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9/15/2014 Dynamics at Surfaces Goal of the field of dynamics at surfaces – to interpret macroscopic surface chemistry with first principles concepts at an atomic level. Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces Goals of this course: – to describe the basic concepts needed to understand surface chemistry – as well as the modern experimental methods used to probe the limits of this understanding. Dalian Institute for Chemical Physics 16 September – 1 December 2014 © 2014 D.J. Auerbach – All rights reserved Sept. 13, 2014 Course Description 20 1.5 hour lectures from 16 September to 20 November 2014. Prerequisites: a knowledge of introductory kinetics, quantum mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Text book – none. The course is based on a survey of classic and current scientific papers. The course outline has the reading list. This will be updated as we proceed through the semester. Course outline, lecture notes, and other material will be posted Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 2 Format of Outline and Reading List Outline 1. Early Work on reactions at surfaces (Lectures 1 and 2) Key Papers: (1; 2) a. Historical background – early work on surface chemistry and the discovery of catalysis b. Importance of Catalysis: Haber-Bosch process of ammonia synthesis(3; 4) c. Irving Langmuir and birth of modern surface chemistry (1; 2; 5-8) Reading List 1. Langmuir I. 1906. The dissociation of water vapor and carbon dioxide at high temperatures. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 28:1357-79 2. Langmuir I. 1932. Nobel Lecture - Surface Chemistry 3. Haber F, van Oordt G. 1905. On the formation of ammonia from the elements. Zeitschrift Fur Anorganische Chemie 44:341-78 3 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 4 1 9/15/2014 Lecture Schedule Grades Tuesday and Thursday, 9-10:30 AM Homework for lectures 1 and 2 assigned – Lecture 3, Tuesday September 23 – Lecture 4, Thursday September 25 Homework for lectures 1 and 2 due Homework for lectures 3 and 4 assigned Date: November 27 Homework for lectures 3 and 4 due Homework for lectures 5, 6, 7, and 8 assigned Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 5 Philosophy of the class The lectures provide fence posts You have to fill in between through external reading and study. You will never fully master this (or any other) field. You can only continue to broaden your knowledge. Learning is a life-long process. 3 hour written exam Lecture 5, Sunday September 28 Lecture 6, Tuesday September 30 (no homework) Lecture 7, Thursday October 9 Lecture 8, Saturday October 11 Sept. 13, 2014 Format: Location: TBD Except for national holiday, October 1-7 – – – – Grades will be based on one final exam and homework – 30% homework and 70% final exam – Or 100% final exam whichever is greater – Lecture 1, Tuesday September 16 – Lecture 2, Thursday September 18 Sept. 13, 2014 Early Work on reactions at surfaces (Lectures 1 and 2) – Historical background – early work on surface chemistry and the discovery of catalysis – Importance of Catalysis: Haber-Bosch process of ammonia synthesis – Irving Langmuir and birth of modern surface chemistry Framing the Problem: formulation of the modern approach (Lectures 3 and 4) – Born-Oppenheimer Approximation and potential energy surfaces (PES) – Standard Model of Chemical Reactivity – Gas phase reaction dynamics – methods to probe the PES – Key papers for each lecture – Additional reading to broaden your knowledge Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 6 Course Outline I will strive to provide an excellent reading list and to indicate which outside reading fits each lecture best. Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 7 Sept. 13, 2014 Energy requirements and energy disposal Molecular beam scattering techniques Comparison to ab initio theory Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 8 2 9/15/2014 Course Outline Course Outline What is different about surface dynamics (Lectures 5-6) – It is not possible to ensure single collision conditions – Complex target: – IR linewidths – Energy pooling – Real time measurements of vibrational damping geometrical structure electronic structure complex elementary excitations: phonons, electron hole pairs – The need for Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) and surface analysis – Reactions often involve a complex sequence of events Adsorbate Dynamics (Lectures 9-10) Energy transfer processes involving electron hole pairs (Lectures 11 and 12) – – – – – Energy transfer processes involving phonons in nonreactive systems (Lectures 7-8) – Molecular Translation (T) coupling to phonons (ph), rotation (R), vibration (V) – Trapping and detailed balance Single quantum vibrational excitation Multi quantum vibrational excitation Vibrational Relaxation Electronic friction and Surface Hoping Theory