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Park Walk Primary School
Year 5 Maths Passport
Parents/Carers’ Guide
The passports contain mental recall based learning and skills we expect children to achieve by the end of the
school year. Doing so will support children in accessing the next year’s mental recall learning and skills.
A copy of the passport will be kept in children’s maths books. Teachers will assess children’s progress
throughout the year. Children will self-assess their progress each term.
The aim of this document is to offer guidance for home support. Example activities are suggested as a
starting point and can be adapted.
If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance. If further guidance
or clarification is needed, you can speak to Mr Whitehead.
Count in multiples of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10, 25, 50 and 100
Examples of what children do to
show they have achieved the target
Create a sequence that goes
backwards and forwards in tens (or
another number) and includes the
number 190. Describe your sequence.
Read and write numbers to 100 000
and 1 000 000 in numerals and in
Write in figures forty thousand and
A number is partitioned like this:
4 000 000 + 200 000 + 60 000 + 300
+ 50 + 8
Write the number. Now read it to me.
Recall and use addition and
subtraction facts to 20 fluently
Write several calculations derived
from 105 + 60 = 165. The pupil can
write a variety of calculations derived
from 105 + 632 = 737.
Deduce that 120 + 370 = 490 and 402
+ 307 = 709 from 2 + 7 = 9.
Practise recalling and using
multiplication tables and related
division facts to aid fluency.
e.g. One orange costs nineteen pence.
How much will three oranges cost?
What is twenty-one multiplied by
nine? How many twos are there in
four hundred and forty?
Identify doubles and halves by
recalling their 2 multiplication table
facts and knowledge of even
Recall and use multiplication and
division facts for multiplication
tables up to 12 x 12
Recall and use doubles and halves to
10 and 20
Examples of what children can work
on once confident with the target
Spot the mistake:
What is wrong with this sequence of
True or False?
When I count in 10’s I will say the
number 10100?
Do, then explain
747014 774014 747017
774077 744444
If you wrote these numbers in order
starting with the smallest, which
number would be third?
Explain how you ordered the
Write a variety of calculations
derived from 105 + 632 = 737 and
generalise to describe further
Missing numbers
72 =
Which pairs of numbers could be
written in the boxes?
Making links Eggs are bought in
boxes of 12. I need 140 eggs; how
many boxes will I need to buy?
I think of a number, double it and add
5. The answer is 35. What was my
Use doubles and halves to find
doubles and halves of 2 digit
Recognise the place value of each
digit in a seven and six digit number
(millions, hundred thousands, ten
thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens
and ones) (revise two, three, four and
five digit numbers)
Count forwards or backwards in steps
of powers of 10 for any number up to
1 000 000
Count forwards and backwards with
positive and negative whole numbers
through zero
Read Roman numerals to 1000
(revise to 100)
Identity multiples and factors, find all
factor pairs to 12 x 12
Use the language of prime numbers,
prime factors and composite numbers
Recall prime numbers to 19, identify
if a number to 100 is a prime number
Explain what each digit represents in
whole numbers and decimals with up
to two places and partition, round and
order these numbers.
Answer problems such as
What is the value of the 7 in 3 274
A car costs more than £8600 but less
than £9100. Tick the prices that the
car might cost.
£8569 □ £9090 □ £9130 □ £8999 □
Count from any given number in
powers of 10 and decimal steps
extending beyond zero when
counting backwards; relate the
numbers to their position on a
number line.
Answer problems such as:
Write the next number in this
counting sequence: 110 000, 120 000,
130 000 …
Create a sequence that goes
backwards and forwards in tens and
includes the number 190. Describe
your sequence.
Here is part of a sequence: 30, 70,
110, □, 190, □. How can you find the
missing numbers?
Count from any given number in
whole-number extending beyond zero
when counting backwards
Do, then explain
Show the value of the digit 5 in these
350114 567432 985376
Explain how you know.
