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Download Biology B – Test 3 Study Guide
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Name: Date: 5/3/17 Period: Biology B – Test 3 Study Guide Unit Objectives Explain what biological evolution is and the major forces that drive it. Describe the history of evolutionary theory, from experiments on spontaneous generation to modern applications. Explain how evolution has shaped the history of life on earth. 3.1: Origin of Life Definitions Biogenesis/Abiogenesis Spontaneous Generation Concepts Describe the experiments of Redi, Needham, Spallanzani and Pasteur. 3.2: Fossilization Definitions Evolution Fact Theory Fossil Mold Fossil Cast Fossil Trace Fossil Fossil Record Law of Superposition Extinction Concepts Explain the connection between genetics and evolution. Explain how the fossil record helps scientists study evolution. Explain why evolution is both a fact and a theory. Describe the process of fossilization. Name: Date: 5/3/17 Period: 3.3 Charles Darwin Definitions H.M.S. Beagle Galapagos Islands Artificial Selection Natural Selection Uniformitarianism/Gradualism Catastrophism Thomas Malthus Charles Lyell Jean Baptiste Lamarck Alfred Russell Wallace Concepts Explain the roles that Malthus, Lyell and Wallace played in the development and publication of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Compare and contrast Darwin and Lamarck’s theories of evolution. 3.4 Evolution in Process Definitions Species Reproductive Isolation Disruptive Selection Stabilizing Selection Directional Selection Homology Analogy Concepts Describe the five influences that can cause a species to change. Explain how speciation can occur. 3.5 The History of Life on Earth Definitions Prokaryote Eukaryote Autotroph Heterotroph Sexual Reproduction Name: Date: 5/3/17 Period: Concepts Describe the earliest life forms. What sort of metabolism did they have? Were they eukaryotic or prokaryotic? How did they reproduce? Explain the evolutionary advantage of sexual reproduction.