Multiscale seismic reflectivity of shallow thermoclines
... Armorican Shelf, west of France (Fig. 1a1). This previous work, however, should deserve additional investigations as three months later, another cruise performed on the same shelf, at less than 200 km distance and using the same seismic device, failed to observe the same water mass structure [Thomas ...
... Armorican Shelf, west of France (Fig. 1a1). This previous work, however, should deserve additional investigations as three months later, another cruise performed on the same shelf, at less than 200 km distance and using the same seismic device, failed to observe the same water mass structure [Thomas ...
Synthesis of Existing Structural Data for the Auckland Volcanic Field
... many published articles and unpublished theses. There are over 70 unpublished theses lodged in the library of Auckland University alone, which describe studies within or close to, the AVF, and whilst few of them have the structural geology as their main focus, most have some structural information w ...
... many published articles and unpublished theses. There are over 70 unpublished theses lodged in the library of Auckland University alone, which describe studies within or close to, the AVF, and whilst few of them have the structural geology as their main focus, most have some structural information w ...
Seimic analysis of Carboniferous rift basin and Triassic growth
... Trough in Sassenfjorden-Tempelfjorden and from Reindalen, focus on the rift infill with associated wedge and lenticular shaped depocenter geometries. The two fundamental geometries are identified by either variable fault truncation of the wedge-shaped basin fill (fault onlap relationship) or fault-t ...
... Trough in Sassenfjorden-Tempelfjorden and from Reindalen, focus on the rift infill with associated wedge and lenticular shaped depocenter geometries. The two fundamental geometries are identified by either variable fault truncation of the wedge-shaped basin fill (fault onlap relationship) or fault-t ...
Structure and Serpentinization of the Subducting Cocos Plate
... flexural bending of downgoing plates near deep sea trenches. Analyses of bathymetry and gravity profiles show that bending stresses can exceed the strength of the oceanic lithosphere, causing a reduction of the flexural rigidity near convergent plate boundaries [Caldwell et al., 1976]. Compression i ...
... flexural bending of downgoing plates near deep sea trenches. Analyses of bathymetry and gravity profiles show that bending stresses can exceed the strength of the oceanic lithosphere, causing a reduction of the flexural rigidity near convergent plate boundaries [Caldwell et al., 1976]. Compression i ...
The origin of metamorphic core complexes and detachment faults
... seismological evidence for active large-area, low-angle (i.e. less than 30° dip), crustal-scale normal faults in these extending terranes (Jackson 1987). In the period preceding the largest earthquakes, there must be a gradual build up in the level of deviatoric stress in the crust. Above the diffus ...
... seismological evidence for active large-area, low-angle (i.e. less than 30° dip), crustal-scale normal faults in these extending terranes (Jackson 1987). In the period preceding the largest earthquakes, there must be a gradual build up in the level of deviatoric stress in the crust. Above the diffus ...
Part of a stretching transform fault system
... Alborán Sea basin (LeBlanc and Olivier, 1984; De Larouzière et al., 1988; Grácia et al., 2006), where it is one of a group of perhaps linked faults that has been termed the trans-Alborán shear zone, extending into north Africa as the Nekor and Jebha faults. The great length of this complex of strike ...
... Alborán Sea basin (LeBlanc and Olivier, 1984; De Larouzière et al., 1988; Grácia et al., 2006), where it is one of a group of perhaps linked faults that has been termed the trans-Alborán shear zone, extending into north Africa as the Nekor and Jebha faults. The great length of this complex of strike ...
imaging the upper mantle beneath turkey and surrounding regions
... observed in the Cyprian Arc region. Pn anisotropy in western Anatolia, Aegean Sea and Greece correlate well with the present state of tectonic deformation and GPS velocities. The Dinarides-Hellenides exhibit arc-parallel anisotropy. In Western Anatolia, anisotropy is aligned in N-S direction along t ...
... observed in the Cyprian Arc region. Pn anisotropy in western Anatolia, Aegean Sea and Greece correlate well with the present state of tectonic deformation and GPS velocities. The Dinarides-Hellenides exhibit arc-parallel anisotropy. In Western Anatolia, anisotropy is aligned in N-S direction along t ...
Mica, deformation fabrics and the seismic properties of the
... The conventional displays for CPO and seismic properties are in a reference frame of the strain geometry (i.e. XYZ), with foliation (XY plane) vertical and E–W, and lineation E–W and horizontal. This convention allows the microstructure to be directly linked to the deformation kinematics, assuming t ...
... The conventional displays for CPO and seismic properties are in a reference frame of the strain geometry (i.e. XYZ), with foliation (XY plane) vertical and E–W, and lineation E–W and horizontal. This convention allows the microstructure to be directly linked to the deformation kinematics, assuming t ...
