Cross-Species Infection and Characterization of Avian Hepatitis E
... viremia as well as fecal virus shedding were observed in the inoculated chickens. Contact control chickens also became infected via direct contact with inoculated ones. Avian HEV infection in chickens was found to be dose-dependent. To determine if avian HEV can infect across species, one-week old S ...
... viremia as well as fecal virus shedding were observed in the inoculated chickens. Contact control chickens also became infected via direct contact with inoculated ones. Avian HEV infection in chickens was found to be dose-dependent. To determine if avian HEV can infect across species, one-week old S ...
Studies on the immunopathogenesis, diagnosis and control of
... vaccinated groups. Vaccines containing Mass2 combined with 793B2 produced good protection against challenge with virulent IBV QX compared to vaccines containing Mass (Mass1 or Mass2) alone or Mass1 with D274 or CR88. All vaccination programmes produced more than 80% protection against homologous (M4 ...
... vaccinated groups. Vaccines containing Mass2 combined with 793B2 produced good protection against challenge with virulent IBV QX compared to vaccines containing Mass (Mass1 or Mass2) alone or Mass1 with D274 or CR88. All vaccination programmes produced more than 80% protection against homologous (M4 ...
Toxoplasma gondii in wild boars and domestic pigs in Sweden
... tachyzoites, and the prepatent period is shorter (Dubey, 2006) – about three to ten days (Dubey, 2001; Dubey & Frenkel, 1972). After infection, millions of ...
... tachyzoites, and the prepatent period is shorter (Dubey, 2006) – about three to ten days (Dubey, 2001; Dubey & Frenkel, 1972). After infection, millions of ...
Bluetongue: a review
... ruminants (Zientara et al., 2010). The worldwide economic losses due to bluetongue have not been expressed in exact numbers, but the estimate is 3 billion US$ a year (Tabachnick, 1996). The losses are both direct (death, abortions, weight loss or reduced milk yield and meat efficiency) and, what is ...
... ruminants (Zientara et al., 2010). The worldwide economic losses due to bluetongue have not been expressed in exact numbers, but the estimate is 3 billion US$ a year (Tabachnick, 1996). The losses are both direct (death, abortions, weight loss or reduced milk yield and meat efficiency) and, what is ...
... Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens (4). Replication of the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes characteristic, but not pathognomonic respiratory signs such as gasping, coughing, tracheal rales, and nasal discharge (9). Occasionally, puffy, inflamed ...
... Infectious bronchitis (IB) is a highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens (4). Replication of the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) causes characteristic, but not pathognomonic respiratory signs such as gasping, coughing, tracheal rales, and nasal discharge (9). Occasionally, puffy, inflamed ...
Structure resolution of the trimeric RNA
... Abstract. Influenza viruses are segmented negative-sense RNA viruses whose RNA dependant RNA polymerase (RdRp) multiple activities are central for the viral life cycle. The RdRp is composed of three subunits, PB1, PB2 and PA. It binds to the extremities of each vRNA segments encapsidated with multip ...
... Abstract. Influenza viruses are segmented negative-sense RNA viruses whose RNA dependant RNA polymerase (RdRp) multiple activities are central for the viral life cycle. The RdRp is composed of three subunits, PB1, PB2 and PA. It binds to the extremities of each vRNA segments encapsidated with multip ...
Effect of Feeding Concentrates of Lactobacillus Organisms on
... in food preservation, Despite the great importance to man which ...
... in food preservation, Despite the great importance to man which ...
diatherix test panels - Diatherix`s laboratory
... • labeled with two identifiers, preferably with the patient’s name and barcode label which matches the requisition. • intact, in the proper container and not leaking. • in the appropriate specimen transport media. • within the specimen transport stability range of 5 days, at ambient temperature, ...
... • labeled with two identifiers, preferably with the patient’s name and barcode label which matches the requisition. • intact, in the proper container and not leaking. • in the appropriate specimen transport media. • within the specimen transport stability range of 5 days, at ambient temperature, ...
Zika virus disease epidemic
... Listing (EUAL) [5] and listed as eligible for WHO procurement could also be used for an emergency application until final registration/approval for commercial use is available. The recent non-binding recommendation by the US FDA for the universal testing of donated whole blood and blood components f ...
... Listing (EUAL) [5] and listed as eligible for WHO procurement could also be used for an emergency application until final registration/approval for commercial use is available. The recent non-binding recommendation by the US FDA for the universal testing of donated whole blood and blood components f ...
