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Molecular Biology of Archaea 3
Structure and dynamics of the crenarchaeal
Rosalie P.C. Driessen1 and Remus Th. Dame*
Leiden Institute of Chemistry and Cell Observatory, Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Leiden University, 2333 CC, Leiden, The Netherlands
Crenarchaeal genomes are organized into a compact nucleoid by a set of small chromatin proteins. Although
there is little knowledge of chromatin structure in Archaea, similarities between crenarchaeal and bacterial
chromatin proteins suggest that organization and regulation could be achieved by similar mechanisms. In
the present review, we describe the molecular properties of crenarchaeal chromatin proteins and discuss the
possible role of these architectural proteins in organizing the crenarchaeal chromatin and in gene regulation.
Chromatin proteins play a key role in compacting and
organizing genomic DNA throughout all domains of life
[1]. Besides folding the genome into a compact structure,
chromatin proteins are involved in regulating essential cellular
processes such as transcription, replication and repair. In
eukaryotes, DNA is wrapped around histone octamers
yielding nucleosomes [2], which are, with the aid of additional
chromatin proteins, folded into higher-order structures.
Bacteria and archaea lack a nuclear envelope, so they ‘only’
need to compact their genomic DNA (several megabases
long) to fit within the volume of the cell. Surprisingly, in
most cases, the compacted genomic DNA (referred to as
the nucleoid) occupies an even smaller volume. Bacteria lack
histone homologues and rely on a set of small chromatin
proteins to achieve organization and compaction of their
genomic DNA [3]. The situation in archaea is somewhat
more complex: Euryarchaea express true tetrameric histone
homologues which form nucleosome-like structures [4],
whereas Crenarchaea, analogous to bacteria, only synthesize
small chromatin proteins [5]. Although chromatin proteins
are not conserved at the level of amino acid sequence
throughout all domains of life, it has been proposed that
they are functionally conserved in terms of their architectural
properties [1].
Crenarchaeal chromatin proteins
Whereas chromatin proteins are generally conserved among
Crenarchaea, in the present review, we focus on the model
organism Sulfolobus solfataricus. Several potential chromatin
proteins have been identified and characterized in this
organism [6]: Alba (previously referred to as Sso10b), Sul7
(referred to as Sso7d in S. solfataricus) [7,8], Cren7 [9], Sso10a
Key words: Alba, architectural protein, chromatin, Crenarchaea, nucleoid-associated protein,
Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Abbreviations used: EM, electron microscopy; HMGB, high-mobility group B; H-NS, histone-like
nucleoid-structuring protein; SMC, structural maintenance of chromosomes.
To whom correspondence should be addressed (email [email protected]).
Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2013) 41, 321–325; doi:10.1042/BST20120336
[10,11] and Sso7c [12,13]. Although a general consistent
nomenclature would be useful, these proteins are commonly
named after the organism from which they originate and
their size. All of these proteins are small (7–10 kDa), highly
abundant in the cell, basic and bind to ds (double-stranded)
DNA with no apparent sequence specificity. Alba proteins are
∼10 kDa in size and form dimers in solution [14]. Two Alba
homologues have been identified in S. solfataricus: Alba1
and Alba2 [15]. Alba2 is expressed at ∼5 % of the level
of Alba1 and forms obligate heterodimers with Alba1.
Alba1 homodimers bind co-operatively along the DNA [16],
whereas, physiologically irrelevant, Alba2 homodimers lack
co-operativity and bind with a 10–20-fold lower binding
affinity [15]. The structure of Alba has been known for
several years [14,15,17]. Recently, a co-crystal structure of
the Alba homologue from Aeropyrum pernix bound to
DNA has also been solved [18]. This structure revealed
that dimer–dimer interactions of Alba enable bridging of
two DNA duplexes, a phenomenon observed previously
by EM (electron microscopy) [15,19]. Sul7 and Cren7 are
two small (∼7 kDa) monomeric proteins that bend DNA
by intercalation into the minor groove [20–23]. Although
these proteins have no similarities at the amino acid level,
their structures and DNA-binding properties are very similar
[9,20,21,24]. Sso10a is a 10 kDa protein that dimerizes by
forming an antiparallel coiled-coil structure [10,11]. The two
winged-helix domains at the ends of the dimer are believed
to be involved in DNA binding. Three Sso10a homologues
are expressed by S. solfataricus. Besides the observation by
EM [19] that Sso10a brings DNA duplexes together and a
speculative model according to which Sso10a bends DNA
[10], little is known about the binding mode of Sso10a
proteins. Sso7c is another protein that has been suggested
to be involved in chromatin organization [12,19]. It forms
a dimer in solution and binds non-specifically to the major
groove of DNA. Whether this protein indeed functions in
chromatin organization and compaction is currently unclear.
