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Earth Science Chapter One: How Do Earth and Its Moons Create Cycles?
Multiple Choice
Lesson One: Planets Rotate
1. Why is the length of a day different on different planets?
2. Why do stars appear to be moving across the night sky?
3. What causes the lengths of shadows to change from the beginning of the day
to the end of the day?
Lesson Two: Planets Orbit the Sun
1. What do we know about the shape of the orbit of each planet in our solar
2. What causes Earth to have different seasons?
3. What happens in the Southern Hemisphere as the March equinox approaches?
4. What do we know about the temperature and position of the sun in the
Northern Hemisphere during the December solstice?
Lesson Three: Moons Orbit Planets
1. What causes the moon’s phases?
2. What path does a moon follow?
3. If you look up in the sky at night and see that the moon is half lit up, how
many days will it take before the moon looks the same way again?
Lesson Four: Eclipses and Tides
1. What creates the daily cycles of the tides?
2. What causes a solar eclipse?
3. When does a lunar eclipse take place?
4. How does the moon affect tides?
Short Answer
What force combines with a planet’s forward motion to affect its movement in the
solar system? Explain how these two factors affect Earth’s path.