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Vinnikov, Konstantin Y. & Rook A. (1999). Global warming and Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice
Extent. Journal of Science, Vol. 286 Issue 5446, p1934.
Retrieved from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
This article talks about global warming and its severe impact on the ice levels near the
south and especially north poles. It explains in detail the severe impact global warming has had
on the ice bergs in the Antarctic by offering studies that has examines the receding lines of ice
during the past 46 years. Also offers analyzes of why this is happening and explains the impact
it will have on the Earths in the near future, wither it is bigger storms and hurricanes or
stronger typhoons on eastern Asian countries and finally how all of this is related to the melting
ice bergs in the south and north pole, how the melting ice caps are causing change on the
global weather and it’s relation to other natural disasters in the future.
Jones & Jenny (2010). NOAA Offers Extensive Proof of Global Warming. Civil Engineering
(08857024); Vol. 80 Issue 9. Retrieved from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
Data Base.
This article provides critical information and numerous evidences from the State
of the Climate change in 2009 report of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) which indicated that their climate change studies which they
have done over the past 20 years has been indicating in recent years that humidity,
glaciers and ocean heat has all been in constant change from abnormal reasons other
than nature. Suggestion that this may perhaps not be a natural cycle happening from
nature and indeed from Human beings omitting an excessive amount of CO2 in the past
3-6 decades. Causing a 0.2 degree Fahrenheit raise since 1960 and raising sea levels by
0.125 inch per year since 1995. And if this continues and people and politician do not
apply effecting policies to stop or reduce co2 emissions that this will cause further
increases in global heat level causing drastic change of whether around the world hot
places become hotter and cold places colder. This will result in changing in our
atmosphere and cause unpredictable weather changes stronger from ever before.
Donnelly, Jeffrey P.(2006). A Revised Late Holocene Sea-Level Record for Northern
Massachusetts, USA. Journal of Coastal Research; Vol. 22 Issue 5. Retrieved
from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
This article talks about climate change in general and how there is a 1000 year cycle
where the temperature of the earth either rises rapidly or decreases rapidly by natural causes,
causing similar effects on global temperature like we see today. Given scientific evidences
proving in the geological rocks found all around the world that the earth has gone through
severe temperature changes through its history from natural cause’s non-human made. It
indicates that we may be facing a similar cycle like the ones that happened in the past either.
And human beings cannot impact the earth’s global temperature significantly enough to
drastically cause climate change such as what we are seeing today. In the end the author
indicates the human being probably can do nothing about it because this cycle does happen
roughly every 100 years and rather arguing whither human are causing global warming we
should infact study how to protect our self from this cycle and discover wither humans can
survive it or not.
Oguz, Ayse (2009). Will Global Warming Cause a Rise in Sea Level? A Simple Activity
about the States of Water. Science Activities: Classroom Projects and Curriculum
Ideas, v46 n1 p17-20. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Data Base.
In this article the author talks about global warming from one set of problem which is
the principle of states water. By experimenting with three scientific methods: Archimeds
principle, the law of conservation of matter, and the fluidity of liquids. The experiment helps
readers and students seeking to test global warming effect by this method to further
understand the methodology and reasons of how global warming is happening and the
elements that affect it. By further understanding global warming and how it is happening the
author believes further understanding of the nature of global warming and how the melting ice
bergs at the north and south poles will help readers and maybe scientist estimate in the future
how long it will take for us to notice a severe impact on global temperatures on earth and how
will the ice melt and in which places will we see the most impacts. Finally the author by
understanding all of these issues we can be better and properly prepared for any dangers
around the worlds coastal areas and understand mother nature’s way in relegating the new
streams of water that it will have.
Leslie, Mitch (2003). Warming Up to a Frigid Sea. Science; Vol. 301 Issue 5632, p443.
Retrieved from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
In this article a large amount of data is offered by the U.S National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration from researchers studying the ecosystem and climate
change and its effect of nature. It offers various measurement and data collected by
scientist throughout 30 years of experimenting and measuring changes in our
atmospheres temperatures and humidity levels. By examining the changes that has
been happening around the world in particular the north and South Pole scientist have
suggested that these drastic un-natural changes will impact Mother Nature and how it
functions. Implying that sea levels will rise around the world most notably in coastal
areas and islands and that we should expect more droughts around the world and fresh
water becoming hard to find. Also that places near the north pole will be inhabitable for
humen beings to lie in the future causing a large amount and shift in human population.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society; May2008. Despite Rising Sea Levels,
History Projects a Continual Fall. Vol. 89 Issue 5, p582-583, 2p. Retrieved from
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
In this article the author actually claims that sea levels around the world are actually
falling despite claims that they are raising around the world. Based on a computer
measurement looking at tectonic plate’s movement it indicates that sea level will fall by 120m
in the next 80 million years. Also that the claims that sea levels are raising are also true but will
not have that much of a significant impact because of the reverse effect that are also
happening from the movement of tectonic plates. Test that have been taken by geologist and
geophysicist indicate that these tectonic plates cause a change of water distribution around the
world and the some sea levels are becoming deeper which will accommodate new levels of
water. Finally the author indicates that maybe in the past these tectonic plates movement have
also caused sea levels to raise and fall depending on where they are placed but it takes such a
long time for it to happen and that we might not see such drastic changes.
