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Cell Energetics Foldable
Take a piece of the green paper and hold it in the “landscape” orientation. Fold it into thirds. Using the diagrams below,
draw and write the following items on each section.
Section 1:
1. Label this section “ATP” at the top.
2. Write your name and period in the upper right corner.
3. Draw an ATP molecule, showing the adenine, the sugar, and the three phosphate groups, and label each part of
the molecule.
4. Explain where the energy comes from to recharge the ATP.
5. Draw and label the ATP/ADP cycle. Label: ATP, ADP, show what happens when ATP changes into ADP, and then
show when ADP is recharged.
6. Make a chart showing how many calories are in lipids, carbohydrates, and protein. Use GRAMs, not mg.
7. Explain chemosynthesis. Who does it, what do they use for energy and why.
Section 2:
1. Label this section “Location of Photosynthesis”.
2. Draw a leaf, then show an enlargement of the leaf showing a plant cell with organelles visible, then show an
enlargement showing the chloroplast.
3. In the chloroplast, show the thylakoid membranes stacked, the double membrane and a cutaway view inside the
chloroplast. Label the following:
a. Thylakoid
b. Granum
c. Stroma
d. Chlorophyll
4. On the side of the chloroplast, label the following reactions and make an arrow showing where in the
chloroplast these reactions take place:
a. Light DEPENDENT reactions
b. Light INDEPENDENT reactions
Section 3:
1. Label this section “Photosynthesis”
2. Draw a simplified chloroplast, showing the grana and the stroma.
3. Draw and label the energy source. Draw and label the reactant and product of the light dependent reactions.
Be sure to label where the chloroplast this happens.
4. Draw and label the reactant and product of the light independent reactions. Be sure to label where in the
chloroplast this happens.
5. Write the overall chemical equation for photosynthesis.
6. Explain:
a. What does the plant use the glucose for?
b. Explain whether photosynthesis is endothermic or exothermic. Explain what your choice means in
terms of energy use in the reaction.
Section 4:
1. Label this section “Glycolysis”
2. Draw the process of glycolysis in an animal cell. Be sure to label where in the cell this process happens.
3. Explain:
a. What does glycolysis basically do?
b. How many ATP does glycolysis make?
c. Why is glycolysis anaerobic? What does that mean?
d. What are the chemical reactants and products of glycolysis?
e. Where do the products go?
Section 5:
1. Label this section “Cellular Respiration”
2. Draw a mitochondrion inside a cell. Label the cytoplasm of the cell, the outer and inner membrane of the
mitochondrion, the intermembrane space, and the matrix.
3. Draw and label the reactant and product of the Krebs Cycle. Be sure to label where in the mitochondria this
4. Draw and label the reactant and product of the electron transport chain. Be sure to label where in the
mitochondria this happens.
1. How much ATP is made from cellular respiration? How does this compare to glycolysis?
Section 6.
1. Label this section “Comparing Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration”
a. Show a comparison of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Be sure to compare the organelles, the
products, the reactants, and the energy transformations.