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Psychology 1A
Ms. Peterson-Guada
Study Guide: Quiz 3 (Chapters 5 & 7)
No Make-Ups for quiz unless notified prior to quiz or in documented emergencies
Chapter 5: Learning
1) What is behavioral psychology the study of?
2) Who is Ivan Pavlov and how did his research influence future behavioral psychologists?
3) On what level of behavior does classical conditioning work?
4) Be able to recognize the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR in a given scenario.
Example: Cancer patients who receive chemotherapy treatments frequently feel nauseous
from the chemotherapy. Suppose that after Dawn has received several chemotherapy
sessions at the same hospital, she starts to feel nauseous while she is in the waiting room,
before she has had the chemotherapy session. What has happened? What is the UCS? What
is the UCR? What is the CS? What is the CR?
*Hint: Remember, sometimes it is easier to start off with finding the response and then work
5) What were John Watson’s contributions to the field of behavioral psychology?
6) According to behaviorism, how do advertisements work? Be able to look at an ad and label
the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR.
Example: A sexy girl is holding a coke can. What is your natural response (UCR)? What
naturally caused or stimulated this response (UCS)? What do the advertisers want you to
think of the next time you are thirsty or enter a market (CS)? How is purchasing this product
supposed to make you feel having seen the ad before (CR)?
7) What contribution does B.F. Skinner make to behavioral psychology?
8) At what level of behavior does operant conditioning work?
9) Be comfortable with applying positive and negative reinforcement and punishment to an
individual to help shape her or his behavior.
a) Suppose that in Roland’s neighborhood, the garbage is picked up early Monday morning.
If Roland does not take out the garbage on Sunday night, his mother yells at him on
Monday when the garbage hasn’t been picked up. According to operant conditioning,
this is an example of? Why?
b) Suppose that on Sundays, Roland’s mother nags him to take out the garbage. When he
takes out the garbage, she stops. According to operant conditioning, this is an example
of? Why?
c) On Monday, Roland usually receives his allowance. Suppose that he has not taken out
the garbage on Sunday night, and his mother decides not to give him his allowance that
week. According to operant conditioning, this is an example of? Why?
d) Suppose that whenever Roland remembers to take out the garbage on Sunday night, his
mother cooks one of his favorite dishes for dinner on Monday night. According to
operant conditioning, this is an example of? Why?
10) How could you use shaping, or successive approximations, to teach a child to brush their
11) Out of positive and negative reinforcement and punishment, which is most effective?
Chapter 7: Thinking, Language, and Intelligence
1) What was Alfred Binet’s intention in creating the original intelligence test?
2) How did this differ from the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale in the U.S.?
3) Be able to calculate an individual’s IQ with a given mental age and chronological age. (ie. If
a child’s mental age is 12 and has a chronological age of 10, what would the child’s IQ be?)
4) Why is David Wechsler’s perspective on intelligence testing important? Why is his change
of emphasis to adult testing significant?
5) What is the definition of intelligence? Who created this definition?
6) Why is Howard Gardner’s contribution to the study of intelligence significant? What are the
8 individual intelligences he proposes?
7) What are the three components to making a psychological test?
8) What does it mean for a test to be “culture-fair”? Is this ever possible?