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The Republic
The Empire
The Origins of Rome
3 founding groups
 Latin shepherds
 Greek colonies
 Etruscan settlements
Excellent location
Built on the Tiber
Mid-point of Italian
Center of
Mediterranean Sea
Roman Religion
 Blending of Greek and
Roman religions
Social Organization
 Role of fathers
was important
 Role of women
was less
Patricians - upper
class, wealthy
 Plebeians - lower
class, farmers,
artisans and
Rome had a balanced government
*form of democracy called a republic
*written law code: the Twelve Tables
Election of
Aristocracy- Dictatorship
-crisis times
The plebeians made progress
toward equality.
Tribunes of the “Plebs’
– 10 elected officials to represent the plebeians
in the Senate
– Were granted veto power
Twelve tables - codified the laws
 Citizens’ Assemblies
– More democratic form of government
– All adult, Roman males could attend and vote
Punic Wars
Carthage vs. Rome
Control of trade in
Three separate wars
Rome ultimately
won but was
Lead to rise of
Julius Caesar
Military/government leader, gained popularity
and power
 Tried to save the Republic
 Made many reforms
– Grants citizenship, expands senate, creates new
jobs, starts colonies, increased pay for soldiers,
Became dictator for life, 44 B.C.E.
 People fear his growing power
 Assassinated by group of senators
 Republic collapses at his death
The Roman Empire
 1st
emperor, Octavian (Caesar’s nephew)
Ruled as Emperor Augustus for 41 years
Created a strong government
Civil service
Many problems after his death
Succession crisis
Contributions of the Roman Empire
Pax Romana: 207 years of peaceful rule
 Engineering
– Aqueducts
– Complex sewer system
– Thermal baths
– Series of highways
– Coliseum
The Rise of Christianity
Based on the teachings of Jesus
 Spread rapidly through empire
 Christians persecuted
Fall of the Roman Empire
Economic Problems - three sources of prosperity
ended (trade, plunder, farms)
Military Problems - Goths over ran legions,
soldiers fought for money not patriotism
Political Decay - officials were no longer loyal to
Social Decay - loss of loyalty for government
Weakened empire falls after Barbarian attacks
(the Huns)