* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Earth and Our Solar System This is a flexible project to be completed and handed in by the 15th October which will be used to support and enhance the work they are covering in class. It should be a minimum of 4 hours work spread over a number of weeks but may have much more time put into it if your child is keen to find out more. Children can decide how they tackle and present their projects which could be Art based (painting, pictures, models etc; accompanied by some explanation either verbal or written), ICT based (PowerPoint, word processed, PhotoStory3 etc;), Literacy based (fact files, non-chronological text, fictional such as stories or diary entries that show their knowledge of the topic) or a folder or project book of some sort containing a mixture. The project may focus on one area only or on two or three but needs to show some depth of knowledge for each area. The prompt sheet gives areas of study and some project ideas but children may use their own ideas as long as they cover the area of study suggested. Earth and Our Solar System You could: Create a fact file about the planets in our solar system Focus on one planet, or the sun or the moon in detail Make a model of planet Earth showing the different layers with a clear explanation Write a science fiction story set clearly in our solar system Produce a PowerPoint presentation about the solar system Make a model showing the different planets in the solar system and giving information about them Or use your own ideas. Remember if you make a model you must either write some information to go with it or be able to talk about it in detail.