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Derrius Hightower
Lesson Plan 2
Role Play
6th Grade
16. A.3a Describe how historians use models for organizing historical interpretation (e.g.,
biographies, political events, issues and conflicts).
16. A.3b Make inferences about historical events and eras using historical maps and other
historical sources
16. D.3 (W) Identify the origins and analyze consequences of events that have shaped
world social history including famines, migrations, plagues, slave trading
16.B.3b (W) Identify causes and effects of the decline of the Roman empire and other
major world political events (e.g., rise of the Islamic empire, rise and decline of the T’ang
dynasty, establishment of the kingdom of Ghana) between 500 CE and 1500 CE.
Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with
other information in print and digital texts.
Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an
accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.
After researching the government of the Ancient Rome students will take part in a role
play activity to get an idea on how the senate of Ancient Rome functioned.
After role playing student will write 3-5 paragraphs comparing and contrasting our
government with the government of Ancient Rome.
Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to allow students to research. This will give
students a good idea of how governments have changed over time. They will be able to
understand much easier it is to survive today compared to Ancient Roman times.
Scenario Provided:
Student will take part in a Roman senate simulation activity. They will receive a family
and have a set of goals to accomplish. Student will have the opportunity to buy, trade,
and cheat their way to the top. There will be no rules as to how the students get their
goals or plans across as long as their no actual physical contact.
Instructional process:
Students will take part in a Roman Senate role play activity.
When the students enter the room the desks should already be divided into groups
depending on the number of students. If possible 8 groups will be perfect.
The groups can be unequal however it will be better if they are equal
The teacher may select the groups or the students may self-select.
Explain that each group in the class represents a powerful patrician family in the
Roman Senate.
Each family will be given a document with that family’s goals, wishes and
enemies listed.
o Example from one family
 Deny the goals of the Marius Family
 Stabilize the growth of the Empire
 Assist the Calpurnius Family when it suits you
 Keep the Legions in Italy
 Money spent on construction projects
 Throw out the current Caesar
 Create new Senators
 Provide bread for the poor
Their goal, as a family unit, will be to see that they are on the majority of the
winning sides of the senatorial voting outcomes.
The groups will receive a number of Roman coins for use in bribing or paying off
allies for various votes.
Generally, the more restrictive the rules become with the money the less fun it is
for the students. Let them be creative
Students should have time to research before the activity starts. Allow students
20-30 minutes to research the Roman senate and how things were done reach
Explain to the students that the Romans used a variety of way so if they can come
up with something creative that works it will be allowed in the activity
Once students are done researching let the games begin
The game will be played in rounds (about 5-10 minutes each) in which the
families will be allowed to move about and try to gather enough votes to win the
next vote. If class time runs out it will continue the net day
During the rounds students will have a topic to vote on the topic can be one of the
o Expand the Senate
o Aid for the Poor/rioting because of lack of food
o Build a new Aqueduct and road
o Elect Caesar for Life
o Invade Germania
o Overthrow Caesar
o Disband the XII Legion
To have some variety and make the game more meaningful the topics could also
include things about the school or things relevant to the students
o School uniforms
o School lunch
o Video games are banned for ever
o Students have to attend school for three more years after high school
During each round allow students to the opportunity to buy, trade, and cheat their
way to the top. They will be able to:
o Purchase a Bodyguard for 1 member (cost: 10 Denari): Protects 1 member
from 1 assassination attempt that round
o Assassinate a member of a family (cost: 30 Denari): Eliminates a member
of a rival family, preventing them from voting for the current round and
the next 2 rounds
o Buy an extra vote (cost: 20 Denari): Your family has bribed another
senator and guaranteed their vote. You get one extra vote this turn.
At the end of each round the students return to their groups for a vote.
The teacher will ask for students to raise their hands for their vote and votes will
be tallied.
This will happen for every round.
Keep track of how many times each family win their side of the argument. The
family with the most victories will be crowned the leading family in Rome.
Allow times for students to talk about why they made the vote they made. This
will also allow other students to hear some of the goals from other families.
During the game walk around and ask students how this is different form our
government ask them which government they like the most.
At the end of the game when all the rounds are over bring students together and
allow them time to discuss the game.
Encourage them to compare our form of government with the Roman form of
After discussing have students write 3-5 paragraphs comparing and contrasting
our government with the government of Ancient Rome.
Debriefing/ Sharing:
1. Allow time during each round for students to discuss what they voted for and why
the voted for it.
2. At the end of the unit students will discuss our government and that of Ancient
a. Ask students
i. What doesn’t seem to work with this government system?
ii. Why might the Romans have felt that a single ruler was the
solution to their problems?
iii. Where does the power lie in a system such as this?
iv. How can we improve this simulation for the next group?
3. Students will write 3-5 paragraphs comparing and contrasting our government
with Ancient Rome.
1. Students will be evaluated as the teacher walks around the room listening to the
groups. They will be evaluated for participating.
2. Students will also be evaluated based on their paragraphs comparing our
government with Ancient Rome
a. If their paragraphs have factual compassions
b. If they have 3-5 paragraphs.
