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AP Biology Review by Chapter importance
Chapter 1: Basic intro – skim it
Chapter 2: Chemical context of Life:
Know the four elements that make up 90% of living matter, know S and P also very
important – Be able to link these to the macromolecules – how do these elements interact
in macromolecules to give them form and function
How do van der Vaals forces allow some organisms to interact with their environment
Chapter 3: Water:
Know importance of hydrogen bonding in macromolecules.
Know cohesion, adhesion, transpiration, specific heat, heat of vaporization, density of ice,
hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions – be able to connect these terms to how
molecules interact with each other, how organisms regulate materials (especially water) in
their cells and bodies, how materials pass through cell membranes, how organisms handle
excess heat in their bodies
Chapter 4: Carbon
Be able to connect interactions of carbon based molecules and functional groups to the
form and function of macromolecules and ultimately to form and function of the organism
Chapter 5: Macromolecules ***** especially protein structure – relate FORM and FUNCTION
Know the structure and function of all of the macromolecules. Know the ratio of C, H, and O
in the macromolecules. How do the macromolecules interact within cells?
Know storage polysaccharides: starch in plants; glycogen in animals (shows us evolutionarily
we have been separate a long time); structural polysaccharides: cellulose makes up cell
walls of plants, chitin makes up cell walls of fungi, peptidoglycan makes up cell walls of
bacteria – cell wall structure is a shared, derived characteristic for each of these groups
Know the structure of phospholipids and their use in membranes
Know the major functions of all of the macromolecules – relate it to how they interact in the
body and the organism’s survival
Know the levels of protein structure – what interactions lead to each level of structure? How
do each of the levels of structure affect the function of the protein??
Know differences between DNA and RNA what is the importance of these differences? How
do they interact in the body? How can these interacts lead to evolutionary change?
Chapter 6: A tour of the cell
-Know the functions of the cell organelles. How do these affect cell function? In multicellular
animals, the proportions of these organelles in different cell lines have a major impact on the
function of the cell. Think of examples where that is the case ******
- Know the intercellular junctions – how do they affect cell to cell communication? How are they
different in plants and animals? Why?
Chapter 7: Membrane Structure **
-know how membrane structure affects its function. What are the many ways that materials can
pass through the membrane? How do macromolecular interactions affect that transport? What
are the different types of membrane proteins? How do they affect membrane structure?
-Know how concentration gradients affect movement of materials across a membrane. Know
isotonic, hypotonic and hypertonic and how they describe how water will move. Know how
these concepts connect to how organisms interact with their environment
Chapter 8: Metabolism
Know how free energy affects chemical reactions
How do enzymes work? Use structure and function terms – relate back to four levels of
protein structure
Know the importance of cofactors and competitive and non competitive inhibitors
Chapter 9: Cellular Respiration **
Happens in all organisms! Know the WHOLE process especially the electron transport chain.
Relate it to importance of energy balance and nutrient cycles
Chapter 10: Photosynthesis **
Happens in plants and photosynthetic bacteria and protozoa
Know the WHOLE process. What are variations on the process in different environments and
why (C3,C4, CAM)
What molecules are the same as those in cellular respiration? What are different? WHY?
Chapter 11: Cell Communication *******
Know all of it especially as it relates to control of gene expression and apoptosis
Chapter 12: Cell Cycle
-Know how the parts of the cell interact in mitosis and meiosis
- Relate mitosis and meiosis to evolutionary change
Chapter 13: Meiosis
See above comments
Relate meiosis to evolutionary change and the passing of genetic material
Chapter 14: Mendel
-know genetic basics – how to do mono and dihybrid crosses, how to use probability to figure
out more complicated crosses
- Know complex inheritance patterns and examples of human genetic disorders and their causes
Chapter 15: Chromosomal basis of inheritance
Understand how chromosomes interact to form the individual includingsex linked genes,
linked genes, methylation, barr bodies, crossing over
Know how chromosomal changes can lead to genetic disorder and/or evolutionary change
Have some human examples you can use
Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance ****
The scientists and their experiments in this chapter
Know ALL of DNA structure and replication – relate it to passing genetic material and
How do interactions of molecules affect the structure and function of DNA
How does the structure of a chromosome affect its function? Relate to gene expression **
Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein *****
Know ALL of transcription and translation!! Where does processing occur? How do
prokaryotes and eukaryotes differ? How does translation and mistakes in translation relate
to the four levels of protein structure? How does that affect protein function??**
Chapter 18: Regulation of gene expression *****
Know the different levels of control of gene expression and what can happen in each.