Crustal thickening in Gansu-Qinghai, lithospheric mantle subduction
... adjacent ranges, a result of tectonically forced internal drainage, have thus been essential relief-smoothing factors, yielding the outstandingly flat topography that makes Tibet a plateau. Using Late-Mesozoic and Neogene horizons as markers, the retrodeformation of sections across the West Qilian R ...
... adjacent ranges, a result of tectonically forced internal drainage, have thus been essential relief-smoothing factors, yielding the outstandingly flat topography that makes Tibet a plateau. Using Late-Mesozoic and Neogene horizons as markers, the retrodeformation of sections across the West Qilian R ...
Cenozoic geology of the Yerington district, Nevada, and implications
... steeply westward, making them steep reverse faults at these localities (Fig. 6). The east-side-down west-dipping reverse fault in the McConnell mine (Knopf, 1918, Fig. 4), may be part of such a fault. Some gently east-dipping normal faults are so nearly horizontal that they locally dip gently westwa ...
... steeply westward, making them steep reverse faults at these localities (Fig. 6). The east-side-down west-dipping reverse fault in the McConnell mine (Knopf, 1918, Fig. 4), may be part of such a fault. Some gently east-dipping normal faults are so nearly horizontal that they locally dip gently westwa ...
Field Guide to the Punchbowl Fault Zone at Devil`s Punchbowl Los
... metamorphic basement complex are juxtaposed. Structures at all scales record the localization of fault displacement not only to the ultracataclasite layer, but to discrete slip surfaces within the layer as well. A walk through the Devil's Punchbowl park along the Burkhart Trail provides the opportun ...
... metamorphic basement complex are juxtaposed. Structures at all scales record the localization of fault displacement not only to the ultracataclasite layer, but to discrete slip surfaces within the layer as well. A walk through the Devil's Punchbowl park along the Burkhart Trail provides the opportun ...
Exploring the seismic expression of fault zones in 3D
... (Khaidukov et al., 2004). Consequently this imposes a limit on the resolution of recorded backscattered waves: below the Rayleigh limit (Moser and Howard, 2008; Gelius and Asgedom, 2011) no definite answers can be given as to location, dip, and curvature of a discontinuity, nor its topological proper ...
... (Khaidukov et al., 2004). Consequently this imposes a limit on the resolution of recorded backscattered waves: below the Rayleigh limit (Moser and Howard, 2008; Gelius and Asgedom, 2011) no definite answers can be given as to location, dip, and curvature of a discontinuity, nor its topological proper ...
Normal faulting in the upper plate of a metamorphic core complex
... the surface and placed in direct contact with brittlely fauled rocks are not clear. In addition, rock fracture theory and modern earthquakes in extensional tectonic settings indicate that motion along low-angle faults like the detachment faults of metamorphic ...
... the surface and placed in direct contact with brittlely fauled rocks are not clear. In addition, rock fracture theory and modern earthquakes in extensional tectonic settings indicate that motion along low-angle faults like the detachment faults of metamorphic ...
Supracrustal faults of the St. Lawrence rift system, Québec
... (Gibbs, 1984). At the scale of the continental crust, rifted margins are commonly characterized by major detachment faults, which separate upper crustal rocks showing steeply dipping brittle faults from middle crustal rocks in which shallow dipping mylonite zones are predominant (see Lister et al., ...
... (Gibbs, 1984). At the scale of the continental crust, rifted margins are commonly characterized by major detachment faults, which separate upper crustal rocks showing steeply dipping brittle faults from middle crustal rocks in which shallow dipping mylonite zones are predominant (see Lister et al., ...
... Mechanisms for both of these phenomena are geologically reasonable and relatively intuitive. At elevated pore pressures, effective stress is reduced and the frictional failure criterion is met for a wider range of fault planes (Figure 2a). In laboratory studies, synthetic fault gouge containing expa ...
... Mechanisms for both of these phenomena are geologically reasonable and relatively intuitive. At elevated pore pressures, effective stress is reduced and the frictional failure criterion is met for a wider range of fault planes (Figure 2a). In laboratory studies, synthetic fault gouge containing expa ...
Landslides in Eastern Honshu Induced by the 2011 Off the Pacific
... The Mw 9.0 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake struck Japan on 11 March 2011 at 05:46 UTC (14:46 local time; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], 2011; see Data and Resources). The earthquake’s rupture zone was situated northeast of Tokyo within a highly active subduction trench that has gener ...
... The Mw 9.0 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake struck Japan on 11 March 2011 at 05:46 UTC (14:46 local time; U.S. Geological Survey [USGS], 2011; see Data and Resources). The earthquake’s rupture zone was situated northeast of Tokyo within a highly active subduction trench that has gener ...
Magnetotelluric Studies at the San Andreas Fault Zone: Implications
... North Anatolian fault zone in Turkey as comparative cases. ...
