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Infectious Diseases and Society, Exam II
Spring, 2008
The exam is worth 100 points (which will be adjusted to be worth 25% of your grade).
Part I. Multiple choice & fill in the blank (2 pts. each):
There are 34 questions. Write down the best answer for each question in the blank provided on the left (I may
not see your if you don't fill in the blank on the left).
d_____________1) A disease that killed over 40 million people and started (mostly) in 1918:
a) leprosy
b) plague
c) smallpox d) Spanish flu
e) common cold
b_____________2) This medication used to be freely available, but now needs to have a pharmacists approval:
a) antihistamine
b) pseudephedrine hydrochloride
c) aspirin
d) tylenol
e) anticholinergic
d_____________3) Polio has been eradicated in most of the world due to:
a) treatment
b) antibiotics
c) antihistamines
d) vaccines
elephantiasis_4) This disease (caused by a parasite) can cause gross deformities of limbs:______________.
d_____________5) The reason not to feed babies honey is due to the possible presence of:
a) tetanus bacteria
b) plague
c) smallpox d) botulism bacteria e) polio
true__________6) True or false: you can catch the plague in the United States:___________.
c_____________7) The iron lung was used to treat:
a) smallpox b) leprosy
c) polio
d) flue
e) common cold
river blindness_8) Until recently, this parasitic disease was the leading cause of preventable blindness (two
words):_________ _________.
a_____________9) This disease may have killed up to 90% of the inhabitants of the New World:___________.
a) smallpox b) plague
c) malaria
d) tetanus
e) flu
b_____________10) Bocchachio (living in Florence) left us vivid descriptions of this disease:
a) smallpox b) plague
c) typhoid
d) rabies
e) flu
type a________11) Of the three flu strains, which is probably the most dangerous to humans?___________.
b_____________12) Most of the symptoms of this disease that most of us get many times are actually due to
your immune system overreacting:
a) plague
b) common cold
c) polio
e) smallpox
yellow fever__13) Carlos Finlay discovered that this disease is spread by mosquitoes (two words):
_________ __________.
true__________14) True or false: there is a cold virus that can actually kill people: ____________.
d____________15) Some of his “volunteers” died due to yellow fever:
a) Pasteur
b) Koch
c) Hippocrates
d) Reed
e) Yersin
mutates_______16) The reason that we need flu shots every year is because the virus that causes the flu
__________ so quickly.
flat__________17) Smallpox comes in several different forms. If the lesions remain small and “mature” more
slowly, this is the _________ form (almost always lethal).
skin__________18) Fortunately, the most common way of contracting anthrax is also the least deadly. This
form of anthrax is contracted though the ____________.
polio_________19) ___________ can leave you with life long disabilities such as partial paralysis. A vaccine
was developed by Jonas Salk.
smallpox______20) ____________ has been eradicated in the “wild”, and now only exists in two laboratories.
a_____________21) Spread by rats and fleas, this disease is probably killed more people than any other
a) plague
b) smallpox c) rat-bite fever
d) tetanus
d_____________22) Causes serious muscle spasms that can even break bones:
a) plague
b) smallpox c) rat-bite fever
d) tetanus
a_____________23) This bacteria “wants” to be eaten by phagocytes. It then multiplies, and bursts open
releasing lots of toxins from both itself and the phagocyte.
a) anthrax
b) common cold
c) polio
e) smallpox
true__________24) True or false: we have a “cure” for the common cold:____________
e_____________25) Which of the following is a proven, useful, and effective treatment for the common cold:
a) zinc
b) Vitamin C
c) Echinacea d) Herbs
e) none of the above
Spanish flu___26) The ___________ __________ (two words) spread through the trenches in World War I.
d_____________27) A common and dangerous complication of the flu:
a) polio
c) tetanus
d) pneumonia
e) plague
true__________28) True or false: The Spanish flu often killed people with the best immune systems:_______.
e_____________29) Only 83 out of 350 people in Eyam survived because they voluntarily quarantined
themselves to prevent the spread of this disease:
a) polio
c) tetanus
d) smallpox
e) plague
b_____________30) Septicemic plague is characterized by:
a) a rash of spots
b) bleeding under the skin and nails
c) muscle spasms
d) paralysis
e) the face turning yellow with green spots
c_____________31) She spread typhoid to many persons because she was without symptoms. She spent most
of her life in quarantine (after killing a number of people through infections):
a) Britney Spears
b) Marie Curie
c) Mary Mallon
d) Beatrix Lestrange
c_____________32) Likes the environment created by rust (e.g. on nails):
a) polio
c) tetanus
d) smallpox
e) plague
botulism______33) ____________ toxin is used in cosmetics.
smallpox______34) ____________ was deliberately used by the British to try and infect besieging American
Indians during the siege of Fort Pitt.
Part II. Matching (2 pts. each):
There is only one correct answer for each question, but answers can be used more than once.
p___35) Can be caused by over 250 different viruses
f___36) Helped Cortez conquer the Inca Empire
l___37) Causes fleas to throw up
k___38) Can cause a high fever that lasts for over 4 weeks
r___39) Was mailed in letters to deliberately infect people
d___40) A parasite spread by mosquitoes
c___41) One form of this is responsible for the deaths of millions
of birds
i___42) Can cause jaundice and bleeding from the mouth, nose & eyes
g___43) Adults can eat the bacteria, but it can kill infants
j___44) This virus has “almost” been eradicated in the wild.
q___45) This worm is often slowly pulled out of a blister
a) tetanus
c) flu
d) elephantiasis
e) pneumonia
f) smallpox
g) botulism
h) malaria
i) yellow fever
j) polio
k) typhoid
l) plague
m) rabies
n) tuberculosis
o) rat-bite fever
p) common cold
q) Guinea worm
r) anthrax
s) green fever
t) cholera
u) river blindness
w) sleeping sickness
p___46) Almost everyone gets this (often several times a year)
l___47) Helped intensify the Spanish Inquisistion
Part III. Definitions (3 pts. each):
Provide definitions for the following terms (be brief - it's not an essay question!):
48) Louis Pasteur: developed vaccine for anthrax, rabies, and others________________________
49) Buboes: swollen lymph nodes caused by the plague bacteria_______________________