesn’t mean all sea levels are rising. Current research suggests
only a 0.2% increase of sea level in recent years.
21. Myth: Carbon dioxide is making our air unsafe:
Fact: Required to breathe our air, we need a mixture of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. There’s no evidence
the levels of CO2 in the air are toxic.
22. Myth: Carbon Dioxide is the major greenhouse gas:
Fact: Carbon dioxide makes up one of the three percent of major gases contributed to greenhouse gases.
Water vapor, Ozone, and N2O make up the rest of greenhouse gases. If there was a 100% increase of water
vapor, it’d be the same as 3% of CO2. Therefore, greenhouses gases are comprised with a number of gases,
not just carbon dioxide.
23. Myth: Increased amounts of human produced carbon dioxide is to blame for global warming:
Fact: For millions of years levels in carbon dioxide have shifted and changed, for various reasons. There is
no proof that carbon dioxide is the cause for a slight increase in the earth’s overall temperature. Many
scientists believe the extra readings of carbon dioxide in the air are the result of increase warming, not the
24. Myth: Glaciers are melting at an exceedingly fast rate-the Arctic will dissolve completely in a few
Fact: While we do see glaciers melting in the Arctic, this does not mean the entire continent of Antarctica
is doomed to end up in the ocean someday. It is estimated that the glaciers in Antarctica’s melting ratio is
2% higher than it has been in the past 1,000 years.
25. Myth: The earth’s temperatures is higher than it’s ever been:
Fact: Although studies show that in the last 5 decades, the earth’s temperature is steadily climbing,
scientists don’t have conclusive enough data to prove we’ve caused a deadly force to drastically incinerate
us all. Weather balloons, weather patterns, satellites, and ground stations all show cooling periods in the
past 100 years to combat fluctuations of gradual warming.
26. Myth: When the ozone ‘ hole shrinks, global warming gets reduced:
Fact: The reality is totally different; there is no co-relation between global warming and hole of ozone.
27. Carbon dioxide can’t be dangerous, plants need it:
Fact: Plants do need carbon dioxide to grow but too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can hurt crops
and crops may become less nutritious.
28. It takes effort and money to go green:
Fact: There are so many ways to go green that can even save you money. Using some of these eco-friendly
products can reduce your carbon footprint and save some cash in long run.
29. In coming time global warming would cause more weather extremes:
Fact: No statistical and scientific proof, support this claim on the global scale. May be some regional
variations will occur.
30. One person can’t make any difference:
Fact: The fact is that if all households reduce their energy consumption by just 10% by making small
changes in their home, that would be almost equivalent of taking some millions of cars off the road.
Image credit
Dawn Ellner , Tony Webster
Myths vs. Facts: Global Warming
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Rinkesh is passionate about clean and green energy. He is running this site since
2009 and writes on various environmental and renewable energy related topics. He
lives a green lifestyle and is often looking for ways to improve the environment
around him.
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Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites. ~ William Ruckelshaus