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Define these terms:
Photosynthesis This is a chemical process that uses light to process carbon dioxide in
Respiration This is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism
and its environment.
Selective Permeability This is an ability of a plasma membrane to allow some
substances to cross across the membrane more easily than others.
System This is a group of interdependent organs with similar function.
Tissue This is a group of cells with similar structure or function.
Match the term on the left with its definition on the right:
O Permeability
A. This is the copying process by which a cell duplicates its DNA.
G Plant
B. This is any unwanted substance or toxin that is expelled from
J Plant Cell
C. A single stranded nucleic acid that plays a role in protein
I Plasmid
D. This is the first cell of a new individual, formed by the fusion of a
sperm and egg at fertilization
F Prokaryote
E. This is a biological reaction due to a stimulus.
Q Protein Synthesis F. These are organisms where the genetic material is not bound by a
nucleus. They are usually unicellular.
S Pseudopodia
G. This is any living thing without the power of locomotion that
obtain energy from sunlight or make their own food.
A Replication
H. This is any cell in a living organism that is not part of
P Reproduction
I. This is a circular, double-stranded DNA molecule that is capable
of independent replication. It usually occurs in bacteria.
E Response
J. This kind of cell has a large central vacuole and a cell wall.
K Ribosome
K. This organelle synthesizes proteins.
L. He was an English scientist, who first described and named cells
in 1665, when he observed a slice of cork.
L Robert Hooke
M. This is a tiny fluid-filled cavity in the cytoplasm. It can be used
for storage of biochemicals.
H Somatic Cell
N. This is the action that causes a response.
N Stimulus
O. This is the ability to allow certain ions or chemicals into or out of
a cell.
R Unicellular
P. This is the biological process of creating a new organism.
M Vacuole
Q. This is a two-part process that ends in the assembly of proteins
at the ribosomes within cells. The first part, transcription, begins
in the nucleus, when the DNA code is transferred to mRNA. The
second part, translation, takes place at the ribosomes, where both
mRNA and tRNA work to assemble proteins.
B Waste
R. Literally, one-celled.
D Zygote
S. This is a shape-changing cell structure used by amoebas to move
and to engulf food.