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Rebouissou et al
Molecular pathogenesis of focal nodular hyperplasia and
hepatocellular adenoma
Sandra Rebouissou1, 2, Paulette Bioulac-Sage3, 4, Jessica Zucman-Rossi1, 2
Inserm, U674, Génomique fonctionnelle des tumeurs solides, Paris, F-75010, France
Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Institut Universitaire d’Hématologie, CEPH, Paris, F75010, France
Inserm, U889; Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, IFR66, Bordeaux, F-33076, France
CHU de Bordeaux, Hopital Pellegrin, Service d’Anatomie Pathologique , Bordeaux, F33076, France
Corresponding Author: Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Inserm, U674, Génétique des tumeurs
hépatiques, 27 rue Juliette Dodu, 75010 Paris, tel: 33 1 53 72 51 66; FAX: 33 1 53 72 51 58;
Email: [email protected]
Key Words: Hepatocellular adenoma, focal nodular hyperplasia, chromosome, gene
mutation, hepatocyte nuclear factor 1, beta-catenin, inflammation, benign tumor, genetic
alteration, SAA, CRP, FABP1, estrogen, steatosis.
APC (adenomatosis polyposis coli)
CTNNB1 (gene coding for ß-catenin)
FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis coli)
FNH (focal nodular hyperplasia)
HCA (hepatocellular adenoma)
HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma)
HNF1 (hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 alpha)
HUMARA (human androgen receptor)
TCF1 (transcription factor 1 coding for HNF1)
Rebouissou et al
Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) and hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) are benign
tumors that occur in otherwise normal liver parenchyma. FNH is considered to be the result of
a hyperplastic response to increased blood flow secondary to vascular malformations. Most
FNH are polyclonal and to date, the molecular pathway and mechanisms that are altered in
FNH have yet to be elucidated. In contrast, HCA are consistently monoclonal tumors, which
have been divided up into 3 subtypes of tumors depending on the molecular alteration
detected in the tumors: HNF1 inactivation, ß-catenin activation and/or an acute
inflammatory response in the tumor. These molecular features are closely related to clinical
and pathological characteristics, and one of the most critical correlations is the higher risk of
malignant transformation for ß-catenin activated HCA cases. Moreover, various risk factors,
such as oral contraception and obesity, are associated with HCA occurrence and may
collaborate with constitutional genetic predisposition related to HNF1 or CYP1B1 germline
mutations. Altogether, the recent identification of different molecular pathways that
contribute to the tumor development has significantly increased our knowledge of benign
hepatocellular tumorigenesis. These findings may modify our clinical practice, particularly in
the diagnosis and follow-up of HCA patients.
Rebouissou et al
Focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular adenomas are benign liver tumors that
may be sometimes difficult to diagnose. The recent identification of various molecular
pathways altered in these tumors has significantly increased our knowledge of benign
hepatocellular tumorigenesis. Moreover, analysis of the genotype-phenotype correlation in
hepatocellular adenoma also enabled the identification of a patho-molecular classification of
these tumors. Novel markers specific to these subtypes have been developed, implicating a
potential for use in clinical practice. In this review, we will focus on the recent progress in
understanding of the molecular mechanisms in these two hepatocellular tumors.
1 - Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
1.1 - Clinical and pathological characteristics of FNH
Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH), first described by Edmondson, are the second most
frequent benign liver tumors after hemangioma (1). FNH more frequently develops in women
(M/F=1/8) between 20 to 50 years old (2). An increased risk linked to oral contraceptive use
is still under debate; however, some studies suggest that use of contraceptive pills may
increase the size of the nodules (3-5). In 1985, Wanless and collaborators proposed that FNH
is an hyperplastic response of the hepatic parenchyma to a preexisting local arterial spider-like
malformation, likely with a developmentally abnormal origin (6). FNH is also related to wellknown vascular diseases, such as the hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu–Osler–
Weber disease) or the congenital absence of the portal vein (7-9).
FNH usually occurs in normal liver and is multinodular, composed of normal
hepatocytes arranged in 1-2 cell-thick plates. Bile ductules are usually found at the interface
between hepatocytes and fibrous regions (10, 11). Increased arterial flow is thought to
hyperperfuse the local parenchyma, leading to secondary hepatocellular hyperplasia. FNH is
therefore considered the result of a hyperplastic response to increased blood flow (6, 12-14),
and, accordingly, FNH usually does not bleed or undergo malignant transformation, justifying
therapeutic abstention.
