Download What Processes Shape Planetary Surfaces

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What Processes Shape Planetary Surfaces?
1. What was the first mission to explore a planet other than Earth or the moon? When did this occur, and
which planet did it visit?
2. How can a surface feature tell you about a surface process? Give an example.
3. List the processes that shape Earth's surface. Which of these surface processes do you think is the most
common in the solar system? Which is the least common? Explain your answers.
4. What processes do you see evidence of on the surface of Mars?
5. What processes do you see evidence of on the surface of Venus?
6. What processes do you see evidence of on the surface of Mercury?
7. What processes do you see evidence of on these moons? Identify the moon and the process you
8. What is the most common surface process you observed in the solar system? Why do you think this
process is so universal?
9. What processes have we seen in action on Mars? What processes have we seen on Io?
10. Which type of surface process appears to occur only on Earth? Why?
11. How might humans shape the surfaces of other planets in the future?