At the amino acid sequence level, it exhibits homology with
several proteins described as transcription factors, which
might suggest a similar role for Sso7c.
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The architectural properties of Alba, Sul7 and Cren7
have been characterized in several studies. EM and AFM
(atomic force microscopy) studies have shown that all three
proteins form compacted protein–DNA complexes at low or
intermediate stoichiometries and that Alba forms open (circular) protein–DNA complexes at high protein/DNA ratios
[15,19,24]. The ability of Alba to bridge two DNA fragments,
as observed in the protein–DNA co-crystal structure [18],
could underlie the observed compaction. In the protein–
DNA co-crystal structures of Sul7 [22,23] and Cren7 [20,21],
DNA is bent by 61◦ and 53◦ respectively (Figure 1A). Evaluation of these angles after solution equilibration in molecular
dynamics simulations of these protein–DNA complexes
showed that the DNA bending angles within both complexes
are actually very similar: ∼ 50◦ [24]. How Cren7 and Sul7
interact with DNA in solution has been quantified and studied in detail using single-molecule DNA micromanipulation
experiments [24,25]. DNA-pulling experiments revealed that
Sul7 and Cren7 reduce the apparent persistence length of
DNA by inducing bends [24]. Further analysis showed that
Sul7 and Cren7 bend DNA with a non-flexible angle, which is
different from other well-known DNA-bending proteins in
bacteria and eukaryotes such as the Escherichia coli histonelike protein HU [26] and HMGB (high-mobility group B)
[27] that both exhibit a wide variation in bending angles.
Interestingly, in contrast with Sul7 and Cren7, HU and
HMGB are both able to pack tightly along the DNA [26,28],
forming stiff filamentous complexes at high stoichiometries.
This suggests that the flexibility of protein-induced bends
allows close side-by-side binding, which can lead to stiffening
of the DNA. Alba displays two architectural binding modes
depending on the protein/DNA stoichiometry. At low stoichiometry, it can bridge two DNA duplexes [19], whereas, at
saturating protein/DNA ratios, it forms filamentous protein–
DNA complexes [16]. Interestingly, both binding modes
rely on dimer–dimer interactions [16,18]. Heterodimers
of Alba1 and Alba2 only exhibit bridging, suggesting that
dimer–dimer interactions are affected [15].
involved in structuring looped domains are SMC (structural
maintenance of chromosomes) proteins (e.g. cohesin in
eukaryotes [34] and MukBEF in E. coli [35]). SMC-like
proteins have been identified throughout all archaeal branches
[36] (including Sulfolobus species [37]) and could thus also
be involved in the higher-order chromatin organization of
archaea. Looped structures, formed by either Alba or SMC
proteins, might be further organized and compacted by the
action of other chromatin proteins such as Sul7 and Cren7
(Figure 1B).
Global chromatin structure can be adapted by differential expression of chromatin proteins. Bacteria exhibit
different expression patterns of chromatin proteins depending on the growth phase [38]. For instance, Fis levels are
high during fast growth, but they fall sharply upon transition
to stationary phase, giving rise to high expression of other
chromatin proteins, such as CbpA and Dps [38,39]. High
expression of these proteins may be related to the drastic
changes in chromatin structure observed in stationary phase,
highly condensing DNA into a crystalline structure [40].
Differential expression of chromatin proteins could play
an important role in dynamically shaping the genome in
archaea as well. In fact, Euryarchaea synthesize different
histone homologues that are able to form tetramers with
different DNA-binding properties depending on its subunit
composition [41]. The changes in expression patterns of these
proteins could therefore be involved in regulating chromatin
structure and/or gene expression. The transcription of
several genes encoding chromatin proteins in Sulfolobus
acidocaldarius has also been shown to be cell-cycle-dependent
[42]. Whereas the transcription levels of Cren7 and Sul7
varied significantly at different stages during the cell cycle,
the expression level of Alba proteins is relatively stable. It
has also been shown that the degree of compaction of the
nucleoid of Sulfolobus, as seen by light microscopy, changes
during different growth phases and appears to be less compact
in the stationary phase of growth [43].
Regulation of gene expression
Chromatin organization at higher-order
Structural and single-molecule studies thus provide useful
insights into the protein–DNA interactions of Sul7, Cren7
and Alba on the scale of 10–100 bp. However, how these
proteins co-operate on a megabase-scale to fold a genome
of approximately 1 mm in length into a compact and
organized nucleoid of approximately 1 μm3 is still unknown.
