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Date: --------
Instructions: - Circle or underline the option that best answers each question according to the
presentation you heard today.
- You should print a copy of the presentation's PowerPoint to aid in answering
these questions.
1.) The has been credited with publishing the DSM 5. a.)
National Board for Certified Counselors
b.) American Psychological Association
c.) American Association of Mental Health Counselors
d.) American Psychiatric Association
2.) The DSM-S's diagnostic codes are actually part of a much larger system of codes. What is the
name of this larger system of codes used for diagnosing?
a.) ICD-10 codes
b.) ICD-9 codes
c.) ICD-12 codes.
d.) None of the above.
3.) Which choice(s) listed below replaced the "Not Otherwise Specified" designation throughout
the chapter of Trauma- and Stressor- Related disorders, as well as throughout
the DSM 5?
a.) Other Specified Disorder
b.) Unspecified Disorder
c.) Both (a) & (b)
d.) Deferred Diagnosis
is a new disorder in the Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders. This disorder is an
extension of an existing trauma related disorder; this disorder offers a criteria set, with
fewer symptoms required, for children who are 6 years or younger; this disorder offers
the following options for specifiers: With dissociative
symptoms/Depersonalization/Derealization, and With delayed expression.
a.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
b.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD for Children 6 years and
c.) Major Depressive Disorder
d.) Childhood Onset Fluency Disorder
is considered the mildest diagnosis within the Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorder
chapter. This diagnosis was reorganized and placed within this new chapter in the
a.) Adjustment Disorder
b.) Reactive Attachment Disorder
c.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
d.) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
6.) You have been assigned a new client who is female and seven years of age. She was referred
to you for an evaluation by the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Ithad
been reported to them that mom abandoned the seven year old at Chuck E Cheese
while she went shopping two weeks ago. Mom is compliant and brings the child
for the initial visit. When you go to the lobby to get the client you notice
she is trying to climb into a man's lap. You later discover that the man was
a stranger to the child.
Based on the information offered thus far, which diagnosis would you initially consider?
a.) Reactive Attachment Disorder
b.) Disinhibited Engagement Disorder
c.) Other specified trauma- and stressor- related disorder
d.) Unspecified trauma- and stressor-related disorder
7.) Two of the Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders share the same specifiers: Persistent, and
Severe (if all symptoms are present); these two disorders are usually the result of early
trauma in life due to neglect
Please identify the two disorders I am referring to here.
a.) Adjustment Disorder and Reactive Attachment Disorder
b.) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Adjustment Disorder
c.) Reactive Attachment Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
d.) Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement
were categorized in their own chapter in the DSM-IV (TR); when thinking of the
disorders in the Trauma- and Stress- Related Chapter occurring on a continuum, these
disorders would be characterized as mild.
a.) Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
b.) Adjustment Disorders
c.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder
d.) None of the above
9.) The DSM-S's new chapter on Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders combines 3
childhood-related disorders (Reactive Attachment Disorder, Disinhibited Social
Engagement Disorder, & Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Children 6 years and
Younger), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, and Adjustment
Disorders all into one classification of disorders in which a ________has
precipitated the onset of symptoms.
a.) stressful or traumatic life event
b.) non-stressful or non-traumatic life event
c.) Both "a" and "b"
d.) None of the above
10.) Which disorder would be appropriate to diagnose when symptoms are similar to one of the
disorders in the Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders chapter, but the clinician does
not have enough information to make a valid diagnosis, e.g. an emergency room
a.) Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for people in crisis
b.) Other Specified Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorder
c.) Unspecified Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorder
d.) Both "b" and "c" would apply in this scenario