1.2 - Molecular features associated with FNH
Only few data describing molecular disorders observed in FNH have been described in
the literature. Clonal analysis using the HUMARA test demonstrated the reactive polyclonal
nature of liver cells in FNH in 50 to 100% of the cases, depending on the series (15-19)
(Table 1). Other studies analyzing chromosome gains and losses by comparative genomic
hybridization, allelotyping, or karyotype identified chromosome alterations, indicating a
clonal origin of the FNH nodules in 14 to 50% of the cases (19-23) (Table 1). However,
genetic analysis of FNH failed to identify somatic gene mutations in ß-catenin gene
(CTNNB1), TP53, APC or HNF1 (19, 24, 25). Recent studies showed that the mRNA
expression levels of the angiopoietin genes (ANGPT1 and ANGPT2) involved in vessel
maturation are altered, with the ANGPT1/ANGPT2 ratio increased in all FNH samples
analyzed (18, 19). Apart from the dystrophic vessels, the phenotypic characteristics of
parenchymal vessels in FNH confirms that the lesion retains the overall organization of the
normal liver tissue (26). The deposition of vitronectin in the central fibrous scar is likely a
result of local hemodynamic disturbance, further strengthening the role of vascular
abnormalities as a main determinant of FNH (26). Recently, we identified an activation of the
ß-catenin pathway in FNH without ß-catenin or Axin1 mutation (unpublished results). ßcatenin pathway activation was restricted to enlarged periveinous areas in FNH, which may
explain the slight polyclonal over-proliferation of hepatocytes at the origin of the lesion.
Rebouissou et al
Table 1. Summary of FNH Molecular Analyses
Published Studies
Number of analyzed
Monoclonal lesions (%)
Gaffey 1996*
6 (75)
Paradis 1997*
Chen TC 2001*
7 (38)
Zhang SH 2004*
Chen YJ** 2002
3 (50)
Raidl M 2004*
1 (33)
Kellner U 2003*
1 (14)
Nakayama S, 2006
Heimann P 1995***
Overall studies
20 (34)
*HUMARA test, **gain or loss of chromosome by CGH or allelotype, ***karyotype
2 - Hepatocellular adenoma (HCA)
2.1 - Clinical and pathological characteristics of HCA
In occidental countries, hepatocellular adenomas (HCA) are rare tumors that usually
develop in women who use oral contraceptives. The relationship between oral contraception
and HCA occurrence has been suggested by Baum and collaborators in 1973 (27) and was
subsequently confirmed in several case-control studies (28-32). HCA occurrence may also be
related to androgenic-anabolic steroids use (33-37), glycogenosis type I and III (38-43). HCA
is a benign proliferation of hepatocytes in an otherwise normal liver. The HCA nodule, rarely
encapsulated, varies from 0.5 to 15 cm in diameter with arterial vascularization. Proliferating
hepatocytes usually resemble normal cells that may be steatotic or show glycogen storage.
The tumor is also characterized by the lack of frequent mitosis, portal tract and cholangiolar
proliferation (11, 44). HCA nodules are generally solitary, but two or three nodules
occasionally develop simultaneously. The development of more than 10 HCA nodules is rare
and has been specifically defined as adenomatosis by Flejou and collaborators in 1985. In this
context, HCA development was described to be less significantly related to oral contraception
and with women (45); however, adenomatosis is also described more frequently in women
(46, 47), and is also frequently associated with diabetes, sometimes in a familial context (46,
During its natural evolution, HCA may remain stable, increase in size, or regress (4952). Regression is more frequently described in HCA related to androgenic-anabolic steroids
and glycogenosis after hormone withdrawal, or after an appropriate alimentary regiment (5356). HCA occasionally bleeds and this risk increases with the nodule’s size (27, 57, 58).
Malignant transformation in hepatocellular carcinoma is considered to be extremely rare but
has been consistently described (59-63). The risk of malignant transformation seems to be
more critical in HCA related to androgenic-anabolic steroid exposure or glycogenosis type I
(36, 37, 64, 65).