In bacteria, it has been shown that the genome is organized in
looped domains, which might be due to bridges or crosslinks formed by H-NS (histone-like nucleoid-structuring
protein) [29,30]. Interestingly, Alba exhibits DNA-binding
modes (cis and trans) similar to those of H-NS [31–33],
which could permit this protein to act analogous to HNS. Alba might thus facilitate the formation of higher-order
structured loops in archaea. Other proteins that could be
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Authors Journal compilation Although the transcription machinery in archaea closely
resembles the eukaryotic transcription machinery [44], we
propose that chromatin proteins play roles as (global)
regulators of gene expression in Crenarchaea analogous to
their bacterial counterparts. In this section, we discuss the
different mechanisms that, following this analogy, could be
involved in gene regulation in crenarchaeal species.
Direct repression of transcription by occlusion of RNA
polymerase from promoter regions by chromatin proteins
is a simple mechanism employed in bacteria. For instance,
in Gram-negative bacteria, H-NS is known to act as a global
regulator by binding specifically to AT-rich promoter regions
overlapping with promoters [45]. Like H-NS proteins,
Alba is able to form protein–DNA filaments (Figure 1B),
which could interfere with transcription and other cellular
processes. Indeed, Alba has been shown to be able to
modulate DNA accessibility in vitro [46,47]. Specificity in
Molecular Biology of Archaea 3
Figure 1 Model of the action of DNA benders Cren7 and Sul7 and DNA bridger Alba in higher-order chromatin organization of the
circular crenarchaeal genome at different scales
(A) Co-crystal structures (1–10 nm scale) show that Cren7 and Sul7 bend DNA by ∼50◦ and Alba bridges two DNA duplexes
by dimer–dimer interactions forming a small looped structure (PDB codes 3LWH [21], 1BNZ [22] and 3U6Y [18] respectively).
(B) Alba forms looped structures of the order of thousands of base pairs by bringing distant positions along the DNA duplex
together (100–1000 nm scale). The looped domain could be compacted further by the action of Alba, Sul7 and Cren7 at the
shorter scales described in (A). At the 10–100 nm scale, Alba forms filamentous patches by binding closely side-by-side.
Both Alba–DNA bridges and Alba-coated filament could lead to gene repression by blocking transcription (initiation).
gene repression by Alba could be achieved via a DNA
sequence preference in binding, but whether such preference
exists is currently unsolved.
Two mechanisms have been described that could modulate
and fine-tune the repression mechanism described in the
previous section. First, the DNA-binding properties of
chromatin proteins can be altered by post-translational
modifications (e.g. acetylation or methylation). Such modifications constitute an important mechanism in relation to
gene regulation in eukaryotes in which the DNA-binding
properties of histones and interactions between adjacent
nucleosomes are modulated. Although chromatin proteins
are rarely modified in bacteria, proteins in archaeal cells are
extensively post-translationally modified [48]. For instance,
Alba–DNA interactions are altered by the acetylation of a
single lysine residue in the DNA-binding interface of Alba
[14,46], which reduces DNA-binding affinity. Acetylation
and deacetylation could serve to regulate the level of Albacoated regions in vivo and hence the accessibility for the
transcription machinery. Cren7 and Sul7 are both known to
be methylated at several lysine residues [8,9]. However, since
methylation does not alter the DNA-binding affinity in vitro,
it remains unclear whether and how these modifications alter
the function of Sul7 and Cren7. Secondly, Sulfolobus species
express multiple homologues of many of the chromatin
proteins, yielding a second mechanism for altering the DNAbinding properties of proteins. For example, the interplay
between the Alba proteins Alba1 and Alba2 changes the
structural effects of Alba in vitro and might be linked to gene
regulation [15]. Differential expression of Alba1 and Alba2
would change the ratio of Alba homo- and hetero-dimers
within the cell. Since heterodimers exhibit weaker dimer–
dimer interactions compared with Alba homodimers [15],
this might make the DNA more accessible when the level of
heterodimers increases.
Clearly, our understanding of how crenarchaeal chromatin
is dynamically organized and regulated is limited. Recent
studies have revealed many of the architectural properties
of chromatin proteins in vitro, but little is known about
how these proteins act in vivo and how the interplay between
these proteins contributes to modulating the structure of the
genomic material and gene expression. Further studies on
the architectural properties and functions of crenarchaeal
chromatin proteins, both in vivo and in vitro, will help
to expand and refine our current model of chromatin
organization in archaea.
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This work was financially supported by the Netherlands Organization
for Scientific Research (NWO) through a Vidi grant to R.T.D. [grant
number 864.08.001].
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Received 14 November 2012
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