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(Chapter 15 & 17)
1. Explain what happened on his voyage on the H.M.S. Beagle that led to his ideas about biodiversity and how
species change?
2. What ideas about competition and resources in human populations did Malthus propose?
3. What theories about the age of the earth and how it is formed did Lyell and Hutton propose that influenced
Darwin’s thinking?
4. How did Lamarck’s ideas about selective use or disuse of organs, inheritance of acquired traits, and
evolution of species influenced Darwin?
5. Be able to explain Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
6. What is a mutation?
7. How is an adaptation different from the ability to adapt?
8. What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection?
9. Explain Darwin’s idea of descent with modification and how it relates to the idea of Common descent?
10. How did Darwin explain “survival of the fittest”? give an example.
11. Explain the 4 pieces of evidence used to support Darwin’s theory?
12. Describe the conditions of the Earth when it first formed and how it changed to be able to sustain life.
13. Describe the relative dating process.
14. How is radioactive/radiometric dating used and how does it provide a more accurate age of a fossil?
15. Explain what a half-life is and how it is used to determine the age of a fossil.
16. What are index fossils and what are they used for?
17. The geological time scale is divided into eras and periods. What determines when one era ends and the next
18. How did the addition of oxygen to the Earth’s atmosphere affect the evolution of life?