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(The “Amazons” were a nation and/or a tribe of all-female warriors in Greek mythology. Geographically,
they were placed in “a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia” [modern day Ukraine] and/or in Asia
Minor, Libya or India. Two of their notable warrioresses’ were Penthesilia and her sister, Hippolyta.
Amazon raiders have been often depicted in battle with ancient Greek warriors. Also, they have become
associated with various, historical peoples throughout the Roman Empire and Late Antiquity.
In popular etymology, the Greek word, “amazon”, is said to have originated from the Greek word, “amazos”, which means “without breasts.” In etiological tradition, the Amazons were said to have their
“right breast cut off or burned off” so that they could use the bow and/or the spear more vigorously.
In any case, these female warriors were respected and feared by their male opponents. For example,
the Greek hero, Heracles or Hercules, can attest to their prowess as recorded in the 9th labor [“Obtain
the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons”]. Or, for example, the Greek warrior, Achilles, who
praised the combative skills of Penthesilea, Queen of the Amazons in the infamous Trojan Wars: it was
said that if any warrior would disrespect Penthesilea’s person and/or her memory, Achilles would kill
him without question or hesitation.)
Betty Anne Waters and her brother, Kenneth, have always been close. Their mother, who was
emotionally disturbed, appeared “callous and uncaring.” She allowed her eight children, by seven
different fathers, to go without being parented. And, Betty and Kenny used to “break into
neighborhood homes”, together, in order to feel that they were part of a “normal” family. Eventually,
they were caught, and they were sent to different, foster homes.
Kenny had a troubled history.
Kenny Waters served 18 years in prison for a murder that he did not commit:
On the morning of May 21, 1980, Katherina Reitz Brow was knifed to death in her home in Ayer,
Massachusetts. She was stabbed over 30 times. Her linen closet was “ransacked”, and there were
“bloodstains” throughout her home. Her purse, some jewelry, and an envelope containing money were
missing. And, the kitchen faucet was left running.
Kenny Waters became a suspect because he lived next store to Katherina with his girlfriend, Brenda
Marsh. Also, Kenny worked at the Park Street Diner in Ayer where Katherina was a frequent customer:
apparently, it was “common knowledge” that the victim “kept large amounts of money” in her home.
The “case” remained open for over two years until a man named Robert Osborne approached the Ayer
Police Department. Osborne, who was living with Kenny’s ex-girl friend (Brenda Marsh), offered to
provide information for money. Osborne said that “Marsh had told him that Waters confessed to her”
that he had killed Katherina.
Based upon this information, Ayer’s police interrogated Marsh in order to corroborate Osborne’s
information. Initially, Marsh refused to support Osborne’s story. But, after threatening to charge her as
an “accessory” as well as threatening to “take her children away”, she agreed to corroborate her
boyfriend’s story. A Sergeant Nancy Taylor led the investigation. Kenny was arrested, and he was tried
based upon such coerced, “eyewitness” testimony.
At his trial, the prosecutors withheld material evidence. Kenny’s alibi defense was that he was working
at the time of the killing. Even though the police independently verified his alibi during their
investigation, this information was withheld from the jury. He was convicted of murder/robbery on May
11, 1983. He was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
The only person who believed in his innocence was his sister, Mary Anne. Because she knew him and
loved him, she was convinced of his innocence (despite the “conviction” by the corrupt “criminal/justice
system” of Ayer).
After all, who would believe that the police, that the prosecutors, and that the “eyewitnesses” would
turn out to be the real criminals?
The Innocence Project was established because of the “landmark study” conducted by the Benjamin N.
Cardozo School of law (Yeshiva University in New York City). The study’s principal finding was that
incorrect, eyewitness testimony was a factor in over 70% of “wrongful convictions.”
The original “Project” was founded in 1992 by Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld as part of Cardozo School
of Law. In 2003, it became an independent, non-profit organization although the “Project” maintains
“strong, institutional ties” with Cardozo.
This “Project” and the other like “projects” (throughout the world) are dedicated to the freeing of the
victims of “wrongful conviction” (by the use of DNA testing) as well as to the “reforming” of the
associated, criminal/justice systems.
