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Biology 103 Lecture
Origin and Evolution of Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists (Chapter 16)
Study Guide
Dr. Largen
Early earth and the origin of life?
• What are the three ideas presented in class about the origin of life?
• What is meant by the "spontaneous origin hypothesis"?
• What were the conditions on early earth?
• What was the purpose of the Miller-Urey experiment, what did it consist of, what did it
• What were the characteristics of the atmosphere of early earth?
• How much oxygen was present in the early earth's atmosphere, how much is present today
and to what activity is the difference attributed?
• What was the temperature (general) of the early earth, what caused that temperature, what
was the temperature around the time life appeared, what caused the change in temperature?
Prokaryotes have inhabited the earth for billions of years
• when were prokaryotes abundant in the fossil record?
• where on earth can prokaryotes be found?
• how numerous are prokaryotes relative to eukaryotes?
• what types of environments can prokaryotes thrive in?
• what is the average size of prokaryotic cells and how does that compare to the average size
of eukaryotic cells?
• what are some of the ways in which prokaryotes can be harmful to other life?
• what are some of the ways in which prokaryotes can be beneficial to other life?
• what are decomposers?
Archaea and bacteria are the two main branches of prokaryotic evolution
• is the cellular organization of prokaryotes different from the cellular organization of
• what are some fundamental differences between the cellular organization of prokaryotes as
compared to that of eukaryotes?
• into which two domains of life are the prokaryotic organisms classified?
• are the archaea thought to be more closely related to the eukaryotes than are the bacteria?
Prokaryotes come in a variety of shapes
• what are the names of the three cell shapes most common amongst the prokaryotes?
• does the name of the organism ever reflect the name of the cell shape?
Prokaryotes obtain nourishment in a variety of ways
• define autotroph
• define heteroptroph
• define photoautotroph
• define chemoautotroph
• define photoheterotroph
• define chemoheterotroph
what modes of nutrition are employed by prokaryotes?
what two main resources are usually considered when describing an organism's mode of
Diverse structural features help prokaryotes thrive almost everywhere
• describe the structure (general) and function of a prokaryotic flagellum
• describe the structure (general) and function of pili
• describe the structure (general) and function of an endospore
• describe the structure (general) and function of branching cell chains found in actinomycetes
• what role do they structural features above play in enabling prokaryotes to thrive in a variety
of environments?
The eukaryotic cell probably originated as a community of prokaryotes
• when do eukaryotes first appear in the fossil record?
• what are the two processes thought to have lead to the evolution of eukaryotic cells from
prokaryotic cells?
• what is membrane infolding and what structures in the euakryotic cell are thought to have
resulted from this process?
• what is endosymbiosis and what organelles of eukaryotes are thought to have evolved as a
result of this process?