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Space Science Overview
Comprehensive Science Assessment pp. 85—94
The Solar System: Describe the differences between the terrestrial planets and the gas giants.
Origin of the Solar System: What role did gravity play in the formation of the solar system?
Earth’s Movements: 1. Explain what happens during the spring and fall equinoxes
2. What season is it in the southern hemisphere when the northern hemisphere is experiencing winter?
The Planets: 1. Identify two patterns you observe in the data table above.
2. Which planet is most like Earth? Explain your answer.
Earth’s Moon: On what physical evidence did scientists base their theory of the origin of the moon?
The Moon’s Movements:
1. Draw a diagram of a solar eclipse.
2. Draw a diagram of a lunar eclipse
Exploring Space: What can astronomers learn by sending a space probe to a planet?
Stars: Our sun is a main sequence star. Describe its cycle.
The Sun: Use the following words to complete the sentences.
core sunspots photosphere solar flares
1. The ____________________ is often called the surface of the sun.
2. Fusion takes place in the sun’s ____________________
3. ____________________ can affect radio communications on Earth.
4. Because they are cooler than surrounding regions, ____________________ appear dark.
Galaxies and the Universe:
1. Compare and contrast the three different types of galaxies
2. What evidence supports the big bang theory?