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Part 2 - Nuclear Chemistry – Key Terms Crossword
1. The minimum mass of fissionable material in a reactor or nuclear bomb that will sustain a chain
5. A self-sustaining reaction in which the products of one reaction event stimulate further reaction
8. The tendency of some elements, such as uranium, to emit radiation as a result of changes in the
atomic nucleus.
9. The conversion of an atomic nucleus of one element into an atomic nucleus of another element
through a loss or gain in the number of protons.
10. High-energy radiation emitted by the nuclei of radioactive atoms.
11. Nuclear fusion produced by high temperature.
2. The force of interaction between all nucleons, effective only at very, very, very close distances.
3. The combination of the nuclei of light atoms to form heavier nuclei, with the release of much
4. The nucleus of a helium atom, which consists of two neutrons and two protons, ejected by certain
radioactive elements.
6. The splitting of the nucleus of a heavy atom, such as uranium-235, into two main parts,
accompanied by the release of much energy.
7. The process of estimating the age of once-living material by measuring the amount of a radioactive
isotope of carbon present in the material.
12. The time required for half the atoms in a sample of a radioactive isotope to decay.