Writing portions Directions
After completing the Roman Senate activity, compare the government of Ancient Rome
with the government of the United States. Consider what you know about our
government and how we pass laws. Think about the game and how things were decided
and how people were persuaded to act a certain way. Write 3-5 paragraphs explaining
your ideas.
Roman Senate Role Play Activity
Lesson Sequence and Instructional Strategies:
The Roman Senate Simulation is a role-playing game that encapsulates a single class
period. When the students enter the room the desks should already be divided into eight
(roughly equal) groups. It is acceptable for some groups to have more members as this is
taken into account by the game.
Note: The teacher may select the groups or the students may self-select. This is a
decision based on the teacher’s experience with that particular class.
The teacher will explain that each group in the class represents a powerful patrician
family in the Roman Senate. Each family will be given a document with that family’s
goals, wishes and enemies listed. Their goal, as a family unit, will be to see that they are
on the majority of the winning sides of the senatorial voting outcomes. In addition to
their family document, the group will receive a number of Roman coins for use in bribing
or paying off allies for various votes. Generally, the more restrictive the rules become
with the money the less fun it is for the students. Let them be creative.
The game will be played in a series of rounds (about 5-10 minutes each) in which the
families will be allowed to move about and try to gather enough votes to win the next
vote. A teacher’s cheat sheet has been provided to help the instructor with the various
family objectives.
Families may NEVER vote against their document, nor may family members vote against
the majority. All family votes are unanimous.
At the end of the diplomatic period, the students return to their groups and the teacher,
acting as Senate Speaker, will call for a vote. Hands are raised and the votes tallied. A
sample of possible voting topics has been provided. All those on the winning side of the
votes get ten points. The losing side receives nothing.
Finally. At any point in the diplomatic period, a family can pay the teacher to have a
member or members of a rival family assassinated. The cost for this is listed below as are
the various protections against this tragedy. The assassinated player leaves the playing
area and sits out for two rounds. In a close vote this move can be devastating.
1. Purchase a Bodyguard for 1 member (cost: 10 Denari):
- Protects 1 member from 1 assassination attempt that round
2. Assassinate a member of a family (cost: 30 Denari):
- Eliminates a member of a rival family, preventing them from voting for the
current round and the next 2 rounds
3. Buy an extra vote (cost: 20 Denari):
- Your family has bribed another senator and guaranteed their vote. You get one
extra vote this turn.
Roman Family Teacher’s Cheat Sheet
(Class size assumes 36/class)
 Largest Size (6 members + extras)
 Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
 Deny the Claudius Family goals
 Expand the Empire
 Crush all revolts by the poor (The
lousy scum!)
 Don’t let the Senate grow in
 Average Size (5 members)
 Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
 Deny the power of the Quintius
 Money should be spent on
construction projects
 Crush the Gauls at every
 Caesar should be supported
 Disband the XII Legion
 Help the underclass (if possible)
 Small Size (4 members)
 Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
 Deny the goals of the Claudius
 Use the Army more often
 Do nothing for the poor (They do
nothing for you!)
 Small Size (4 members)
 Poor Wealth (40 Denari/round)
 Assist the Claudius family when
you can
 Keep the Legions as close to Italy as
 Caesar should be elected for ten
 Money spent on construction
 Crush all poor revolts viciously
Average Size (5 members)
Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
Deny the goals of the Marius Family
Stabilize the growth of the Empire
Assist the Calpurnius Family when
it suits you
 Keep the Legions in Italy
 Money spent on construction
 Throw out the current Caesar
 Create new Senators
 Provide bread for the poor
 Smallest Size (3 members)
 Richest Wealth (100 Denari/round)
 Balance the Power between the
Marius and Claudius Families
 Expand your power (quietly, if
 Support the XII Legion’s goals
 Keep the Legions close to Rome
 No money towards reconstruction
 No support for the poor (Never,
Never, Never!)
 Small Size (4 members)
 Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
 Deny the power of the Calpurnius
 Support Caesar’s powers
 Use the Army more to expand the
 Money should be spent on
 More bread for the poor
 Average Size (5 members)
 Average Wealth (60 Denari/round)
 Disrupt the goals of the Licinius
 Quietly, eliminate the power of the
current Caesar
Keep the legions as close to Rome
as possible
Less construction should be started
More bread for the poor
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. Your family
usually supports any votes that would help expand the boundaries of the Empire, (now that your
family is about to get in on the riches). There is also no need to create more Senators, as some
families want to do. Why divide up the treasures even more? While you have no problems with
the current Caesar, you don’t think he should be around forever. Your most hated rivals in the
Senate are the members of the Claudius family. You work diligently in the Senate to deny as
many of their goals as you can get away with.
Goals in the Senate:
Deny the Claudius Family goals
Expand the Empire
Crush all revolts by the poor (The lousy scum!)
Don’t let the Senate grow in numbers
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. The Empire
seems to be falling apart. It needs a massive rebuilding project to fix the roads, buildings and
aqueducts that are broken. Finally, it seems that there is a Caesar who can get things done and
he gets your support. Your family is still patriotic enough to want to do good deeds for the
common people, but not all people, not the Gauls. Ever since the day the Gauls killed many of
your relatives you have hated them. It was especially bitter this spring to watch the XII Legion
(the legion assigned to protect your family’s estates) march through Rome to a hero’s welcome.
