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Download TERM 2 Unit 3 YR 9 SCI It is elementary
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9 SCIENCE – Term 2 Unit 3: IT’S ELEMENTARY (5 WEEKS) 1 LEARNING GOALS: In this unit students explore the historical development of understandings of atomic structure. Students model an atom according to currently accepted understandings. They will identify patterns in atomic structure that allow prediction of the products of chemical reactions and are reflected by the periodic table. They recognise that new substances are formed during a chemical reaction, and are able to list and describe the possible changes that can be observed during a chemical reaction. Students will be able to use the particle theory of matter to explain what is happening during a chemical reaction, and relate this to the Law of conservation of matter. They identify the work of selected early researchers into natural radiation and examine the concepts of isotopes and half-life. They explore practical applications of natural radiation. ………………………………………………………………………………………. S SUCCESS CRITERIA: THE STUDENT WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE FOLLOWING: Describe the structure of atoms in terms of the nucleus, protons, neutrons and electrons Describe and distinguish between chemical and nuclear reactions in terms of conservation of mass Describe and distinguish between chemical and physical changes Describe observable changes that occur during a chemical reaction Describe reactions using word equations Give examples of how radioactive elements are used in a range of applications, e.g. dating of rocks, medicine and industry ………………………………………………………………………………. Resources Queensland Science 2 Chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 2 of Science Essentials 9 Other Resources: Chapter 4 of Science World 2 Assessment Radioactive Superhero assisgnment Key Verbs INVESTIGATE (SCIENTIFIC) EXPLAIN DESCRIBE INQUIRE DESIGN Glossary: Atomic number Compounds Electrons Elements Half-life Irradiation Isotope Mass number Neutrons Nuclear fission Nuclear reactor Nucleus Plasma Protons Radioactivity Radioisotope Subatomic particles