Download Protein Creation Pathway Tutorial

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Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________ Protein Creation Pathway Tutorial Directions: Download and then open the PowerPoint from my website. Press the F5 button to start the presentation. The Nucleus 1. What is the nickname of the nucleus? ____________________________________________________________ 2. List 2 items found inside the nucleus. a. _________________________________ b. ______________________________ 3. Which object holds the blueprints for creating a protein? _____________________________________________ The Nucleolus 4. What is the function of the nucleolus? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. In general, what are small parts of the cell called? ___________________________________________________ 6. What is the monomer of a protein called? _________________________________________________________ Ribosomes 7. Which organelle creates ribosomes? _____________________________________________________________ 8. What is the function of a protein? _______________________________________________________________ 9. Ribosomes attach to which organelle as they leave the nucleus? _______________________________________ The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum 10. Define TRANSLATION. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. What is the function of the rough ER? ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. What is attached to the rough ER? _______________________________________________________________ 13. What is the rough ER itself attached to? ___________________________________________________________ Let’s Review 14. Place the 3 steps in order of which happen first. 1st = ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd = _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3rd = _______________________________________________________________________________________ Protein Functions 15. What is being created as ribosome move along the rough ER? _________________________________________ 16. Give 2 functions of proteins. 1st = ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2nd = _______________________________________________________________________________________ 17. What is the function of the Golgi body? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What is the function of a vesicle? ________________________________________________________________ Vesicles 19. What is inside of vesicles? ______________________________________________________________________ 20. What happens to proteins after exiting the cell? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Review Questions 1. Which organelle creates proteins? _______________________________________________________________ 2. Which organelle transports the ribosomes from the nucleus to the Golgi body? ___________________________ 3. Which organelle creates proteins? _______________________________________________________________ 4. Which organelle packages finalized proteins for shipment? ___________________________________________ 5. Which organelle protects a finished protein as it exits the cell? ________________________________________ 6. Click the proper organelle. 7. Click the proper organelle. 8. Click the proper organelle. 9. Which organelle did you click on? ________________________________________________________________ 10. Which organelle did you click on? ________________________________________________________________