Something must be done about those idiotic leaders of that legion. Your family is becoming
concerned with the growing power of the Quintius family. That family must be watched very
carefully, they may get too greedy for their own good.
Goals in the Senate: Deny the power of the Quintius Family
Money should be spent on construction projects
Crush the Gauls at every opportunity
Caesar should be supported
Disband the XII Legion
Help the underclass (if possible)
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. Your family,
though small, is trying to become a power in Rome. “The army just sits there”, you have said to
your friends. You would like to see the Roman Army used like it should. The army should be
used to defeat Rome’s enemies, expand the Empire, and protect the valuable trade routes. The
quicker and safer you can get your money back to Rome the better. Because of your attempts to
gain power, you have discovered that the Claudius family stands in your way.
Goals in the Senate: Deny the goals of the Claudius Family
Use the Army more often
Do nothing for the poor (They do nothing for you!)
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. You are a small
family without much wealth, but you think if you could only ally yourself with the Claudius
family you may see better days ahead. Because you are a small family, you would prefer to keep
the legions close to home so as to protect your meager holdings. Caesar has done some good for
your family, but you just can’t bring yourself to vote him in for life. As you walk to the Senate
each day, you thank the gods you weren’t born a filthy peasant or slave.
Goals in the Senate: Assist the Claudius family when you can
Keep the Legions as close to Italy as possible
Caesar should be elected for ten years
Money spent on construction projects
Crush all poor revolts viciously
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. You wish to see
the Empire grow at a suitable, (meaning slow) rate. The Empire is growing much too fast, the
poor are starving, there are too many slaves, the buildings of Rome are falling apart. Something
has to be done immediately. It’s obvious to you that the current Caesar is an idiot of
questionable parentage and should be tossed out. If only you could get passed your hated enemy,
the Marius family. Maybe, the Senate should create some new Senators so you can finally get
the votes you need.
Goals in the Senate: Deny the goals of the Marius Family
Stabilize the growth of the Empire
Assist the Calpurnius Family when it suits you
Keep the Legions in Italy
Money spent on construction projects
Throw out the current Caesar
Create new Senators
Provide bread for the poor
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. Your family is not
as old as the others in the Senate, and you do not yet have their complete trust. However, you do
have something that most families are lacking in… money. Your family is still trying to grow,
so you prefer to be quiet in your bargaining and deals. You do not want to attract any
unnecessary attention. To protect your growing position it would be best to keep the legions in
Italy protecting your estates. You have a close relationship with the general in charge of the XII
Legion. You would like to see him achieve great glory if possible. The worse things get for the
current government the better chance your family will rise to power, that is why you will not
support new construction and demand harsh treatment of the poor.
Goals in the Senate: Balance the Power between the Marius and Claudius Families
Expand your power (quietly, if possible)
Support the XII Legion’s goals
Keep the Legions close to Rome
No money towards reconstruction
No support for the poor (Never, Never, Never!)
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. You are among
the closest advisors to Caesar. Being close to his power has helped your family rise in stature.
But beware; there are enemies who wish to see Caesar and his allies thrown out or worse... You
are beginning to take a mistrustful glance at the Calpurnius family. Perhaps they can be taken
out. The better you can make life for the common people the more they will support Caesar.
The better life is for Caesar, the better your life.
Goals in the Senate: Deny the power of the Calpurnius family
Support Caesar’s powers
Use the Army more to expand the Empire
Money should be spent on construction
More bread for the poor
You are part of the patrician class in Rome. This means that you are member of one of Rome’s
oldest families. As a young senator it is your job to see that certain laws and acts are passed
through the Senate that would ensure the survival of the huge Roman Empire. Your family
assisted in Caesar’s rise to dictator. However, now you are having second thoughts. Having an
Emperor is still a good idea, you tell yourself. It’s just that, maybe we don’t have the right one
on the throne right now. You think it is best to get the mob (common people) on your side, so
you provide food in the riots. However, you don’t want to spend money on construction because
you want Caesar to look bad.
Goals in the Senate: Disrupt the goals of the Licinius Family
Quietly, eliminate the power of the current Caesar
Keep the legions as close to Rome as possible
Less construction should be started
More bread for the poor
Roman Senate Simulation
Possible Voting Situations
Choose up to 5 from the following list.
Expand the Senate
Aid for the Poor/rioting because of lack of food
Build a new Aqueduct and road
Elect Caesar for Life
Invade Germania
Overthrow Caesar
Disband the XII Legion
Actions groups can take:
1. Purchase a Bodyguard for 1 member (cost: 10 Denari):
- Protects 1 member from 1 assassination attempt that round
2. Assassinate a member of a family (cost: 30 Denari):
- Eliminates a member of a rival family, preventing them from voting for the current
round and the next 2 rounds
3. Buy an extra vote (cost: 20 Denari):
- Your family has bribed another senator and guaranteed their vote. You get one extra
vote this turn.