Vibrationally promoted electron emission Reactive Processes at Surfaces (Lecture 13-14) – paradigm of reaction mechanisms from kinetics – probing reaction mechanisms with dynamics experiments – translational and vibrational activation of dissociative adsorption Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 9 Course Outline Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Acknowledgement Provisional Model of Surface Reactions Dynamics (15 – 18) These lectures are based on a course and possibly a book that Alec Wodtke and I are developing. – Comparison of experiment and ab initio theory – Dissociative adsorption and associative desorption of Hydrogen on Copper Alec Wodtke presented the first version of these lectures last fall at the University of Gottingen and prepared initial versions of many of the slides that I will be using. “The H+H2 reaction of surface chemistry” – CH4 dissociation on Ni surfaces 10 Importance of reagent vibration and surface motion Reactions of radicals with surfaces (19-20) Alec Wodtke Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 11 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 12 3 9/15/2014 Outline History Lecture 1 - Introduction of early work on reactions on surfaces The Haber-Bosch process of ammonia synthesis from the elements Langmuir chemistry and the birth of modern surface – Langmuir’s first paper: surface reactions are fast History of early work on reactions at surfaces and the birth of modern surface chemistry – “Hydrogen clean up”: concept of molecular monolayer – “Oxygen clean up”: the Langmuir-Hinschelwood mechanism of surface reactions © 2014 D.J. Auerbach – All rights reserved Sept. 13, 2014 Davy – Explosion Proof Lamp for Miners Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 14 Davy – Explosion Proof Lamp (1817) Idea was to isolate flame from explosive mixture by material that would cool the flame – Initially experiments with small tubes – Later, metal gauze surrounding the flame Pt was special: Pt gauze glowed when exposed to gasses from coal mines Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 15 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 16 4 9/15/2014 References – Davy Safety Lamp Döbereiner’s Lighter – first catalysis “Some New Experiments and Observations on the Combustion of Gaseous Mixtures, with an Account of a Method of Preserving a Continued Light in Mixtures of Inflammable Gases and Air without Flame” Humphry Davy, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 107 (1817), pp. 77-85 – URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/107574 . “Some Researches on Flame”, Humphry Davy, Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 2 (1815 - 1830), pp. 59-61 Pt gauze glowed on exposure to hydrogen and oxygen Temperature increased with porosity of gauze Tremendous excitement - "cold fusion" of 1823 Generally regarded as the 1st example of catalysis Used to make a lighter – URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/109871 “On the Safety Lamp for Coal Miners with some Researches on Flame”, Sir Humphry Davy, 1825 – Book available from Google Books Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 17 Döbereiner’s Lighter (1823) Sept. 13, 2014 18 Reactions Zn + H2SO4 → Zn2+ + SO42- + H2 2 H2 + O2 --> H2O Modern view of mechanism O2 + Pt → Pt-O2 → Pt-O (a) H2 + Pt → Pt-H (a) H2S04 Zn + H2SO4 → Zn2+ + SO42- + H2 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Döbereiner’s Lighter Pt Sponge Zn Sept. 13, 2014 1829, Berlin manufacturer offered "… as a pleasant and useful Christmas present a lighting machine, outfitted with platinum, elegant, clean, and sturdily constructed, with Chinese and other decoration, insensitive to wetness and cold…." Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 19 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 20 5 9/15/2014 Early Work on Surface Reactions Davy (1817) – explosion proof lamp for miners – Pt gauze glowed when exposed to gasses from coal mines Faraday (1834) – reacting gasses held on Pt by electrical forces Berzelius (1836) J. B. A. Dumas 1800-1884 – reacting gasses held on Pt by a "catalytic force ... not independent of the affinities of matter, but only a new manifestation of the same". – Origin of term catalysis Döbereiner(1823) – Pt gauze glowed on exposure to hydrogen and oxygen – Increased with porosity of gauze Early Work on Hydrogen adsorption: I Henry (1824) – Davy lamp reactions – 2 H2 + O2 --> H2O – 2 CO + O2 --> CO2 Sept. 13, 2014 Dumas (1843) – Quantitative study of adsorption of H2 on Cu Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 21 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 22 Early work on Hydrogen Adsorption II Ammonia synthesis from its elements Nobel Prize Chemistry, 1918 Fritz Haber Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 23 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 24 6 9/15/2014 One of the most important discoveries