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Change Through Time
Unit 5
Chapter 15
Theory of evolution
 Charles Darwin’s theory
is the core of modern
 His idea explains how
organisms have
changed over time, not
how the first organisms
on Earth came to be.
 Evolution is a theory
and not a hypothesis.
Misconceptions of evolution
 Many people think that Darwin’s theory states
that man evolves from monkeys or apes.
This is untrue. Evolutionary theory suggests
that humans and all primates share some
common ancestors in the past.
 Many people think that evolution disproves
This is untrue. Evolution cannot prove or
disprove religion. Evolution only states how
species can change genetically over time.
Misconceptions of evolution
 Many people think that Darwin invented
This is untrue. Alfred Russell Wallace
proposed the concept of “survival of the
fittest.” Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposed the
“use or disuse” hypothesis. Because
Lamarck’s work was scientifically unsound,
many confuse Lamarckian evolution with
Darwinian evolution. Lamarck believed that if,
for example, the trees are tall, horse-like
animals could grow simply long necks to eat
the leaves, therefore evolving a giraffe.
Misconceptions of evolution
 Many people believe that evolution always
changes a species to make the species
This is untrue. Evolution is a process that
shows species can change over time.
Whatever genes are best adapted for survival
in a given time period will survive and be
passed onto future generations. These
environment in the future may be very
different, and the genes passed down may no
longer be best adapted to the environment.
Evidence for evolution
 DNA analysis
 Fossil records
 Morphological comparisons
 Embryology
Darwin on the HMS Beagle
 He began in 1831 at age 22 when he took a
job as a naturalist on the English ship HMS
Beagle, which sailed around the world on a
five-year scientific journey.
Darwin on the HMS Beagle
 As the ship’s naturalist, Darwin studied and
collected biological and fossil specimens at
every port along the route.
 On the Galápagos Islands, Darwin studied
many species of animals and plants that are
unique to the islands but similar to species
 These observations led Darwin to consider
the possibility that species can change over
The work of Thomas Malthus
 English economist Thomas Malthus had
proposed an idea that Darwin modified and
used in his explanation.
 Malthus’s idea was that the human population
grows faster than Earth’s food supply.
Malthus influencing Darwin
 Darwin knew that many species produce
large numbers of offspring.
 He also knew that such species had not
overrun Earth.
 He realized that individuals struggle to
compete in changing environmental
 Only some individuals survive the competition
and produce offspring, a concept called
Formulating the theory of natural
 Darwin observed that the traits of individuals
vary in populations and are inherited.
 Artificial selection or breeding of specific
animal and plant traits has long been
 Darwin hypothesized that there was a force in
nature that worked like artificial selection
Natural selection
 Natural selection is a mechanism for change in
It occurs when organisms with favorable variations
survive, reproduce, and pass their variations to the
next generation.
Organisms without these variations are less likely to
survive and reproduce.
As a result, each generation consists largely of
offspring from parents with these variations that aid
Natural selection is what causes evolution.
Natural selection example
 Fishes may differ in
color, size, and speed.
 Individuals with certain
useful variations, such
as speed, survive in
their environment,
passing those variations
to the next generation.
Natural selection example
 Over time, offspring with
certain variations make
up most of the
population and may
look entirely different
from their ancestors.
Adaptation: any variation that aids an
organism’s chances of survival in its
 According to Darwin’s theory, adaptations in
species develop over many generations.
 Adaptations to the body’s structure within one
or two generations is Lamarck’s ideas.
Remember that Lamarck believed if an animal
needs more fur to stay warm and can grow
more fur, this is the concept of “use and
disuse” not evolution or adaptation.
Adaptation example
 The ancestors of today’s common mole-rats
probably resembled African rock rats.
Adaptation example
 Some ancestral rats may have avoided
predators better than others because of
variations such as the size of teeth and claws.
Adaptation example
 Ancestral rats that
survived passed their
variations to offspring.
 After many
generations, most of
the population’s
individuals would have
these adaptations.
Adaptation example
 Over time, natural
selection produced
modern mole-rats.
 Their blindness may
have evolved
because vision had
no survival advantage
for them.
 a structural adaptation that enables one
species to resemble another species
 Many harmless insects and snakes resemble
harmful species, which fools predators
 Yellow jacket hornets,
honeybees, and many
other species of wasps
all have harmful stings
and similar coloration
and behavior.