Persistence of Disease Agents in Carcases / Animal
... A number of the experts contacted commented on the paucity of information available. Reasons for this lack of information include low relevance to the epidemiology or control of a number of the diseases examined. For example, for most of the vector-borne diseases, the vectors have appropriately rece ...
... A number of the experts contacted commented on the paucity of information available. Reasons for this lack of information include low relevance to the epidemiology or control of a number of the diseases examined. For example, for most of the vector-borne diseases, the vectors have appropriately rece ...
WHO Guidelines on viral inactivation and removal procedures
... greater concern in Africa where sickle-cell anaemia is relatively more common than in Europe, and it is possible that other agents (e.g. hepatitis E virus) would be significant in other geographical settings depending on their prevalence in the donor population. Other examples include cytomegaloviru ...
... greater concern in Africa where sickle-cell anaemia is relatively more common than in Europe, and it is possible that other agents (e.g. hepatitis E virus) would be significant in other geographical settings depending on their prevalence in the donor population. Other examples include cytomegaloviru ...
WHO Regional Office for Europe guidance for sentinel influenza
... provide a standard mechanism to monitor underlying risk conditions that are associated with severe illness; provide annual data to policy‐makers on the impact or burden of influenza; and provide laboratory and epidemiological support for pandemic early warning systems and general preparedness. ...
... provide a standard mechanism to monitor underlying risk conditions that are associated with severe illness; provide annual data to policy‐makers on the impact or burden of influenza; and provide laboratory and epidemiological support for pandemic early warning systems and general preparedness. ...
Médicaments antiviraux en cas de grippe saisonnière et pandémique. recommandations de bonne
... placebo est utilisé. Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, l’efficacité est limitée au sousgroupe de patients avec un diagnostic d’influenza confirmé par le laboratoire, ce qui limite l’extrapolation de ces résultats à la réalité de terrain. Les INAs en prophylaxie de l’influenza ne sont pas un substi ...
... placebo est utilisé. Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, l’efficacité est limitée au sousgroupe de patients avec un diagnostic d’influenza confirmé par le laboratoire, ce qui limite l’extrapolation de ces résultats à la réalité de terrain. Les INAs en prophylaxie de l’influenza ne sont pas un substi ...
... part because the transmission route of viral pathogens is often difficult to determine. Transmission of respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses can occur through multiple routes (e.g., direct contact, indirect contact, airborne, and common vehicle), and the relative contribution of each route to to ...
... part because the transmission route of viral pathogens is often difficult to determine. Transmission of respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses can occur through multiple routes (e.g., direct contact, indirect contact, airborne, and common vehicle), and the relative contribution of each route to to ...
Avian Influenza Training Facilitator Guide
... reporting of control measures put in place, through the normal reporting channels (i.e., from local public health to state authority to CDC). This information dictates which pandemic phase the country is in, so it will also be shared with WHO. If the outbreak occurs during flu season, characterize h ...
... reporting of control measures put in place, through the normal reporting channels (i.e., from local public health to state authority to CDC). This information dictates which pandemic phase the country is in, so it will also be shared with WHO. If the outbreak occurs during flu season, characterize h ...
ACIP Recommendations on Influenza Vaccination
... established in persons with underlying medical conditions that confer a higher risk for influenza complications, these persons should be vaccinated only with TIV. Although vaccination coverage has increased in recent years for many groups recommended for routine vaccination, considerable room for im ...
... established in persons with underlying medical conditions that confer a higher risk for influenza complications, these persons should be vaccinated only with TIV. Although vaccination coverage has increased in recent years for many groups recommended for routine vaccination, considerable room for im ...
Avian reovirus infections
... Similarly, proteins encoded by the genome also fall into three size classes, as follows: X (large), p (medium) or a (small). O f eleven proteins, nine are structural (XI, X2, X3, µl, µ2/µ2C, ol, o2 and o3) and two nonstructural (µNS and oNS). Protein coding assignments of all ten genome segments of ...
... Similarly, proteins encoded by the genome also fall into three size classes, as follows: X (large), p (medium) or a (small). O f eleven proteins, nine are structural (XI, X2, X3, µl, µ2/µ2C, ol, o2 and o3) and two nonstructural (µNS and oNS). Protein coding assignments of all ten genome segments of ...
serologic survey for selected infectious disease agents in raccoons
... but two of the raccoons; it was the serovar isolated in all 5 urine samples. Leptospira interrogans grippotyphosa has been associated with acute febrile disease in humans (Jackson et al., 1993). Leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icterohemorrhagiae were the other serotypes identified, both ...
