Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets - U
... topography, gravitational field, geodynamo, climate system, cycles of glaciation, biological evolution, and formation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources. It is the primary mechanism for the transport of heat from the Earth’s deep interior to its surface. Mantle convection is the fundamental cause o ...
... topography, gravitational field, geodynamo, climate system, cycles of glaciation, biological evolution, and formation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources. It is the primary mechanism for the transport of heat from the Earth’s deep interior to its surface. Mantle convection is the fundamental cause o ...
ARTICLE IN PRESS - Do plumes exist?
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
Subduction kinematics and dynamic constraints
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
Subduction kinematics and dynamic constraints
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
... The kinematics of subduction zones shows a variety of settings that can provide clues for dynamic understandings. Two reference frames are used here to describe the simple 2D kinematics of subduction zones. In the first, the upper plate is assumed fixed, whereas in the second frame upper and lower p ...
Seamounts – characteristics, formation, mineral deposits and
... seamounts had been discovered, several hundred, surveyed to establish their shape and about 50, dredged (Menard, 1964). Volcanic activity was more intense in the geological past due to plate reorganisation. This is attested by the seamount abundance of the Pacific Ocean that indicates an increase in ...
... seamounts had been discovered, several hundred, surveyed to establish their shape and about 50, dredged (Menard, 1964). Volcanic activity was more intense in the geological past due to plate reorganisation. This is attested by the seamount abundance of the Pacific Ocean that indicates an increase in ...
Alps vs. Apennines - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
... The crust of the Adriatic plate is mainly Panafrican (Precambrian), although overprinted by Paleozoic and minor Mesozoic tectonometamorphic events (e.g., Vai et al., 1984; Vai, 2001 and references therein). The Italian basement recorded a possible Caledonian subduction of oceanic crust, with Ordovic ...
... The crust of the Adriatic plate is mainly Panafrican (Precambrian), although overprinted by Paleozoic and minor Mesozoic tectonometamorphic events (e.g., Vai et al., 1984; Vai, 2001 and references therein). The Italian basement recorded a possible Caledonian subduction of oceanic crust, with Ordovic ...
... compositions of the adjacent arcs: the Kermadec arc trenchward of the Havre Trough, and the Tofua arc volcano Ata trenchward of the Valu Fa Ridge (included in the Kermadec Group in Figure 2b), have Pacific signatures. The central and northern parts of the Tonga arc, trenchward of the central and nor ...
... compositions of the adjacent arcs: the Kermadec arc trenchward of the Havre Trough, and the Tofua arc volcano Ata trenchward of the Valu Fa Ridge (included in the Kermadec Group in Figure 2b), have Pacific signatures. The central and northern parts of the Tonga arc, trenchward of the central and nor ...
The role of frictional strength on plate coupling at the subduction
... moment, which will also facilitate subduction. Seismological evidence for fracturation and weakening by serpentinization in the bending downgoing plate exists along several convergent margins [e.g., Van Avendonk et al., 2011]. Using a numerical model of subduction, Faccenda et al. [2009] also showed ...
... moment, which will also facilitate subduction. Seismological evidence for fracturation and weakening by serpentinization in the bending downgoing plate exists along several convergent margins [e.g., Van Avendonk et al., 2011]. Using a numerical model of subduction, Faccenda et al. [2009] also showed ...
Orogens and slabs vs. their direction of subduction
... to the subduction induced mantle flow and the pressure exerted by the asthenospheric motion relative to the lithosphere. The authors consider the slab as a thin elastic plate of finite length embedded at its initial point of immersion in the asthenospheric mantle. W-directed slabs subduct with large ...
... to the subduction induced mantle flow and the pressure exerted by the asthenospheric motion relative to the lithosphere. The authors consider the slab as a thin elastic plate of finite length embedded at its initial point of immersion in the asthenospheric mantle. W-directed slabs subduct with large ...
Volledig proefschrift
... of the lithospheric plates, predominantly as the result of plume activity. Plate tectonics is therefore regarded as an effective and essential mechanism that contributes significantly in cooling the Earth at present-day. In this mechanism, oceanic plates are formed at the mid-ocean ridge (MOR), spre ...
... of the lithospheric plates, predominantly as the result of plume activity. Plate tectonics is therefore regarded as an effective and essential mechanism that contributes significantly in cooling the Earth at present-day. In this mechanism, oceanic plates are formed at the mid-ocean ridge (MOR), spre ...
Simple Kinematics of Subduction Zones
... Relative to the mantle, the W-directed slab hinges are fixed, whereas they move west or southwest along E- or NE-directed subduction zones. The single vergent accretionary prism related to W-directed subduction zones is formed at the expenses of the shallow layers of the lower plate. The orogens gen ...
... Relative to the mantle, the W-directed slab hinges are fixed, whereas they move west or southwest along E- or NE-directed subduction zones. The single vergent accretionary prism related to W-directed subduction zones is formed at the expenses of the shallow layers of the lower plate. The orogens gen ...
An Application for European Geopark Status for the Aspiring Bakony
... deep, rocky valleys have been incised into its rim. The Bakony is divided into a northern and a southern part by the Veszprém–Devecser trough. The international main road E66 runs in this tectonic depression of an altitude of 200–300 m; this territory is mainly under agricultural use. The two highes ...
... deep, rocky valleys have been incised into its rim. The Bakony is divided into a northern and a southern part by the Veszprém–Devecser trough. The international main road E66 runs in this tectonic depression of an altitude of 200–300 m; this territory is mainly under agricultural use. The two highes ...