in the field of chemistry in the last 100 years N2+ 3H2→2NH3 Fritz Haber Chemical Reactions are typically faster at elevated temperatures – Usual approach: Use a catalyst and heat it up Fully 40% of the N atoms found in all foodstuffs world wide were converted in a Haber reaction Sept. 13, 2014 An active catalysts accelerates the reaction in both directions – That is it speeds up the path to equilibrium Ammonia is the feedstock for the fertilizer industry 1-2% of the worlds energy supply is used to run this reaction Equilibrium in heterogeneous catalysis – you don’t have to heat it up as much to get the desired rate – selectively produces the desired product with high yield – is resistant to poisoning by products and trace contaminants The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1918 was awarded to Fritz Haber "for the synthesis of ammonia from its elements". Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 What makes a ‘good’ catalyst? 25 Haber-Bosch: N2+ 3H2→2NH3 Sept. 13, 2014 Equilibrium measurements ΔG/RT Keq ½ N2+ 3/2 H2→NH3 Sept. 13, 2014 26 Haber-Bosch: N2+ 3H2→2NH3 Equilibrium measurements Keq Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 ΔG/RT ½ N2+ 3/2 H2→NH3 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 27 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 28 7 9/15/2014 Haber-Bosch: N2+ 3H2→2NH3 Haber-Bosch: A closer look Equilibrium measurements Equilibrium measurements Keq ΔG/RT N2+ 3 H2→2 NH3 Haber had a problem: The equilibrium is unfavorable Le Chatelier’s principle wants high pressure and low temperature. He needed high temperature to get adequate rates. At high temperature the equilibrium favors reactants. Only at very high pressure could progress be made Haber had a problem: The equilibrium is unfavorable He needed high temperature to get reaction to speed up. At high temperature the equilibrium favors reactants. Only at very high pressure (and relatively low temperature) could progress be made. ½ N2+ 3/2 H2→NH3 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 29 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Eventually Haber and Bosch got to this regime Nobel Citation The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1931 was awarded jointly to Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius "in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods" Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 30 High pressure chemistry was essential to ammonia synthesis An engineering feat of the time Sept. 13, 2014 ΔH = -92.4 kJ/mole 31 Sept. 13, 2014 Carl Bosch Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 32 8 9/15/2014 How does the full process really work 1. Gas Cleaning: methane from natural gas is cleaned, mainly to remove sulfur impurities that would poison the catalysts 2. Steam Reforming: the cleaned methane is reacted with steam over a catalyst of nickel oxide. 3. Secondary reforming: addition of air to convert the methane that did not react during steam reforming. Finally -- Ammonia Synthesis Haber Process: synthesis of ammonia using a form of magnetite, iron oxide, as the catalyst: 6. CH4 + H2O → CO + 3 H2 N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) Conditions of Operation 2 CH4 + O2 → 2 CO + 4 H2 as well as CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O – 15–25 MPa (150–250 bar) – 300 and 550 °C Water gas shift reaction yields more hydrogen from CO and steam. 4. – four beds of catalyst, with cooling between each bed to maintain a reasonable equilibrium constant. On each pass only about 15% conversion occurs CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 Methanator: Remove any residual CO by converting most of the remaining CO into methane for recycling to avoid CO poisoning of the catalyst 5. 2 NH3 (g) (∆H = -92.4 kJ·mol−1) – Recycle unreacted gases so that eventually an overall conversion of 98% can be achieved. CO + 3 H2 → CH4 + H2O Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 33 Engineering Side Conditions: 150–250 bar and 300 to 550 °C Multiple passes over four beds of catalyst, with cooling between each pass On each pass only about 15% conversion occurs, but recycling any unreacted gases gives 98% conversion Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 34 Impact of the Haber-Bosch Process N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) → 2 NH3 (g) (∆H = -92.4 kJ·mol−1) Sept. 13, 2014 35 The Haber process now produces 100 million tons of nitrogen fertilizer per year, mostly in the form of anhydrous ammonia, ammonium nitrate, and urea. This fertilizer is responsible for sustaining one-third of the Earth's population 3–5% of world natural gas production is consumed in the Haber process (~1–2% of the world's annual energy supply). Hydrogen production using electrolysis of water powered by renewable energy is not yet costcompetitive with hydrogen from fossil fuels, such as natural gas, and so has been responsible for only 4% of current hydrogen production. Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 36 9 9/15/2014 Impact of the Haber-Bosch Process Deleterious environmental effects The cheap and efficient industrial production of NH3 also played a crucial role in munitions manufacture, literally lighting the fire that would become World War I. The Birth of Modern Surface Chemistry – Without Haber-Bosch process Germanys production of ammunition and fertilizer would have collapsed in 1914. It happened in Göttingen © 2014 D.J. Auerbach – All rights reserved Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 37 Irving Langmuir 1927 Solvay Conference The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1932 was awarded to Irving Langmuir "for his discoveries and investigations in surface chemistry". “Summit conference” of outstanding physicists and chemists Topic “Electrons and Photons” Einstein: “God does not play dice”; Bohr: “Einstein, stop telling God what to do!” 19 of 27 participants became Nobel prize laureates. Irving Langmuir was born in Brooklyn, New York, on January 31, 1881, as the third of four sons of Charles Langmuir and Sadie, neé Comings. His early education was obtained in various schools and institutes in the USA, and in Paris (1892-1895). He graduated as a metallurgical engineer from the School of Mines at Columbia University in 1903. Postgraduate work in Physical Chemistry under Nernst in Göttingen earned him the degrees of M.A. and Ph.D. in 1906. Sept. 13, 2014 Returning to America, Dr. Langmuir became Instructor in Chemistry at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey, where he taught until July 1909. He then entered the Research Laboratory of the General Electric Company at Schenectady where he eventually became Associate Director. Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 39 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 40 10 9/15/2014 Irving Langmuir: A pioneer of surface science Langmuir left his mark in physical chemistry including Irving Langmuir’s first paper – Langmuir Isotherm – Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism – Langmuir is the unit of exposure Approach: look at historical papers describing the experiments Langmuir performed Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 As a graduate student at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Göttingen under the mentorship of Walter Nernst 41 What was Nernst doing in Göttingen at that time? He was studying Equilibrium JACS 28 1357 (1906) Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 44 11 9/15/2014 Irving Langmuir’s first paper: Langmuir’s Method Introduction - describe the state of the art – two methods 1. Measure at temperature Heat a sample to high temperature to establish chemical equilibrium 2. Go to high temperature, establish equilibrium, quench, measure H2 + ½ O2 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 Rapidly quench and hope kinetics are too slow to keep up H2O H2 + ½ O2 (favors H2O at low T) 45 Irving Langmuir’s First paper H2O (favors H2 / O2 at High T) … Sept. 13, 2014 Equilibrium Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 46 Irving Langmuir’s first paper Stating the central problem Describe the new method to overcome the problem … Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 47 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 48 12 9/15/2014 Nernst’s Suggestion Sept. 13, 2014 Langmuir’s hot wire apparatus Rapidly flowing gas. Before exposure to the wire: gaseous water vapor At ‘F’, water was electrolyzed with platinum electrodes to produce H2 and O2 vapor. The gas mixture flowed over the hot platinum wire Water was condensed in Tube ‘T’ After exposure: equilibrium mixture of H2, O2 and H2O at the wire temperature If mixing is fast enough, eventually the whole sample comes to the chemical equilibrium at the temperature of the wire. In reality it was more convenient to run the experiment backwards: H2 and O2 as educts. Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 49 Chemical Analysis at the time Water could be condensed by an ice bath and separated from the mixture. O2 could be condensed with liquid Nitrogen Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 50 Results: astonishingly fast surface chemistry – Remaining vapor pressure due to H2 – In absence of LN total pressure of H2 and O2 could be measured. – Ideal gas Law and Henry law analysis. Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 51 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 52 13 9/15/2014 What Langmuir must have been thinking End of Lecture 1 Wow!!!! These surface reactions are so fast. That must be something nice for future study in its own right. Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 History of early work on reactions at surfaces and the birth of modern surface chemistry 53 Sept. 13, 2014 Lecture 1 -- Chemical Dynamics at Surfaces -- Dalian 2014 54 14