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National 5 Cell Biology
Genetic Engineering
We are learning to:
• State what is meant by genetic engineering
• Identify the order of the stages of genetic
• Describe the stages of genetic engineering
• Give examples of uses of genetic engineering
What I'm looking for:
• A sentence describing genetic engineering
• Labelled diagram showing the stages involved
in genetic engineering
• Description of what happens at each stage of
genetic engineering
• 2 examples of a medicine produced using this
Psst! Hey kid! Wanna be a superbug?
Stick some of this in your genome…. Even
penicillin wont be able to harm you!
It was on a short-cut through the hospital kitchens that
Albert was first approached by a member of the
Antibiotic Resistance
Changing the genetic code
Bacteria are often genetically engineered to produce useful
chemicals because their DNA is loose in the cytoplasm,
making it easy to modify. They also grow and replicate quickly.
loose strand
of main DNA
– small ring of
additional DNA
A new gene can be inserted into the plasmid and the
bacteria then produce the protein for which the gene codes.
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Using viruses
A virus cannot read its own genes but it can make a host cell
copy them and make the proteins.
This virus is a bacteriophage.
It infects bacteria by injecting its
genetic material down a special tube.
Why are viruses useful in genetic
injection tube
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Producing insulin with bacteria
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Human cell
Bacterial cell
Gene is located on the human chromosome
Gene is removed from the chromosome using
Plasmid removed from bacterial cell and cut
Gene is inserted into plasmid
Plasmid is inserted into bacterial cell to create
a GM organism
Bacterial cells multiply and produce product
I can:
• State what is meant by genetic engineering
• Identify the order of the stages of genetic
• Describe the stages of genetic engineering
• Give examples of uses of genetic engineering