Rebouissou et al
2.2 - Molecular features associated with HCA
HCA are monoclonal tumors (18, 19, 66). However, in contrast with hepatocellular
carcinomas that show a large number of recurrent chromosome and genetic alterations (see
(67) for review), prior to 2002 only a few chromosome losses and gains were identified in
HCA (68-71). In 2002, several recurrent mutations were identified in the TCF1 gene encoding
hepatocyte nuclear factor 1 (HNF1), CTNNB1 encoding ß-catenin, and APC (adenomatosis
polyposis coli). Methylation of p14(ARF) and p16(INK4a) have also been found in
approximately 20% of HCA cases (72).
a- HNF1 inactivation
The TCF1 gene is located at chromosome 12q24.2 (73), and encodes the hepatocyte
nuclear factor 1 (HNF1), a 681 amino-acid homeodomain transcription factor that is
involved in hepatocyte differentiation (74). HNF1 controls the expression of liver-specific
genes, such as ß-fibrinogen, 1-antitrypsin and albumin (74). HNF1 is also expressed in
several polarized epithelia, and inactivation of the protein in mice revealed its important role
in renal, pancreatic and liver function (75-78). In mice, loss of HNF1 activity was associated
with the development of fatty liver, hepatomegaly, hepatocyte dysplasia and proliferation (75,
76, 79). Moreover, the mouse model also revealed a critical role for HNF1 in
cholesterol/HDL and bile acid metabolism (77). We identified HNF1 as a human tumor
suppressor gene involved in liver tumorigenesis, as we found biallelic inactivating mutations
of this gene in 35-50% of HCA as well as a few cases of well-differentiated hepatocellular
carcinomas that developed in the absence of cirrhosis (80-82). The mutations were predicted
to inactivate the protein as they included mainly nonsense and frame-shift mutations within
the N-terminal portion of the protein, or mutations leading to amino-acid substitutions within
the homeodomain (80-82). Mutations of HNF1 or HNF1ß have also been identified in rare
cases of colon, renal, breast and endometrial cancers (83-86).
In two comprehensive analyses of genotype-phenotype correlations in large series of
HCA, we showed that HNF1 mutations define a homogeneous group of tumors
phenotypically characterized by the recurrent presence of marked steatosis without
inflammation or cytological abnormalities (81, 82). Furthermore, we identified a repression of
gluconeogenesis coordinated with an activation of glycolysis, citrate shuttle and fatty acid
synthesis, which predicted elevated rates of lipogenesis in HCA tumors harboring mutations
in HNF1 (87). In these tumors, lipid composition was dramatically modified and,
surprisingly, lipogenesis activation did not operate through SREBP-1 and ChREBP, both of
which instead were repressed. We also found a silencing of L-FABP, which encodes liver
fatty acid binding protein 1, suggesting that impaired fatty acid trafficking may also
contribute to the fatty phenotype. We showed that absence of L-FABP staining in HCA was
specific to HNF1 inactivation among the different benign liver tumor subtypes (82, 87).
Together this indicates that steatosis, frequently observed in HCA, may contribute to
tumorigenesis, and this occurs through a constant and specific mechanism in the HNF1
inactivated tumor subtype.
b- ß-catenin activation
Chen and collaborators sought to analyze potential alterations of candidate critical genes
in HCA (24). They focused on the Wnt/ß-catenin pathway, as activating mutations of ßcatenin are found in 20 to 34% of hepatocellular carcinomas, suggesting that ß-catenin is the
Rebouissou et al
most frequently activated oncogene in HCC (67, 88, 89). Furthermore, this pathway plays a
key role in liver physiological phenomena, such as lineage specification, differentiation, stem
cell renewal, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, zonation, proliferation, cell adhesion and
liver regeneration (90-97). Chen et al. identified a ß-catenin activating mutation in 3 of a
series of 10 tested HCA cases. Simultaneously, a ß-catenin activating mutation was also
identified in an HCA occurring in a female child (98). Nuclear accumulation of ß-catenin was
also identified in 46% of 18 analyzed HCA cases by Torbenson and al, but none were
activating mutated (99). Other genes in the Wnt pathways, however, such as adenomatous
polyposis coli (APC) or the Axin family genes, did not show any mutations in sporadic
adenomas (24, 99).