... but two of the raccoons; it was the serovar isolated in all 5 urine samples. Leptospira interrogans grippotyphosa has been associated with acute febrile disease in humans (Jackson et al., 1993). Leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icterohemorrhagiae were the other serotypes identified, both ...
Education for Students - American Pharmacists Association
... pandemic of 1918–19 killed more than 21 million people around the globe, 1% of the planet’s population. A pandemic is a global epidemic. This toll was more than the death toll from World War I and World War II combined. Lesser pandemics occurred in 1932, 1957, and 1968. The most recent ...
... pandemic of 1918–19 killed more than 21 million people around the globe, 1% of the planet’s population. A pandemic is a global epidemic. This toll was more than the death toll from World War I and World War II combined. Lesser pandemics occurred in 1932, 1957, and 1968. The most recent ...
... Serious Adverse Events Following Vaccination Surveillance Scheme World Health Organization ...
... Serious Adverse Events Following Vaccination Surveillance Scheme World Health Organization ...
Expert Opinion on Vaccine and/or Diagnostic Banks for Major
... Under Pillar 3 in particular, as point 24 of the programming document3 for the Action Plan, a task force was created to assist the Commission in the development of this policy paper on EU vaccine/antigen banks for major animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), classical swine fever (CSF ...
... Under Pillar 3 in particular, as point 24 of the programming document3 for the Action Plan, a task force was created to assist the Commission in the development of this policy paper on EU vaccine/antigen banks for major animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), classical swine fever (CSF ...
Immunization 5
... Derived from the Oka strain Dose is 0.5 ml by sc route; minimum infectious virus content should be 1,000 PFU Supplied in lyophilized form Should be protected from light and needs to be used within 30 minutes of its reconstitution May be given with all other childhood vaccines Recommendation: two dos ...
... Derived from the Oka strain Dose is 0.5 ml by sc route; minimum infectious virus content should be 1,000 PFU Supplied in lyophilized form Should be protected from light and needs to be used within 30 minutes of its reconstitution May be given with all other childhood vaccines Recommendation: two dos ...
The PB2 E627K mutation contributes to the high polymerase activity
... been reported, but most of them resulted in only mild illness and conjunctivitis, except for one death caused by H7N7 in The Netherlands (Fouchier et al., 2004). However, this is the first time that the N9 subtype has been reported in human infections. Genetic analysis has predicted that the viruses ...
... been reported, but most of them resulted in only mild illness and conjunctivitis, except for one death caused by H7N7 in The Netherlands (Fouchier et al., 2004). However, this is the first time that the N9 subtype has been reported in human infections. Genetic analysis has predicted that the viruses ...
Vaccines for Infection Salmon Anemia Virus
... compared with that of influenza sequences reveal that this segment encodes nucleoprotein (NP) (Snow and Cunningham, 2001). NP of influenza viruses binds to the viral RNA genome forming the nucleocapsid. Comparison of the NP amino acid sequence of the CCBB isolate of ISA virus (AF404345) reveals that ...
... compared with that of influenza sequences reveal that this segment encodes nucleoprotein (NP) (Snow and Cunningham, 2001). NP of influenza viruses binds to the viral RNA genome forming the nucleocapsid. Comparison of the NP amino acid sequence of the CCBB isolate of ISA virus (AF404345) reveals that ...
Quantumdotsbased fluoroimmunoassay for the rapid and sensitive
... Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University. The negative control specimen was obtained from a chicken in an AIV-free herd. Clinical samples were obtained from naturally infected chickens. All other chemicals were of analytical reagent grade and used without further ...
... Key Laboratory of Agricultural Microbiology, Huazhong Agricultural University. The negative control specimen was obtained from a chicken in an AIV-free herd. Clinical samples were obtained from naturally infected chickens. All other chemicals were of analytical reagent grade and used without further ...
Swine influenza

Swine influenza, also called pig influenza, swine flu, hog flu and pig flu, is an infection caused by any one of several types of swine influenza viruses. Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. As of 2009, the known SIV strains include influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.Swine influenza virus is common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human flu, often resulting only in the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission does cause human flu, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection.Around the mid-20th century, identification of influenza subtypes became possible, allowing accurate diagnosis of transmission to humans. Since then, only 50 such transmissions have been confirmed. These strains of swine flu rarely pass from human to human. Symptoms of zoonotic swine flu in humans are similar to those of influenza and of influenza-like illness in general, namely chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, weakness and general discomfort.In August 2010, the World Health Organization declared the swine flu pandemic officially over.Cases of swine flu have been reported in India, with over 31,156 positive test cases and 1,841 deaths till March 2015.