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Chpt. 9 Endocrine System Review
Part I. Short Answer
1. How are hormone concentrations are usually regulate?
2. Hypersecretions of growth hormone in adulthood leads to:
3. The ___ gland is located in the sella turcia in the brain.
4. What major body processes are controlled by hormones?
5. Hyposecretions of ADH leads to what disease?
6. The thyroid gland is located where?
7. The antagonist to calcitonin is what?
8. Name the mixed gland(s) in the body.
9. The gland referred to as the “Master Gland” is the ___.
10. Which gland is associated with the maturation of mature T-lymphocytes?
11. List the hormones that regulate mineral (salt) levels in the body.
12. True or false: the major endocrine organs of the body tend to lie near the midline of the body.
13. True or false: Epinephrine is a drug given to reduce inflammation.
14. Hypertension may result from the hypersecretion of what 4 hormones?
15. What 2 hormones are secreted by neurons?
16. True or false: Hormones travel throughout the body in the blood.
17. ANP, the hormone secreted by the heart, has exactly the opposite function to this hormone which is secreted by the
outermost zone of the adrenal cortex. Name this hormone.
18. Define negative feedback & explain how it regulates blood levels of various hormones.
19. Define hormone.
20. Name 3 ways in which endocrine glands are stimulated to release their hormones & give one example of each way.
21. Hat are tropic hormones?
22. Name 3 hormone antagonists of insulin & 1 of PTH.
23. What causes a simple goiter?
24. The posterior pituitary is not really an endocrine gland. Why not? Why is it?
25. In general, the endocrine system becomes less efficient as we age. List 3 examples of problems that elderly individuals
have as a result of decreasing hormone production.
26. Acromegaly is caused by hypersecretions of what hormone?
27. What system regulates metabolism & energy balance?
28. Does ADH prevent urine formation or increase heart rate?
29. Is it Diabetes I or Diabetes II that a person would be called insulin dependent?
30. Which gland is associated with Diabetes?
Part II. Label the glands
Part III. Fill in the Chart
Hormone Released
Target Tissue / Organ
Chief Function of Hormone
Involved in daily rhythms; possibly involved in maturation of sex organs
Hypothalamic-releasing &
release-inhibiting hormones
Growth hormone (GH)
Soft tissues, bones
Mammary glnds
Stimulates protein synth. & bone growth
Stimulates milk production & secretion
Reg. Oogenesis & spermatogenesis
Luteininzing Hormone;
Regulate anterior pituitary hormones
Follicle stimulating hormone
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Thyroid stimulating (TSH)
Uterus,mammary glands
Kidneys, sweat glands
Stimulate secretion of gluco-corticoids
Stimulate secretion of ______________________________________
Uterine contractions, release of milk
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH);
Increases metabolic rate; helps to reglt. growth & development
All tissues
Bones, kidneys, intestine
Increases rate of cellular metabolism
Triiodothyronine (T3)
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Bones, kidneys, intestine
Stimulates maturation of T lymphocytes
Adrenal Gland
Adrenal Medulla
Epinephrine & Norepinephrine
Cardiac & other muscles
Stimulate ____________________ reaction; raise blood
Adrenal Cortex
Glucocorticoids ex. Cortisol
Mineralcorticoids ex.
Androgens ex. DHEA
Increase reabsorption of ______ & to excrete __________
Stimulate onset of ___________, female sex drive
Liver, muscles, adipose tissues
___________blood glucose levels
Lowers blood ________________
Pelvis, cervix
Ant. Pituitary
Regulates menstrual cycle, secondary sex characteristics.
Reg.menstrual cycle, pregnancy
Dilates cervix & birth canal
Inhibits ____________________
Regult. spermatogenesis, secondary sex characteristics
inhibits FSH release
Part IV. Matching
11. hormone that stimulates spermatogenesis & oogenesis
a. Relaxin
12. hormone that prevents urine formation
b. Pineal Gland
13. hormone that regulates metabolism
c. Luteininzing Hormone (LH)
14. hormone that raises blood glucose levels
d. Insulin
15. hormone that lowers blood glucose levels
e. Inhibin
16. hormone that dilates the cervix & birth canal
f. Glucagon
17. hormone that inhibits FSH
g. Epinephrine
18. regulates sleep & wake cycles
h. Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH)
19. also known as adrenalin
i. (T3 & T4 ) Triiodothyronine & Thyroxin