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World Meteorological Organization
RA IV-17/Doc. 4.2(1)
Submitted by:
Seventeenth Session
San José, Costa Rica, 27 to 31 March 2017
Adopt draft Decision 4.2(1)/1 — WMO support to implementation of the Paris Agreement.
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RA IV-17/Doc. 4.2(1), DRAFT 2, p. 2
Draft Decision 4.2(1)/1 (RA IV-17)
Resolution 9 (Cg-17) - Identifiers for cataloguing extreme weather, water and climate
Resolution 23 (Cg-17) – Pre-operational phase of the WMO Integrated Global
Observing System,
Resolution 39 (Cg-17) - Global Climate Observing System,
Resolution 46 (Cg-17) - Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System,
Resolution 63 (Cg-17) - Energy as an additional priority area of the Global Framework
for Climate Services,
Resolution 64 (Cg-17) - Development of a results-based framework for WMO support
to the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services,
Resolution 1 (EC-68) – WMO support to the Paris Agreement,
Recalling also that the Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016, and that the
twenty-second session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP 22) held in conjunction with the twelfth session of
the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving
as the Meeting of the Paris Agreement (CMA 1), was held in Marrakech, Morocco from
7-18 November 2016,
Recalling further that COP 22 adopted Decision 19/CP.22 entitled “Implementation of the
Global Observing System for Climate”,
Noting the text of the Paris Agreement, in particular with respect to:
Recognizing the need for an effective and progressive response to the urgent threat of
climate change on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge,
Parties should strengthen their cooperation on enhancing action on adaptation, taking
into account the Cancun Adaptation Framework, particularly item (c) paragraph 7 of
Article 7, “Strengthening scientific knowledge on climate, including research,
systematic observation of the climate system and early warning systems, in a manner
that informs climate services and supports decision-making”,
Observes that:
Enhanced observation of Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) may be critical for the
global stocktake, since the climate data records based on ECVs are used to close
budgets of energy, carbon and water and to study changes in the growth rate of the
RA IV-17/Doc. 4.2(1), DRAFT 2, p. 3
atmospheric composition of greenhouse gases (GHGs), or interaction between land
and atmosphere, in a more integrated way;
The Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS) could promote the
success of post-COP 21 actions of nations, sub-national governments including cities,
and the private sector to reduce climate-disrupting GHG emissions through a sound
scientific, measurement-and-modelling-based approach;
The support of climate services to the energy, water, public health, transport and
industry, agriculture and land use sectors can play a vital role in reaching a lowcarbon and climate-resilient economy through the Global Framework for Climate
The forty-fifth session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice
(SBSTA-45) held in November 2016 welcomed the submissions from WMO: The Global
Climate in 2011–2015 and the WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, and invited WMO to
provide submissions on the state of the global climate on a regular basis, as
appropriate, at subsequent sessions of the SBSTA;
Invites Members of the Association:
To work at a national level to promote the full engagement of NMHSs as critical actors
in understanding extreme events, advancing adaptation programmes, mitigation, and
other areas that fall within the competency of their respective Services, and to
contribute to GHG monitoring systems and other observing systems;
To engage at a national level, as appropriate, in the design and implementation of
projects submitted to the Green Climate Fund, through National Designated
Authorities (NDAs), and in the process of developing and implementing National
Adaptation Plans (NAPs), and in generating relevant climate information and services,
particularly through implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services;
To engage in or, where necessary, establish institutional frameworks for climate
services at national level that will serve as key coordination mechanisms to bring
together stakeholders needed for the successful generation, tailoring, communication
and use of climate services for enhanced decision-making;
To promote the value and relevance of scientific information and data in global
stocktaking for the Paris Agreement through national delegations participating at COP
To actively participate in major UNFCCC meetings, such as COPs, SBSTA, and the
Subsidiary Body for Implementation, including the participation of directors of NMHSs
as Members of country delegations;
To work towards the full implementation of the Global Climate Observing System
implementation plan and to consider what actions they can take to contribute towards
its implementation;
To encourage active contributions by scientists to the body of knowledge for the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the impacts of global
warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas
emission pathways, expected to be published in September 2018;
Requests the Secretary-General:
RA IV-17/Doc. 4.2(1), DRAFT 2, p. 4
To include information on high-level climate policy issues at all relevant events for
NMHS directors, to enhance their access to information on the role of NMHSs in
contributing to the high-level climate policy agenda and implementation of the Paris
To continue communicating to Members through Ministries of Foreign Affairs to
sensitize them on the need to invite NMHSs to contribute to periodic updates on
adaptation communication, referenced in the Paris Agreement, Article 7,
paragraphs 10 and 11, as appropriate;
To continue communicating with Members through Ministries of Foreign Affairs to
encourage involvement of NMHSs in national COP delegations.