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Chemistry Review
Review Video... It’s a long one
Atomic Models
1. Democritus: Indivisible piece of matter called the
2. Dalton: Elements made of atoms all alike &
compounds made of 2+ elements
3. Thomson: Discovered electrons, atoms divisible,
pudding model
4. Rutherford: Protons in nucleus, electrons
scattered around outside
5. Bohr: electrons move in orbits around nucleus,
strongest ones far away from nucleus
6. Wave: small positive nucleus surrounded by
electrons (same # as protons)
Structure of the atom
• Nucleus: (core) contains 99.9% of the mass of the
atom, Contains protons and neutrons
• Protons: Positively charged particle. They are
identical in every element
• Neutrons: Have no charge, identical in every
element, differing numbers in the same element
are called isotopes
• Protons and neutrons are made of smaller
particles called quarks
• Electrons whirl around the nucleus in the
electron cloud
• Their mass is smaller than a proton or
• They have a negative charge
• The number of electrons an atom has
determines its chemical properties
• Electron in outer level are called valence
Energy Levels
• 1st 2 electrons
2nd 8 electrons
3rd 18 electrons
4th 32 electrons
• The further away from the nucleus, the more
energy it has
Be happy its not you!
Atomic Number and Mass
• The number of protons in the nucleus determines
the atomic number of the element
• The mass number is the sum of the protons and
neutrons and is used to distinguish one isotope
from another
• Atomic mass is the average mass of all the
isotopes of an element
Forces in the atom
1. Electromagnetic force: Keeps the electrons
spinning around the nucleus due to the
2. Strong Force: The greatest of the four forces
3. Weak Force: Responsible for radioactive decay
through fusion
4. Gravity: Force of attraction between objects,
weakest force
Nuclear Stability
Characteristics of Chemical
• Formation of a NEW substance, not the original
• Reactant: substance that enters into the reaction
(original substance)
• Product: substance that is produced by a chemical
reaction (new substance)
• The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass
remains constant in a chemical reaction
• If an atom has 8 valence electrons it is stable and
will not bond
• An atom with less than 8 valence electrons is
unstable and will bond readily (easily)
• The ability to bond determines its ability to
undergo chemical reactions
Reaction video
Balancing Equations
• Subscripts, symbols, and formulas cannot be
changed because you would be changing the
substance altogether.
• Coefficients can be added.
• Balance the number of atoms of each element on
both sides to show that no mass has been lost or
1. Exothermic: Heat, or energy, comes out of, or is
released (gets hot), combustion
2. Endothermic: Heat, or energy, goes into (gets
cold), reaction is the form of heat or light
3. Kinetics: the study of reaction rates
4. Collision Theory: The rate of a reaction is
affected by concentration, surface area,
temperature and catalysts
Periodic Table
Periodic Table
• Dmitri Mendeleev Organized by atomic mass
• Henry Moseley, arranged the elements according
to their atomic number
Groups / Families
Groups or families
They have similar properties
They have the same number of valence electrons
There are 18 families… be able to name them!!
1. Alkali Metal Family: most reactive metals,
violent reaction in water
2. Halogen Family: most reactive nonmetals
3. Noble Gas Family: normally unreactive
Periods/ Rows
• Elements are not alike in the rows
• First element in a row is an extremely active solid,
last is always an inactive gas
• There are 7 periods
• The number of the row they are in tells you the
number of energy levels
• Horizontal
Element stuff you need to
know 
1. Hydrogen is a non-metal
2. Mercury is the only metal in liquid form at room
3. Most of the elements are metals in solid form
4. The non-metals are in gas form
5. There are only a few metalloids along the zig-zag
6. Radioactive elements are mostly man-made
Position on the table
1, 2, 3 = lose electrons
5,6,7 = gain electrons
4 = gain or lose
8 = unresponsive
1. Ionic bonding – involves a transfer of electrons.
One atom gains and the other one loses (metal
and non-metal)
2. Covalent bonding –They share electrons, rather
than transfer. (Non-metal and non-metal), from
3. Metallic bonding: metal and metal, electrons are
able to fly off the energy levels
Dumb Criminals
• Chemical bonding – the combining of atoms of elements to
form new substances
• Ion – a charged atom (positive or negative).
• Ionization – the process of removing electrons to form ions.
• The energy needed is called ionization energy.
• Electron affinity – the tendency of an atom to attract
• Polyatomic ion – when two elements bond first covalently
then through ionic bonding
• Oxidation number – the number of electrons an atom gains
or loses, or shares in a chemical bond.
• Diatomic elements – form bonds with atoms of the same
1. Becquerel: Provided evidence of x-rays and
2. Curie: discovered Radioactive Elements,
Polonium and Radium
3. Rutherford: Produced the first artificial
1. Alpha: Nucleus of He atom, Weakest, Positive
charge, stopped by paper
2. Beta: Electron formed in the nucleus when a
neutron breaks apart, pass through 3 mm of
3. Gamma: Electromagnetic wave of high frequency
and short wave length, Strongest, Can pass
through lead
Fission and Fusion
1. Binding energy: needed for the stability of a
2. Radioactive decay: The spontaneous breakdown
of an unstable atomic nucleus
3. Decay Series: The series of steps by which a
radioactive nucleus decays into a non-radioactive
4. Alpha Decay: Occurs when a nucleus releases
an alpha particle
5. Beta Decay: Loses a beta particle causing the #
of protons to go up by 1.
6. Gamma Decay: Release of gamma ray, Nucleus
is not changed only lowered to a different energy
7. Transmutation: Where one element changes
into another as a result of changes in the
nucleus (beta decay)
8. Radioactive Half-Life: The amount of time it
takes the atoms in a given sample of an
element to decay
9. Particle accelerator uses magnets and electric
fields to speed up particles
10. Fission: Splitting of an atomic nucleus into 2
smaller nuclei of approximately equal mass, I
Break, power plants
11. Fusion: Joining of 2 atomic nuclei of smaller
mass to form a single nucleus of a larger mass,
U Make, sun and atomic bombs