Make up an example Give further
Create six digit numbers where the
digit sum is five and the thousands
digit is two. Eg 3002000 2102000
What is the largest/smallest number?
Spot the mistake:
What is wrong with this sequence of
True or False?
When I count in 10’s I will say the
number 10100?
What comes next?
646000-10000= 636000
636000 –10000 = 626000
626000- 10000 = 616000
When counting explain
understanding by relating the
numbers to their position on a
number line
Read and write Roman numerals to
Recognise Roman numerals in their
one thousand
historical context.
Identify all the factors of a given
Always, sometimes, never?
number; for example, the factors of
Is it always, sometimes or never true
20 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20.
that multiplying a number always
Find some numbers that have a factor makes it bigger?
of 4 and a factor of 5. What do you
Is it always, sometimes or never
true that when you multiply a
My age is a multiple of 8. Next year
whole number by 9, the sum of its
my age will be a multiple of 7. How
digits is also a multiple of 9?
old am I?
Is it always, sometimes or never true
that a square number has an even
number of factors?
Recognise that numbers with only two
Always, sometimes, never?
factors are prime numbers and can
Is it always, sometimes or never
apply their knowledge of multiples and true that prime numbers are odd.
tests of divisibility to identify the prime
numbers less than 100. Explain that 73
children can only be organised as 1
group of 73 or 73 groups of 1, whereas
44 children could be organised as 1
group of 44, 2 groups of 22, 4 groups of
11, 11 groups of 4, 22 groups of 2 or 44
groups of 1. Explore the pattern of
primes on a 100-square, explaining why
there will never be a prime number in
the tenth column and the fourth
Recognise square (to 12 x 12) and
cube numbers
Say, read and write 1000ths counting
up and down (revise 100ths and
Use knowledge of multiplication
facts to derive quickly squares of
numbers to 12 × 12 and the
corresponding squares of multiples
of 10. Answer problems such as:
Tell me how to work out the area of
a piece of cardboard with dimensions
30 cm by 30 cm
Find two square numbers that total
Recognise that
0.007 is equivalent to 7⁄1000
6.305 is equivalent to 6305⁄100
0.085 + 0.015 = 0.1
0.075 + 0.025 = 0.1
0.065 + 0.035 = 0.1
Continue the pattern for the next five
number sentences.
Always, sometimes, never?
Is it always, sometimes or never true
that a square number has an even
number of factors?
What do you notice?
One tenth of £41
One hundredth of £41
One thousandth of £41
Continue the pattern
What do you notice?
True or false?
0.1 of a kilometre is 1m.
0.2 of 2 kilometres is 2m.
0.3 of 3 Kilometres is 3m
0.25 of 3m is 500cm.
2/5 of £2 is 20p
Spot the mistake
0.088, 0.089, 1.0
Read and write numbers up to 3dp
(revise 2dp)
Write these numbers in order of size,
starting with the smallest. 1.01,
1.001, 1.101, 0.11
What comes next?
1.173, 1.183, 1.193
Missing symbol
Put the correct symbol < or > in each
Count forwards and backwards using
simple fractions and decimals
Continue the sequence 1/5, 3/6, 2/8
for five more terms.
Distinguish between regular and
irregular polygons
Identify whether a polygon is regular
or irregular. Explain how they know
which it is.
Know percentage and decimal
equivalents for 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 2/5,
4/5 and x/10 or x/25
Can make links such as
1/2 is equal to 0.5 and 50%
2/5 is equal to 0.4 40%
What needs to be added to 3.63 to
give 3.13?
What needs to be added to 4.652 to
give 4.1?
Spot the mistake
Six eighths, seven eighths, eight
eighths, nine eighths, eleven eighths
… and correct it.
What comes next?
6/10, 7/10, 8/10, ….., ….
12/10, 11/10, ….., ….., …..
Other possibilities
A rectangular field has a perimeter
between 14 and 20 metres .
What could its dimensions be?
Can use understanding of equivalents
to solve problems.