In our two series of approximately 160 different genotyped HCAs, we identified an
activating ß-catenin mutation in 15 to 19% of the cases (81, 82). In 67% of these cases, the
mutations consist of a large in-frame deletion of exon 3 that excludes the amino acids
normally phosphorylated by GSK3ß. In contrast to the other subtype of HCA, ß-catenin
activated adenomas were frequently found in males (38%), characterized by cytological
abnormalities and an acinar pattern, and were frequently associated with malignant
transformation (81, 82). We did not find any HCA cases with both β-catenin mutations and
biallelic inactivation of HNF1, suggesting that these two tumorigenic pathways are mutually
exclusive. Recently, we showed that ß-catenin activated HCA may be robustly diagnosed
using immunochemistry by assessing the over-expression of ß-catenin and glutamine
synthetase, a target of ß-catenin, (11). This finding is important in a routine practice to
identify HCA at highest risk of malignant transformation, while remembering that such a
transformation also occurs in other molecular subtypes of HCA but at a lower frequency.
c- other molecular alterations
In 2005, Lehmann and collaborators analyzed the methylation levels of nine genes in a
series of HCA, FNH, HCC, adjacent and unrelated normal liver tissues (100). This analysis
revealed that hepatocellular adenomas display a methylation profile much more similar to
normal liver tissues and focal nodular hyperplasias than to hepatocellular carcinomas.
Moreover, the lack of significant difference between methylation profiles observed in FNH
when compared to HCA suggest that aberrant methylation may not play a major role in
adenoma pathogenesis in contrast to HCC. Vander Borght and collaborators evaluated the
expression and localization of hepatic transporters in HCA, different types of FNH and wellto moderately differentiated HCC in non-cirrhotic liver and compared them with normal liver
(101). They observed diffuse over-expression of MRP3 and down-regulation of OATP2/8 in
HCA, while FNHs had a completely different expression profile explaining their cholestatic
features. In HCCs, canalicular transporters were largely absent, probably as a consequence of
dedifferentiation. Whereas transporter dysregulations can easily explain specific features,
their role in benign tumor pathogenesis remained to be elucidated.
In our genotype-phenotype correlation study of HCA, we defined a subgroup of lesions
characterized by the presence of inflammatory infiltrates (81). Representing 35% of HCA
cases, these nodules exhibited additional features such as sinusoidal dilatation, dystrophic
vessels and ductular reaction, and included most of the previously described so-called
“telangiectatic focal nodular hyperplasia” cases (19). In these tumors, we detected elevated
expression of members of the acute phase inflammatory response (serum amyloid protein,
SAA, and C-reactive protein, CRP) at both the mRNA and protein levels (82). Interestingly,
our immunohistochemical analysis showed that SAA was sharply over-expressed in the tumor
lesion without particular reinforcement in proximity of the inflammatory infiltrates, which
Rebouissou et al
remained negative, as well as Kupffer cells and other sinusoidal cells in the HCA that did not
over-express SAA. These results suggested that the inflammatory pathway was intrinsically
deregulated in tumor hepatocytes, and inflammatory infiltrates could be a secondary effect.
According to this hypothesis, we identified a typical case of inflammatory HCA with clinical
manifestation of an inflammatory syndrome and SAA expression in the tumor; after complete
resection of the nodule, the inflammatory syndrome disappeared, indicating that peripheral
inflammatory proteins were effectively secreted by the tumor (102). We also found that
inflammatory HCAs more frequently developed in patients presenting a high body mass index
and excessive alcohol consumption (82). These results suggest that alcohol intake and obesity
could have a direct role in the initiation of tumorigenesis of inflammatory HCA. Additional
molecular studies are required to identify the molecular defect at the origin of these tumors
and to better understand the relationship with ß-catenin activation, as SAA over-expression
and ß-catenin activation are not mutually exclusive and coexist in a subset of cases. The main
molecular findings in HCA are represented in Figure 1.
2.3- Genetic predisposition to HCA development.
Heterozygous germline mutations in the gene encoding HNF1 are responsible for an
autosomal dominant form of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or maturity onset
diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3, OMIM#600496), in which subjects usually develop
hyperglycemia before 25 years of age (103). In our series of 85 HCA cases exhibiting biallelic
HNF1 inactivation, one allele was germline mutated in 8 cases and these patients developed
adenomatosis. Familial analyses performed in 4 independent germline adenomatosis showed
that all 11 relatives who developed adenomatosis displayed a germline HNF1 mutation (104,
105), and most of the patients who developed adenomatosis also had diabetes. Clearly, in
these families, HNF1 germline mutations are predisposing to both diabetes and liver
adenomatosis, and such an association between familial adenomas and diabetes was first
described by Foster and collaborators in 1978 (48). However, in our French families, 16
individuals with a germline HNF1 mutation did not develop any liver tumors. These
observations suggested that germline HNF1 mutations predisposed to liver adenomatosis
with an incomplete penetrance, and raised the possibility for modifier genes. In contrast,
among the patients with somatic HNF1 inactivation, we identified 4 women who developed
multiple HNF1-mutated adenomas simultaneously. These cases could be due to a genetic
predisposition to develop HNF1 mutated adenomas, possibly associated with estrogen
metabolism and in the absence of HNF1 germline mutation.