... needed to drive the plates and cause mid-ocean ridges to spread, with the result that plate tectonics and subduction zones are surficial and interior expressions of Earth’s dominant tectonic mode. Subduction zones are also our planet’s largest recycling system. They deliver raw materials to the subd ...
... needed to drive the plates and cause mid-ocean ridges to spread, with the result that plate tectonics and subduction zones are surficial and interior expressions of Earth’s dominant tectonic mode. Subduction zones are also our planet’s largest recycling system. They deliver raw materials to the subd ...
subduction zones
... needed to drive the plates and cause mid-ocean ridges to spread, with the result that plate tectonics and subduction zones are surficial and interior expressions of Earth’s dominant tectonic mode. Subduction zones are also our planet’s largest recycling system. They deliver raw materials to the subd ...
... needed to drive the plates and cause mid-ocean ridges to spread, with the result that plate tectonics and subduction zones are surficial and interior expressions of Earth’s dominant tectonic mode. Subduction zones are also our planet’s largest recycling system. They deliver raw materials to the subd ...
as a PDF - Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
... subduction hinge migration rate when accretion and asthenospheric wedging occur, besides all the other problems discussed in the text. Therefore we might not have a reliable velocity of the subduction hinge from the backarc opening and the interpretation that W-directed slabs and their hinges may mo ...
... subduction hinge migration rate when accretion and asthenospheric wedging occur, besides all the other problems discussed in the text. Therefore we might not have a reliable velocity of the subduction hinge from the backarc opening and the interpretation that W-directed slabs and their hinges may mo ...
accepted manuscript
... preservation of its geometric and mechanical integrity during subduction. In oceans, additional strain localization and plate weakening mechanisms are needed for subduction initialization and for downward bending of strong lithosphere when it slides below the upper plate (Cloetingh et al., 1982; McA ...
... preservation of its geometric and mechanical integrity during subduction. In oceans, additional strain localization and plate weakening mechanisms are needed for subduction initialization and for downward bending of strong lithosphere when it slides below the upper plate (Cloetingh et al., 1982; McA ...
Title Glossary of interest to earthquake and engineering
... of sediments and other rock formations, by basin subsurface topography, or by surface topography. Most seismographs are installed at a site on or near the surface with irregular topography and lithologic structures of heterogeneous material created by aeons of weathering, erosion, deposition and oth ...
... of sediments and other rock formations, by basin subsurface topography, or by surface topography. Most seismographs are installed at a site on or near the surface with irregular topography and lithologic structures of heterogeneous material created by aeons of weathering, erosion, deposition and oth ...
BGS Report, single column layout
... attempts to resolve some of the inevitable anomalies resulting from the more than 20 years of recent research by members of the Lake District Regional Geological Survey team and academic collaborators. That research has led to publication of a new set of British Geological Survey (BGS) maps. This re ...
... attempts to resolve some of the inevitable anomalies resulting from the more than 20 years of recent research by members of the Lake District Regional Geological Survey team and academic collaborators. That research has led to publication of a new set of British Geological Survey (BGS) maps. This re ...
a comparison of the krušné hory-erzgebirge
... and Cornish (UK) granites and their related mineralisation. Proceedings of the Ussher Society 8, 347-356 The mining regions of the Krušné hory-Erzgebirge (Czech Republic - Germany) and of SW England (UK) are components of the northern branch of the European Variscides. They both have complex metallo ...
... and Cornish (UK) granites and their related mineralisation. Proceedings of the Ussher Society 8, 347-356 The mining regions of the Krušné hory-Erzgebirge (Czech Republic - Germany) and of SW England (UK) are components of the northern branch of the European Variscides. They both have complex metallo ...
Softening of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle by
... mantle protoliths to depleted reactive peridotites. At shallower levels, under plagioclase-facies conditions, both lithospheric and reactive spinel peridotites were percolated and impregnated by orthopyroxene(-silica)-saturated fractional melt increments. Liquids ascending by reactive porous flow pa ...
... mantle protoliths to depleted reactive peridotites. At shallower levels, under plagioclase-facies conditions, both lithospheric and reactive spinel peridotites were percolated and impregnated by orthopyroxene(-silica)-saturated fractional melt increments. Liquids ascending by reactive porous flow pa ...
The Upper Mantle Geoid: Implications for Continental Structure and
... upper mantle geoid to reevaluate the tectonic reference state which previously studies estimated using an assumption of Airy-based isostasy. Our evaluation of the upper mantle geoid confirms the near equivalence of the gravitational potential energy of continental lithosphere with an elevation of ab ...
... upper mantle geoid to reevaluate the tectonic reference state which previously studies estimated using an assumption of Airy-based isostasy. Our evaluation of the upper mantle geoid confirms the near equivalence of the gravitational potential energy of continental lithosphere with an elevation of ab ...

Geology (from the Greek γῆ, gē, i.e. ""earth"" and -λoγία, -logia, i.e. ""study of, discourse"") is an earth science comprising the study of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the processes by which they change. Geology can also refer generally to the study of the solid features of any celestial body (such as the geology of the Moon or Mars).Geology gives insight into the history of the Earth by providing the primary evidence for plate tectonics, the evolutionary history of life, and past climates. Geology is important for mineral and hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation, evaluating water resources, understanding of natural hazards, the remediation of environmental problems, and for providing insights into past climate change. Geology also plays a role in geotechnical engineering and is a major academic discipline.