(Barry C. Scheck is an American attorney. He received national attention while serving on O. J.
Simpson’s defense team. The “team” won an acquittal despite voluminous, DNA [blood] evidence.
Currently, he is a professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law.
Today, DNA testing or DNA profiling is a technique utilized by “forensic scientists” to assist in the
identification of individuals by their respective DNA profiles.
DNA profiles are “encrypted sets of numbers that reflect” an individual’s DNA makeup which, in turn,
can be used as highly reliable identifiers. DNA is an “acronym” for “Deoxyribonucleic acid”: a nucleic
acid contains the genetic instructions for an individual organism. DNA segments [which carry the
information] are called “genes.”)
Three years after her brother’s conviction, “the warrioress” decided to “go back to school” in order to
help free her brother. Without the support of her husband and her children, “the warrioress” achieved
her bachelors and her law degrees while also working in a bar and grill.
In law school, she learned about the “new”, forensic field of DNA profiling. Realizing that this method of
biological analysis (along with its high degree of reliability) could exonerate her brother, she contacted
Barry Scheck’s Innocence Project: the “Project” agreed to help.
Because of her Amazonian skills of focus, tenacity, and love, she eventual freed her brother “against all
the odds.” And, after securing his release, she sued and won a large, civil settlement against the City of
Ayer (for the “wrongful conviction” of her brother). It should be emphasized that the real criminals of
this story, Sergeant Nancy “the bully” Taylor, the city prosecutors of the city of Ayer, and their
“eyewitnesses” were never charged and/or prosecuted by the “authorities.”
Just as important, this “group” of criminals prevented the real killer (or killers) of Katherina Reitz Brow
from being captured.
Where is the “justice” for Katherina?
(There are several “lists” of the “Amazons” which were created over the centuries. One of these “lists”
included: Aegea, Ainia “the swift”, enemy of Achilles, Anippe, enemy of Heracles, Andromache, Clete
“the loyal”, and friend of Penthesilea, Eurypyle, Helene, Lysippe, Marpesia, Orithyia, Otera, Pantariste,
and Smyrna. And, Betty Anne “the warrioress”, enemy of the gods of “Injustice” and “Intolerance”
should be added to this listing.
The following story will be told by the future generations of the many:
It was rumored that “the warrioress” was so formable that the other “Amazons” would not dare to
question her stated love for a lost brother. His name was Kenneth “the innocence.” If anyone were so
bold as to do so, she would challenge them to a contest of “determination and tenacity”: no “Amazon”
has ever won such a contest with her!
Of “the warrioress’” many stories of victory over the “oligarchic” tribes, the “Amazons” tell the story of
her “contest” with Queen Nancy “the bully” Taylor and with the “Tribes of Injustice.” This story is told
over and over again because of the “Amazons’” felt sorry for the lost of their dead sister, Katherina “the
victimized.” All of these “spirit-demons” [as well as two, large dragons which were named “Injustice”
and “intolerance”] were slain in a place called Ayer by “the warrioress” and by a child/ woman by the
name of Mandy “the blond.” It was said that “the blond” was of Kenneth “the innocence.”
Also, it has been “prophesized” that “the warrioress” will save many of the innocence despite the great
“odds against her.”
This story has brought great courage and great security to large gatherings of the people: in the end the
“evil” of the few will always be defeated by the “good” of the many in the re-incarnations of great
“warrioresses” such as the Mary Anne.”)
Thank you: Betty Anne Waters. You are one of the American many. You are “fearless.” You were not
afraid “to stand up” to your own fear and “to stand up” against the routine, criminal practices of the
criminal/justice system.
The American many will tell and will re-tell the story of you and your brother, Kenny, because of your
great courage and because of your even greater compassion.
And, Nancy Taylor’s “right breast” will always remain safe: the “Amazonians” require great courage and
great compassion from their “warrioresses.” Thus, this “bully” and her like will always be refused
admission into the circle of the “left breasted.”
To hell with the “oligarchs” and their “familiars” (the Ayer Police Department, the criminal/justice
system of the city of Ayer, Robert “the Judas” Osborne, and those “eyewitnesses” who testified against
a damaged “innocence” out of their own fear, their own cowardice, and their own greed),