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Define the following
1. Fault- a fracture in the Earth where movement has occurred
2. Epicenter- the place on the surface directly above the focus
3. Focus – the source of an earthquake under the earth
4. Elastic Rebound – causes earthquakes, stress relieved and earth bounces back where
there is not any stress.
5. Aftershock – adjustments of materials that follow a major earthquake
6. P waves – first waves – move longitudinally- fastest
7. S waves – secondary waves – waves travel through solids only
8. Surface Waves – most destructive waves
9. Richter Scale – scale measuring magnitude of the amplitude of the largest seismic waves
10. Intensity ( Mercalli)- scale that measures intensity ( how much damage)
11. Seismograph – records seismic waves – determines the strength of an earthquake
12. Liquefaction – unconsolidated sediments are saturated with water- earthquakes turn
table soil into fluid through this process.
13. Landslide – violent shaking can cause soil and rock on slopes to fail and cause this
14. Crust – thin rocky outer layer of earth
15. Core – center of the earth made of iron and nickel
16. Pangaea – name of earth when it was a supercontinent
17. Divergent Boundary-where new oceanic crust is found , plates move apart
18. Convergent Boundary – 2 plates move together; plates are destroyed at this type of
19. Transform Fault Boundary – plates grind past early other without destroying or
producing lithosphere.
20. Convection Currents (uneven distribution of heat) – thermal convection that drives
plate movement
21. Pyroclastic materials – particles produced in volcanic eruptions
22. Caldera – top bowl shaped structure on top of volcano
23. Cinder Cone – type of volcano built almost entirely of ejected lava fragments
24. Shield Cone – broad dome shaped volcanoes in Hawaii
25. Composite Cone – volcanoes has layers of lava and pyroclastic deposits “most explosive
26. Ring of Fire – place where most of the active volcanoes are located
27. What pieces of evidence did Wegener use to support his continental drift hypothesis?
28. Why was the continental drift hypothesis not accepted for a long time?
29. How fast do the lithospheric plates move per year in cm?
30. Describe the age of the seafloor as you move outward from a mid-ocean ridge. Gets
31. Rock Cycle – name the 3 types of rocks that are recycled throughout time.
igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
32.Igneous Rock – Rock which is molten magma and cools
33. Metamorphic Rock – type of rock from high pressure and high temps
34. Sedimentary Rock – rock formed from compaction and cementation
35. What type of rock is formed from sediment- sedimentary
36. During an Earthquake the ground surfaces moves in what direction? ALL
37. Major fault line in San Francisco. – San Andreas
38. Continenal Drift – hypothesis that states the continents were once joined.
39. Evidence that supports Wegeners hypothesis : Fossils on different continents
40. Lithosphereic plates move how fast/year in cm. 5 cm/yr
41. How does the age of sea floor change as it moves away from ocean ridge? Gets older
42. Most explosive volcano – composite
43. Magma forms when solid rocks do this. -- melts
44. These type of volcanoes form islands. --- shield
45. The amount of shaking at a given location produced by earthquakes - intensity
46. What is the amount of increase from a 5.4 eq to a 6.4 eq. 10 times
47. Which layer of the earth would s waves not travel through. Outer core, lower mantle