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KJ, What’s on the Evolution Test?
Text: Biology
Chapters 14.1 & 15
1. Be able to discuss fossil dating by using vocabulary
like superposition and radioisotope dating, and be able
to solve fossil dating problems.
2. What was the main difference between Lamarck’s
theory of evolution and Darwin’s?
Charles Darwin
3. Be able to explain Darwin’s theory of evolution. Be able to use the theory of
evolution to explain how a species with a unique trait (elephant trunks, for
example) evolved. Include terms such as descent with modification, natural
selection, overproduction, genetic variation, adaptation, struggle to survive,
differential reproduction, and selective pressures.
4. What is the source of variations/adaptations? How do they arise? Be able to
discuss the differences between gradualism and punctuated equilibrium.
Which view does the fossil record seem to reflect? What role might HOX
genes have in evolution?
5. Be able to define and give examples for the following terms: homologous
structures, analogous structures, vestigial structures, convergent evolution,
divergent evolution, coevolution, artificial selection, and sexual selection.
6. Be able to create and interpret a cladogram.
7. Be able to use the HardyWeinberg equation to solve
population genetics problems.
Under what circumstances do
gene frequencies remain in
equilibrium (unchanging)?
Explain the role of the
bottleneck effect or the founder
effect on genetic drift.