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Clean, Burn and Shape
Why has Orenda decided to enter the weight loss area?
been many programs for weight loss, and many people have lost weight while using them, the challenge is to healthfully reduce
excess weight and to MAINTAIN that weight loss success. Recent discoveries have made the goal of effective weight maintenance
a reality. With this breakthrough, the Clean, Burn and Shape program has been developed.
Why is a cleanse an important part of weight loss?
that the cycle of detoxification be accelerated with weight loss so that this release of toxins is matched with detoxification. Further,
some researchers believe that the body, if toxic, will struggle to maintain body fat as it is needed to store these excess toxins and
keep them away from vital organs.
Do I need a cleanse if I am already taking the Immune?
results we recommend that you follow the program exactly as outlined. Also, most of your new clients will be beginning on the Clean
Burn Shape program without significant prior detoxification, and they will need the cleanse portion of the program.
What about the Clean Burn and Shape program is different from other diets that I have tried?
and successful maintenance after your goal weight is achieved.
The Maintenance portion of the system is simple and unambiguous. With Green- and Red-light weights set in advance, you can
follow a simple process of relearning the healthy habits that will create long-term success. The Orenda Burn is a very significant
assistance in achieving this long-term goal.
By allowing up to nine servings of fruits and vegetables and one to two servings of legumes per day, the program automatically
guides you to healthier eating habits which will be a key to long-term success.
The Shape Nutritional Shake is vegetarian, has very few net carbs and is therefore friendly to blood sugar levels, includes all essential
amino acids, and a high content of herbs in fibrous form. As these fibers swell in the stomach, a feeling of fullness occurs which is
missing in the sugar and whey shakes commonly found on market shelves.
Orenda has long recognized that weight gain in the general population is a major social, personal and health issue. While there have
The body stores toxins in adipose tissue (body fat). As this tissue is metabolized, those toxins are released. It is critically important
Maybe yes and maybe no … the issue is whether you have significant stored toxins in your adipose tissue. For safety, and best
The Clean Burn Shape program is a complete system to follow. This system provides the structure and discipline to create success
It is a healthy program that WORKS!
How will I know if I am receiving enough protein to avoid loss of lean
body mass (muscle)?
the amount of protein which you require each day is determined my finding your ideal weight.
Multiply your ideal weight by 10. That number is your maintenance calories per day. 20% of
those calories should be protein, so multiply total calories by .2. That gives you the calories of
protein per day. To convert calories to grams, divide by 4.
This is an important question with a somewhat complex answer: First the method of calculating
Clean, Burn and Shape
How will I know if I am receiving enough protein to avoid loss of lean body mass (muscle)? (cont.)
protein. Divide that by 4 = 60 grams of protein per day required to healthy maintenance. The Shape Nutritional Shake has 15 grams
of protein. If mixed with 8 ounces of nonfat milk, you add 8 grams of protein for a total of 23 grams of protein per shake. On Shape
Days, two shakes are programmed, totaling 46 Grams of protein. The remainder 14 Grams of protein can be easily achieved with
the selection of fruits, vegetables and legumes allowed by the program. During Burn Days, one Shake is programmed, providing 23
grams of protein, with one meal including “8 to 12 ounces of lean protein.” Eight ounces of chicken breast will add 68.4 grams of
protein. More than enough for our 120 pound ideal weight female! Persons with greater needs will increase the protein ounces and
legumes to complete the requirement. See the list below:
8 ounces nonfat milk
8 Grams Protein
viii. Navy Beans, 1 cup cooked
15 Grams Protein
6 ounces lean Beef
49 Grams Protein
ix. Pinto Beans, 1 cup cooked
14 Grams Protein
6 ounces Chicken
51 Grams Protein
Peas, 1 cup cooked
8 Grams Protein
6 ounces Fish
41 Grams Protein
xi. Soy Beans , 1 cup cooked
18 Grams Protein
Lentils, 1 cup cooked
18 Grams Protein
xii. Edamame, 1 cup cooked
22 Grams Protein
Red Beans, 1 cup cooked
16 Grams Protein
xiii. Peanuts, 1 cup cooked
34 Grams Protein
vii. Kidney Beans, 1 cup cooked = 15 Grams Protein
NOTE: The Clean Days are not designed to meet complete nutritional needs, but are designed to jump-start the process of fat
burning and cleansing. Do not pursue vigorous exercise on Clean Days and do not have more than two Clean Days in succession.
How is our Orenda Burn different from other Green Coffee Extracts?
Example: A woman with an ideal weight of 120 lbs would have total maintenance calories of 1200. Multiplied by .2 = 240 calories of
Green Coffee Extract has been popularized by media coverage. When this happens,
many companies move quickly to cash in on the new trend … some move much too
quickly, and some, in their desire to have the most competitive price on the web, seriously
compromise quality. To achieve the great effects on fat and carbohydrate metabolism
that GCA can give us, strict quality control and sourcing is required. The metabolic
effects we are looking for are created by Chlorogenic Acid. To avoid the negative effects
of excess caffeine associated with coffee and at the same time to achieve the high
concentration of Chlorogenic acid, the coffee beans must be Arabica beans. Arabica
beans are grown at high altitude, and are much more expensive than Robusto and other beans. Orenda requires that caffeine
content be less than 5% in our extract, and that Chlorogenic acid be 50% or greater. Some inexpensive products have very poor
nutritional profiles, and some that claim 50% Chlorogenic acid test as having very high caffeine levels. We believe that is why you
can find experiences of jittery “wired” feelings when consuming inferior GCA products. In developing the Orenda Burn, our experts
rejected several sources of Green Coffee extract … but someone is buying from those rejected sources. Make sure it is not you!