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 For example, we learn that a flash of ______________________ signals an impending crack of
___________________, as so we start to brace ourselves when ____________________ flashes
Ivan Pavlov Russian; ______________________ who spent two decades studying the ________________
system. Nobel Prize in 1904. Studied learning for the next three decades, by
After studying salivary secretion in ______________, he knew that when he put
____________ in a dog’s mouth the animal would invariably _______________________.
Pavlov’s Experiment:
Through experimentation, Pavlov asked: If a _____________________________________ (something the dog
could see or hear that would not normally cause salivation) regularly ___________________ the arrival of
__________________, would the dog associate the two ________________ (the food and the neutral stimuli)?
Classical Conditioning involves:
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
 _________________________in Pavlov’s case
Unconditioned Response (UCR)
 _________________________in Pavlov’s case
Pavlov’s Experiment (continued):
Just before placing food in the dog’s mouth to produce salivation, Pavlov sounded a bell
(_________________________________). After several pairings of __________and _______________, the dog
began to ______________________ to the sound of the ______________alone, in anticipation of the food.
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
 ___________________________ in Pavlov’s case
Conditioned Response (CR)
 ___________________________ (to the bell)
For example:
 For Pavlov, the previously _____________________________ was the ________________. During
conditioning, the tone was paired with the food (__________). After conditioning, the tone, when
presented alone, produced ___________________________ in the dog. The ____________ is now
considered the ______, and the dog’s _____________________ to the _____________ alone is now
considered the _______.
Baby Albert Experiment – Fear Conditioning
Five Major Conditioning Processes
1. Acquisition
 The time between presenting the _______________________ and the ______________________
needs to be ______________. For most species and procedures, about ________________ works
 Conditioning is not likely to occur if the conditioned stimulus is presented before the
unconditioned stimulus
2. Generalization
 Five days after the testing, Albert showed generalization of his
conditioned response by reacting with fear to a _________________, a
___________, and a ________________ coat.
3. Discrimination
4. Extinction
5. Spontaneous Recovery
 we learn that pushing a vending machine button relates to the delivery of a candy bar.
B.F. Skinner’s Experiments:
Shaping – while conditioning an _____________________ to perform certain behaviors, _________________________
are successively given as the subject gets ___________________to the ultimate behavior goal
 IE. If the purpose of putting a rat in a _________________ is to teach it to get from Point A to Point B
while following a certain ________________
 Every time the rat makes a turn towards the ________________path, a ___________________ is given.
If it makes a turn towards the _________________ path, _______ reward is given.
If we can _______________________ animals to respond to one stimulus and not to another, then obviously
they can perceive the differences. (___________________________)
 IE. Some _________________ have been trained to be able to distinguish between Bach and Stravinsky.
 IE. If the goal of a ______________________ is to get all students to strive for 100% accuracy on their
spelling tests, then every time a student __________________ on successive spelling tests they should
be ______________________. NOT just reward those that get a 100%.
Reinforcement –
 IE.
Types of Reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement –
 IE. Food for a hungry ___________________. Attention, approval, money for ___________________.
Negative Reinforcement –
 IE. Taking ___________________ to relieve a ______________________ will increase the behavior of
taking aspirin because it reduces or eliminates the __________________.
_____________________________ Reinforcement
 Positive ___________ a desirable stimulus, like getting a hug or watching TV.
_____________________________ Reinforcement
 Negative ___________________ an aversive stimulus, For example, cleaning the
room allows a child to escape a parent's nagging or like fastening a seatbelt to stop
the annoying beeping
Continuous Reinforcement –
Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement –
Partial Reinforcement Schedules:
Fixed-Ratio =
Variable-Ratio Schedule =
Fixed-interval schedules =
Variable-Ratio =
Punishment –
IE. Shock treatment and spanking are added, _____________________________consequences,
while taking away phone or car privileges withdraws _______________________ consequences.
Punishment Issues:
Observational Learning
 For example, a child sees his big sister burn her fingers on the stove has thereby learned not to
touch it.
Pro-Social Models
Anti-Social Models
Mirror Neurons
Albert Bandura’s Experiment – The Bobo Doll
Children exposed to an ________________ taking out their frustrations on a
_________________________ would imitate their punches and kicks when
presented with a _________________________when they were frustrated.
__________________________________________ is learning by watching and imitating others
The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior is called _________________________________