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Mr. Kern
Chapter 6 Review
Unconditioned Stimulus
taste aversion
primary reinforcer
operant conditioning
systematic desensitization
spontaneous recovery
1. Form of classical conditioning in which a food comes to be avoided. ______________
2. Act of responding in the same way to stimuli that seem similar. __________________
3. Method that involves relaxation and gradual exposure to a feared stimulus.
4. Method that involves relaxation and gradual exposure to a feared stimulus.
5. Form of learning based on the consequences of actions. _______________________
6. When a conditioned response stops occurring. _______________________
7. Stimulus that causes an automatic response. ________________________________
8. Stimulus that encourages a behavior by meeting an organism’s basic biological needs.
9. Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar. _____________________
10. Revival of an extinguished response. ________________________
Fill in the blank
11. __________________ is the method of teaching complex behaviors by breaking them
down into manageable parts.
12. On a _____________________ schedule, reinforcements are provided only after a
certain number of correct responses have been made.
13. The type of learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates others is called
14. A _________________ reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows
when it is applied.
15. _________________ reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced every time
it occurs.
Answer the following
16. What type of conditioning did Pavlov’s experiments demonstrate?
17. Explain flooding and some of the problems associated with it.
18. What did E.C. Tolman’s experiments with rats show?
19. What is the difference between fixed-ratio and variable-ratio schedules?
20. Explain what is meant by “students are not a sponge.” What do students need to
21. What are 3 problems with punishment?
22. How do punishment differ from negative reinforcement?
23. What are the 6 steps of the PQ4R method of learning and what are their uses?
24. Tom was walking down the street when he heard something rustling in the bushes.
When he went to investigate a stray dog jumped out and bit him causing him severe pain.
Now, whenever Tom sees dogs not on a leash, he starts to get very anxious.
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25. James is often tired after school. When he gets home he likes to lay down on the
couch and watch TV. Recently he has been falling asleep on the couch because he is so
worn out. Yesterday James was in a very hyper mood and sat down on the couch to play
video games. He quickly started to feel drowsy.
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26. Come up with your own scenario below and locate your own responses and