Chin, Gilbert (2004). All Rise. Science, Vol. 304 Issue 5679. Retrieved from Computers &
Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
In this article the author emphasizes that one of the most devastating impacts global
warming will have on the earth is the melting of the ice caps on the south and North Pole
causing rising sea levels around the world. But also acknowledges that our measurement of
how much sea level is rising is inaccurate because of our lack of sufficient technologies that can
accurately measure this affect around the world. So far scientist have said that sea level are
rising by 1.2 to 1.5 mm per year but tells his audience that our measurement methods are not
100% proven to be right and that there is room for error which he deeply believes in. And
because of this error the author does believe in the rise of sea level but does not think it is
sufficient enough to cause any damage at least in the near future. In the end the author does
says that the scientific community should establish new and sufficient ways in measuring rising
sea levels that has no room for error so that we as human being can be better prepared for it in
the future and most importantly know when might we start seeing drastic changes in sea levels.
Walsh, K. J. E. ,Betts, H. ,Church, J. ,Pittock, A. ,McInnes, K. L. ,Jackett, D. R. , &
McDougall, T. J. (2004). Using Sea Level Rise Projections for Urban Planning in
Australia. Journal of Coastal Research; Vol. 20 Issue 2. Retrieved from
Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
This article acknowledges global warming and raising sea levels but doubts its impact on
the future of earth and withers or not it will affect us deeply as human beings. Because humans
are becoming smarter in absorbing and extracting energy from energy sources such as fossil
fuels they are becoming more efficient, needing less energy and producing less co2 emotions in
the earth. In the past 20 years human have created new methods in extracting oil which is
cleaner and safer on the earth. Plus the author indicates that green energy is on the raise and in
the future people will depend more on green energy than fossil fuels meaning a cleaner
environment with less co2 emotions with less impact on global temperatures. Because of this
the author believes that global warming will not be such an important issue in the future if
humans continue in technological advancement in the green energy sector and finds new ways
in supplying energy to out factories and cars that require almost no fossil fuels thus less
temperature rises and no more sea level rising around the world.
Doughman, Pamela M.1 (2007). California's Climate Change Policy: Raising the Bar.
Retrieved from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete Data Base.
This article gives an overview of the State of California policies in the past two decades
on greenhouse emissions and how it relegates it and encourages and gives incentive for
companies to invest in green energy. Making California the leading states in the world that does
so, and lowering its co2 emission by a significant percentage in the last decade. It also talks
about how the United States federal government has watched and studied how this experiment
of regulating co2 emissions in the state of California and considering applying this around other
states in America. Finally the author thinks the world should study and learn from this
experiment that California has done to create a cleaner atmosphere and it has not affected
business and investment and in fact helped in contributing in fixing the worlds problem with
omitting too much green houses emissions.
Church, John A. (2001). How Fast Are Sea Levels Rising?. Science, Vol. 294 Issue 5543.
Retrieved from Computers & Applied Sciences Complete
This article talks about how global warming is now affecting the earth more than ever
before. No generation before us has contributed in global warming and affecting global
temperatures like us. Because of our technological advancement and eagerness to grow and
create more our contribution to co2 emissions has increased in last century 10 times comparing
to the last 50 years. If we continue this we will destroy and poison the earth with harmful
chemical waste such as the ones we omit from fossil fuels. Our greenhouse contribution has
rising global temperatures around the world affecting weathers and causing climate change and
damaging the earth in ways we would not imagine capable 20 years ago. The author ends with
telling his audience that we must change our ways and start to imply new tactics in dealing with
this issue so that we can hopefully reduce its impact and not change and damage the earth
Aung, Than ,Singh, Awnesh1,Prasad, & Uma (2009). Sea Level Threat ill Tuvalu. American
Journal of Applied Sciences; 2009, Vol. 6 Issue 6. Retrieved from Computers & Applied
Sciences Complete
This article the author informs his readers that the sea level rising around the world is
destroying costal lines all over the world such as in the Maldives, London Italy …etc. If this
continues some costal countries will disappear within the next 100 years. Some areas such as in
the Maldives have already suffered significant damages from rising sea levels that tides from
hurricanes have drowned some islands forever within the country itself. The author tells of
cities such as London that has built sea walls that halts and stops high waves from impacting
the city by bringing in sea water but says that these walls will not last forever and are only a
temporary solution because the sea levels are in continues rise. The author ends by saying that
we need to find an effecting solution other than the ones we have now on rising sea levels and
how to manage them and stop them from destroying our cities near costal lines. And tackling
the real problem which is global warming.