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Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:____________________
Chapter 2 Test Study Guide
1. The following diagram shows the relative position of some galaxies (2.5 Mly = 2.5 million light
years). The location labeled "X" is the observation point.
Suppose these galaxies were observed at location X using the Hubble telescope. Place them in
order from most red shift to least red shift.
2. Predict what happens to the brightness of a star with an orbiting extra-solar planet.
3. Which diagram below best summarizes the structure of a tectonic plate?
4. Which of these diagrams below best illustrates the Earth's orbit around the Sun as viewed
looking directly down on the orbit?
5. How would an increase in rotational tilt angle change the locations of the Tropics of Cancer and
Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:____________________
6. What would happen to the seasons if the tilt of the axis was opposite to what it is now?
7. According to the diagram below, which statement best reflects the relative positions of the Sun,
Earth, the moon, and Mars in our solar system?
8. How do scientists estimate the age of the Universe?
9. How old is the Universe?
10. How does "space weather" affect you?
11. Which type of planet is most likely to have volcanoes?
12. Which statement comparing terrestrial and jovian planets in our solar system is most accurate?
13. How did scientists initially deduce part of the Earth's core is molten?
Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:____________________
14. What type of cooling mechanism relies on movement of material?
15. Why are there seasons?
16. Why does Earth have a magnetic field?
17. Planets can prevent solar winds by having:
18. Which area is the area in space that is affected by solar wind?
19. Convection is:
20. True/False. Evidence that all planets formed from the same swirling mass of gas and dust are
based on the orbital direction of the planets around their sun.
21. True/False. Solar wind is responsible for the different natural disasters such as tornados and
22. True/False. The Earth is closer to the Sun during summer in the northern hemisphere than it is
during winter.
Name:_______________________________________ Period:_________ Date:____________________
23. True/False. Temperatures on Earth would be lower if there were less carbon dioxide in the
24. True/False. Earth's orbit around the Sun is highly elliptical.
25. True/False. If Earth did not have an atmosphere, its surface would have more craters formed by
meteorite impacts.