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Snails block the cell cycle as well as its resistance to apoptosis. Snail and slug family had
been linked to and believed to be resisting cell death. Snail and Slug, of the snail family, trigger
epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMTs) throughout the tumor progression, as well as the
embryonic development. Studies of the family genes in all major vertebrate groups show that
Snail is at the top of the gene hierarchy that controls neural crest development. Development
within mammals, amphibians, and fish. In a multitude of studies of hepatocytes and cancer cells
progressing towards malignancy, the conversion to the mesenchymal phenotype is connected to a
lessened susceptibility to apoptosis
If it were proven, then with further evidence and work, it can be used to help with
treating or lessening of tumors or cancerous cells. Snail genes impede cell-cycle progression in
cultured cells, also in embryos that are developing. Even though removing restrictions, increase
in cell division is incredibly important to aid in tumor growth, as well as tumor formation, but it
isn't the same for tumor malignization. Invasive cells characteristics permit tumors rapid increase
to be detached or disconnected from malignancy. Snail genes aid in the protection of cultured
cells and cell death in embryos brought on by retrieving factors for survival and death of cells,
or apoptotic signals
Selective cell death is of greatly high importance for maintaining tissue homeostasis and
for the creating and sculpting of the embryo. But, deregulation of programmed cell death may
also be crucial in pathological processes, one of which is cancer. It was wanted to be brought to
light, that snail and slug could help with tumor malignancy. One of the processes to be able to
prove such a thing was to find the cause of the resistance to cell death that assists the embryo
cells to migrate and to colonize some place else and malignant cells retrieved from the primary
Snail genes harm the cell-cycle progression in developing embryos and in cultured cells.
Cell rapid reproduction is incapacitated in Snail-expressing cells. Snails and slugs block the cell
cycle and increase resistance to cell death
Materials and Methods
Mouse embryos were harvested and used for experimentation from matings Balb-C mice
naturally, from the Cajal Institute animal facility. The eggs that had been collected from hens
that were already fertilized and used from Granja Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Spain. The mouse
embryos age were determined as days postcoitum (dpc). Measuring in at 0.5 dpc. It was the day
as to where the vaginal plug was detected. The eggs would later on then be incubated and
opened, and embryos were being arranged in accordance to Hamburger and Hamilton. Both, the
mice and chick embryos were used from an animal facility in Cajal Institute. The embryos, eggs,
were incubated and injected with several different serums and then dissected Other materials and
methods that were used throughout this entire experimental process were, Cell lines and
antibodies, Analysis of DNA content by flow cytometry, Western blots and immunoprecipitation
The cell growth was dramatically decreased. Causing them to then study and observe the
cell production and the progression cycle of such cells. Snail impairs cell-cycle progression.
When greatly showed in various different epithelial cell lines, both humans and mice, snail
dramatically decreased cell growth, leading them to then study and explore cell proliferation and
the cycle progression of such cells. Snail restrains Cyclin D2 transcription. Snail-expressing
cells, with small portions of Cyclins D, have a weakness or damage, to progress through the
restriction point. The damages in cell-cycle progression in the Snail-expressing cells was because
of the maintained down-regulation of Cyclin D2 transcription, as well as to the changes in the
expression of other, additional components of the G1/S checkpoint.
In conclusion, Snail favors changes in cell shape over the rapid increase in cells that
become migratory, and tend to move around. In connection with the neglected and foreseen low
rates of rapid increase observed at the invasive front of tumors. Also associated, Snail offers
protection from what is generated by pro-apoptotic signals and also stress induced cell death. In
such way, Snail benefits a selective advantage to invasive cells to be able to move throughout
harmful territories. This cell death resistance is important and crucial in the embryo for cells that
move around in order to reach their final destinations and for malignant cells in adults to disperse
so it is to form metastasis. Snail weakens the transition from an early to a late G1 by maintaining
Cyclins D in low levels and can block G1/ S transition by continuing with its high levels of pL1.
Although a grow of cell division is necessary for growth and formation of a tumor. It is not
required for tumor malignization. The snails and slugs results vary in results depending on the
different genes.
Burstyn Cohen T. and Kalcheim, C. 2002. Association between cell cycle and neural
crest delamination through specific regulation of G1/S transition. Dev. Cell 383–395.
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