Recently, as described by Chen (106), we identified 7 HCA cases with a monoallelic
HNF1 mutation without inactivation of the second allele or modification of the HNF1
targeted gene expression (unpublished data). Six of these cases corresponded to a novel
HNF1 germline missense mutation in the carboxy-terminal part of the protein, mutations
never before detected in HCA. Moreover, 3 of these cases were mutated for ß-catenin. We
thus hypothesize that in rare cases, HNF1 germline missense mutations could participate in
genetic predisposition towards and subsequent development of HCA via a carcinogenic
pathway other than the complete HNF1 inactivation.
In order to identify a genetic predisposition in women with HCA with somatic
mutations in HNF1 or to identify a gene modifying the penetrance of adenomatosis in
germline HNF1 mutated patients, we searched for alterations in candidate genes involved in
estrogen metabolism (CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP1B1, CYP3A4, CYP3A5, COMT, UGT2B7,
NQO1, GSTM1, GSTP1, and GSTT1). We identified CYP1B1 germline heterozygous
Rebouissou et al
mutations in 14% of the women presenting HNF1 mutated HCA (107), and all mutations
resulted in decreased enzymatic activity. Thus, CYP1B1 germline inactivating mutations
appear to predispose women to the development of sporadic HNF1 mutated HCA. In
addition, mutation of CYP1B1 modifies the penetrance of the liver adenomatosis phenotype
in HNF1 germline mutated patients, as we found that all relatives in a large family
presenting an adenomatosis were also germline mutated in both the HNF1 and CYP1B1
genes (107).
HCA is also detected as a rare extracolonic tumor developed in patients presenting
familial adenomatous polyposis coli (FAP, OMIM #175100 (108, 109)). In colorectal tumors
associated with FAP, biallelic inactivation of the APC gene is consistently detected, and
inactivation of the APC gene in tumors leads to ß-catenin accumulation, thus the activation of
the Wnt/wingless pathway. Biallelic inactivation of the APC gene was recently described in
two HCA cases that developed in FAP patients (25, 110). We also reported the case of a FAP
woman presenting a hepatocellular adenoma after oestroprogestative oral contraception use.
In this steatotic adenoma, we identified an inactivating biallelic mutation of HNF1 without
inactivation of the second APC allele or an activation of the ß-catenin target genes. These
results suggest that benign hepatocellular tumorigenesis may be dependent or independent of
the Wnt/ß-catenin pathway in patients with FAP. Finally, we genotyped three cases of HCA
related to glycogenosis type 1a, and two nodules were inflammatory since one was ß-catenin
activated showing various possible alterations of carcinogenesis pathways related to the
germline deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) catalytic activity.
Focal nodular hyperplasia are hyperplastic responses to a hemodynamic disturbance
related to vascular abnormalities. Molecular pathways altered in these tumors are poorly
understood. In contrast, in hepatocellular adenomas, at least 3 different molecular pathways
(HNF1 inactivation, ß-catenin and inflammatory activation) are known to be altered (Figure
1). These molecular findings have enabled the division of HCA into homogenous subtypes of
tumors closely related to specific predisposition, clinical and pathological features.
Acknowledgements: We warmly thank all the other participants to the GENTHEP
(Groupe d’étude Génétique des Tumeurs Hépatiques) network. This work was supported by
the Inserm (Réseau de Recherche clinique et en santé des populations), ARC n°5188 and the
SNFGE. SR is supported by a Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer doctoral fellowship
Rebouissou et al
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the different molecular pathways altered in HCA. The
main risk factors and known genetic predispositions are indicated on the left; the principal
clinical and pathological features of the HCA subtypes defined by their molecular pathways
altered are indicated on the right. Arrows indicate the significant relationships;
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