Operons – in PROKARYOTES – how does it work?
EUKARYOTES have multiple chromosomes so NO operon. How do they get multiple genes
read at same time???***
Relate control of gene expression to cancer
Chapter 19: Viruses
Differences between lytic and lysogenic cycles – what do they mean for the virus? Host?
Evolution of virus/host systems?
Importance of retroviruses especially in regards to co-evolution between virus and host use
HIV as an example
Viroids and prions – what are they? How does their interaction change organisms?
Chapter 20: DNA Technology and genomes
Know PCR
How does transformation work? How do we know it worked? Think back to the lab
Know gel electrophoresis and its importance
Chapter 21: Genes and evolution
Relate genetic changes to evolutionary changes ***
Chapter 22: Darwin
-read in review book and know those details
Chapter 23: Evolution of Populations ***
-Natural selection, genetic drift, fitness, types of selection, heterozygote advantage – know all of
these and their importance and differences
-Know WHY natural selection can NOT creat perfect organisms
Relate it all back to the genetics chapters!!!
Chapter 24: Origin of Species ***
Ways organisms can become reproductively isolated and how that affects speciation,
sympatric and allopatric speciation – relate to environmental interactions
INDIVIDUALS do NOT evolve!!!!!!! Only POPULATIONS evolve!!
Chapter 25: History of Life on Earth
Know the basics and basic reasons for the five mass extinctions
Miller/Urey and Oparin/ Haldane
How might life have evolved on Earth? How did it radiate over the whole Earth?
ENDOSYMBIOSIS – what is it?? Relate back to cell structure and function within the cell and
for the organisms – what did it mean for the development of multicellularity?
Chapter 26: **Evolution and history of biodiversity
Understand how to draw and interpret phylogenetic trees and cladograms
Chapter 27- 39: Survey of the Kingdoms and Plant form and function
Skim through the review book
Pay attention to Chapter 35 – relate to water and photosynthesis – how do plants regulate
water and materials ion their bodies?
Chapter 40: Animal Form
Use review book
Chapter 41: nutrition – skim review boon
Chapter 42 **Gas Exchange
understand basics of gas exchange relate to cell membrane structure and function as well as
surface area to volume ratio
Chapter 43 Immune System **
use review book
be sure to relate to cell communication
Chapter 44: Osmoregulation and Excretion *******
relate to plant regulation of water, relate to properties of water, relate to environmental
change and evolution!!
Chapter 45: Hormones ***
relate to cell communication, relate to gene expression, relate to gene control in
EUKARYOTIC organisms, relate to feedback mechanisms!
Chapter 46: Animal Reproduction
skim in review book
Chapter 47: Animal Development
relater to evolutionary change and stem cells
Chapter 48:Neurons *****
know ALL of it! Relate to hormones and cell-cell communication
Chapter 49:Nervous systems **
know major evolutionary differences
Chapter 50: Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
skim through review book and remind yourself of the basics
Chapter 51:Animal behavior:
-Read review book
Chapter 52-55 Ecology
focus on how organisms interact, what does it mean for heredity? What does it mena for
Review major biomes and organism adaptations
Focus on community ecology more ***
Know ALL of your biogeochemical cycles ESPECIALLY Nitrogen!!