 Predators may learn
quickly to avoid any
organism with their
general appearance.
 an adaptation that
enables species to
blend with their
 Because wellcamouflaged organisms
are not easily found by
predators, they survive
to reproduce
Evolution of drug resistant bacteria
Today, penicillin no longer affects as many species of bacteria because
some species have evolved physiological adaptations to prevent being
killed by penicillin.
When the population is
exposed to an antibiotic,
only the resistant bacteria
The resistant bacteria
live and produce more
resistant bacteria.
If bacteria can develop drug resistance in just a few generations, imagine
the changes to some bacteria over millions of years.
Fossil evidence of evolution
 They provide a record of early life and
evolutionary history.
Incomplete fossil record
 Although paleontologists do not have fossils
for all the changes that have occurred, they
can still understand the overall picture of how
most groups evolved.
 As the fossil record becomes more complete,
the sequences of evolution become clearer.
Example of using fossil record
Camel Evolution
Skull and
65 million
years ago
54 million
years ago
33 million
years ago
23 million
years ago
Comparing anatomy
 Structural features with
a common evolutionary
origin are called
 Homologous structures
can be similar in
arrangement, in
function, or in both.
Comparing anatomy
 The body parts of
organisms that do not
have a common
evolutionary origin but are
similar in function are
called analogous
 Example: Insect and bird
wings probably evolved
separately when their
different ancestors
adapted independently to
similar ways of life.
Vestigial organs
 a body structure in a
present-day organism
that no longer serves its
original purpose, but
was probably useful to
an ancestor
 Vestigial structures,
such as pelvic bones in
the baleen whale, are
evidence of evolution
because they show
structural change over
 An embryo is the earliest stage of growth and
development of both plants and animals.
 The embryos of a fish, a reptile, a bird, and a
mammal have a tail and pharyngeal pouches.
 Shared features in the young embryos suggest
evolution from a distant, common ancestor
Pig fetus – 21 days
Human fetus – 31 days
Biochemical evidence for evolution
 Nearly all organisms share DNA, ATP, and
many enzymes among their biochemical
 Example: Cytochrome c enzyme occurs in
organisms as diverse as bacteria and bison.
Biologists compared the differences that exist
among species in the amino acid sequence of
cytochrome c.
Comparing amino acid sequences
 The number of amino acid substitutions in the amino
acid sequences for the different organisms.
 Related organisms have fewer differences in their
amino acid sequences.
Biochemical Similarities of Organisms
Comparison of Organisms
5 and 10
Percent Substitutions
8-12 Acids in
of Amino
Cytochrome c Residues
Two orders of mammals
Birds vs. mammals
Amphibians vs. birds
Fish vs. land vertebrates
Insects vs. vertebrates
Algae vs. animals
Using biochemical evidence
 In the 1970s, some biologists began to use
RNA and DNA nucleotide sequences to
construct evolutionary diagrams.
 Today, scientists combine data from fossils,
comparative anatomy, embryology, and
biochemistry in order to interpret the
evolutionary relationships among species.
Population genetics
 If an organism has a feature (phenotype) that
is poorly adapted to its environment, the
organism may be unable to survive and
 However, within its lifetime, it cannot evolve
a new phenotype by natural selection in
response to its environment.
• Natural selection acts on the range of
phenotypes in a population.
Population evolves, not the individual.
 All of the alleles of the population’s genes as
are together in a large pool called a gene
 The percentage of any specific allele in the
gene pool is called the allelic frequency.
 They refer to a population in which the
frequency of alleles remains the same over
generations as being in genetic equilibrium.
 A population that is in genetic equilibrium is
not evolving.
Evolution and equilibrium
 Any factor that affects the genes in the gene
pool can change allelic frequencies.
 This disrupts a population’s genetic
 This results in the process of evolution.
What can disrupt genetic equilibrium?
 Mutation
 Natural selection
 Genetic drift: random natural events that
change gene frequency
 Gene flow
Introducing new genes from individuals
migrating into the population
Reducing the genes from individuals leaving
the population
 The evolution of new species, a process called
speciation occurs when members of similar
populations no longer interbreed to produce fertile
offspring within their natural environment.
Gradualism: Speciation can occur slowly as Darwin
 Punctuated equilibrium: Speciation can occur
rapidly followed by periods of no evolution.
 Realistically, speciation occurs by both methods.
Ancestral species
about 55 million years ago
Adaptive radiation
 When an ancestral species evolves into an
array of species to fit a number of diverse
habitats, the result is called adaptive