... North Anatolian fault zone in Turkey as comparative cases. ...
... which axial plane is vertical and both limbs have the same amount of dip, whereas an asymmetrical fold is one in which axial plane is inclined and has limbs with different dip. Overturned fold or overfold is a fold in which the axial plane is inclined and one of the limbs has turned more than 90°. O ...
... which axial plane is vertical and both limbs have the same amount of dip, whereas an asymmetrical fold is one in which axial plane is inclined and has limbs with different dip. Overturned fold or overfold is a fold in which the axial plane is inclined and one of the limbs has turned more than 90°. O ...
... 5) Along oblique-slip faults, both blocks have horizontal and vertical components of movement. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 ...
... 5) Along oblique-slip faults, both blocks have horizontal and vertical components of movement. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 ...
Constructing new seismograms from old earthquakes: Retrospective
... receiver can be estimated from seismograms recorded on an array of other receivers (herein referred to as a backbone array) from a set of other sources. This has led to the development of new algorithms for imaging [Halliday and Curtis, 2010; Vasconcelos et al., 2010; Poliannikov, 2011; Poliannikov ...
... receiver can be estimated from seismograms recorded on an array of other receivers (herein referred to as a backbone array) from a set of other sources. This has led to the development of new algorithms for imaging [Halliday and Curtis, 2010; Vasconcelos et al., 2010; Poliannikov, 2011; Poliannikov ...
Special Report 142, 1980. Geology and Slope Stability in Selected
... Description of rock units in parts of The Geysers GRA underlain by Franciscan terrain ...................................................... 36 Factors and processes affecting landslide potential ........................................................................................................ ...
... Description of rock units in parts of The Geysers GRA underlain by Franciscan terrain ...................................................... 36 Factors and processes affecting landslide potential ........................................................................................................ ...
Tijeras-Canoncito fault system - New Mexico Geological Society
... subsequent section, this fold is the product of successive periods of deformation, and the faults have recurrent movement. Three dominant faults and many subsidiary ones affect the graben. From west to east, these are the Apache Canyon, Galisteo Creek and Glorieta Mesa boundary faults of Booth (1976 ...
... subsequent section, this fold is the product of successive periods of deformation, and the faults have recurrent movement. Three dominant faults and many subsidiary ones affect the graben. From west to east, these are the Apache Canyon, Galisteo Creek and Glorieta Mesa boundary faults of Booth (1976 ...
subduction to strike-slip transitions on plate boundaries
... • In the late Miocene there was a broad forearc basin in southern North Island perhaps similar to that in present-day Sumatra (Cashman et al., 1992; Kelsey et al., 1995). • Beginning in the early Pliocene (and perhaps earlier in the region of the present-day coastal ranges) there was broad regional ...
... • In the late Miocene there was a broad forearc basin in southern North Island perhaps similar to that in present-day Sumatra (Cashman et al., 1992; Kelsey et al., 1995). • Beginning in the early Pliocene (and perhaps earlier in the region of the present-day coastal ranges) there was broad regional ...
Plate Tectonics Jeopardy
... Elastic deformation/rebound, stress building up along faults and plate boundaries as plates move around. 300 pts. ...
... Elastic deformation/rebound, stress building up along faults and plate boundaries as plates move around. 300 pts. ...
Crossing Conjugate Normal Faults and Hydrocarbon Accumulation
... Conjugate normal faults are two sets of steeply dipping normal faults having parallel strikes but opposite dips, which are co mmonly developed in regions of extensional setting. Intersecting and crossing conjugate normal faults can produce the characteristic of simple and complex Xpattern faults sys ...
... Conjugate normal faults are two sets of steeply dipping normal faults having parallel strikes but opposite dips, which are co mmonly developed in regions of extensional setting. Intersecting and crossing conjugate normal faults can produce the characteristic of simple and complex Xpattern faults sys ...

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the perceptible shaking of the surface of the Earth, which can be violent enough to destroy major buildings and kill thousands of people. The severity of the shaking can range from barely felt to violent enough to toss people around. Earthquakes have destroyed whole cities. They result from the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time.Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers. The moment magnitude is the most common scale on which earthquakes larger than approximately 5 are reported for the entire globe. The more numerous earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5 reported by national seismological observatories are measured mostly on the local magnitude scale, also referred to as the Richter magnitude scale. These two scales are numerically similar over their range of validity. Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost imperceptible or weak and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over larger areas, depending on their depth. The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude slightly over 9, although there is no limit to the possible magnitude. The most recent large earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or larger was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of March 2014), and it was the largest Japanese earthquake since records began. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale. The shallower an earthquake, the more damage to structures it causes, all else being equal.At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides, and occasionally volcanic activity.In its most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event — whether natural or caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.