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6enetia Scienqe
l-earning Center
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Tour of the Basics Web
Quest - Answer Key
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Lo g o
n to : http :// gslc.$en etf cs . u ta h. e d u/ u n i ts/ b as i cs / ta u r/. Explore this activity to find the
answers to the guestfons below.
7. What is DNA?
Ifue insfrucfi*ns fnr Su#ding par{s *f ffus ceJJ.
What does "DNA" stand for?
What rs the four-letter DNA alphabet and what are the specia I rules by which the alphabet
pieces bind to{ether?
S, S, il and S. ,4 $rnds w#ti C brncjs w#i: G.
What is a gene?
Genes *rs rnsfr*e#on lnanua/s foJ'*ur $*dies.
What are genes made of?
Senss sre ffiade of
How many genes do humans have?
Humar:s *ave fS,$SS Srs$ss.
For what molecule do genes contain the instructions for building?
Smnes conf*fu fhe rrisfrscfipns forfoe,rildrng proferns.
B. What is a chromosome?
Gftrcmnsciylss ars pnck*g*s *ie*rrup*cf OIVA.
How many chromosomes does a human cellhold?
Sac$ l"rumran **ll fuolds 46 cftronrp$sffis,s.
70. How are the human sex chromosornes labeled?
,$*x cftronross,?lss ar* Jabefsd "X,'&ild "Y""
77. How many different kinds of proteins does one cellcontain?
S**ft esll confs!,?s #:sus**ds *f differenf prcf*#:s"
O 2004 University of Utah
Genetic Science Learning Center, 15 North 2030 East, Salt Lake City,
Le*rning Cent*r
Genetic Science
http //gslc. genetics. utah.ed u
12. Why do scientrsts use computer proSrams to mode/ protein structure and function?
Proferns frr€ vsry/ srnail nnd hsrd fo see,
What provides the "blueprint" for makinS a protein?
Ser:es pr*vf*tre fl"re Slueprnf for rns${ffig a profern.
What is heredity?
Ihe passf*grof fraffs fr*m g:nrenf fc cftifd
75. Why aren't children identicalto either one of their parents?
ffelc& par*nf confir*{"{fss CIr?s s*f of s,hrCI$?sssffes fo each cfuifd Ifoe sef of
eforomosoffes is passed nm ranrj*m/y so eacft ehiJd seeeives a uniq*e *on'rbrn*#**.
ln humans, how many chromosomes does each parent pass on to their offsprinS?
Sscll pnrenf pss$e$ on ?3 chrornoscmes fo fftetr offsplrr:g.
second baby in the What is Heredity? animation inherit the exact same
chromosomes as the first? Do both babies have a complete set?
lV*, ffue ss$or?d foaby's cftromcs*$ls$ firs diffsr*nf frcm ffue fir"sf fucby's. Yes, bnfft
fuabies havs s conrplefe sef"
17. Does the
L8. What is a trait?
A frail rs
n*fable feelfure cr qualify rn o pers*n.
79. Listthe types of traitsthatexist.
Iftsrs *re: pliysrcal fr*ifs, be/imui*raf frm#s, and predisposiflons f* msdlcsJ e*srilfrons.
an example of how an environmentalfactor can influence a trait.
.Sfiswers may rn*lwde one of ffue fi:iiovvslgrj sxpcs{Jre f* sur"i or Jr*ir ct'ycs can crh**gc
fumrrccio{ y*{r ctrr? frain refrueyel:s f* ro/foirer*r:dpJeydsadinsfeadcf fef*h, *nfing
trealfhy f*ods anci exercisrng e*n decrense fhs nsfs of hesrf dissase.
27. Briefly explain how the Hitchhiker's Thumb trait is determined usinSthe following
allele, daminant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygious. You may draw pictures if you wish.
€xample *r?svvsr:
/f fr*'o d"*mlnq"m".{.n$gl"es sre rnf'}erifed, fj:c psrssn is hpm"q"ay"gog$ nnd ud// have m
irifetuf':ik*rs ftullnib. if twn r$"fiS.$Siti"S eflp"k$,-are fnfterifed, ftoe p*rson rs &gffiffigggtr$
and r,vij/ ftave s sfrafgftf ffrutrnh. lf a person is ftgkfggxggtrs, s$s $,qmit:le*l and one
rsfi.e_S$-t"r/*$ *,"l.j.Sle ars rnlreriled mnd lhnf persCIn wiJl *sve a /iifchhiker's fftunrb.
o4r"lswers wrJi veeryr.
A 2A04 University of Utah
Genetic Science Learning Center, 15 North 2030 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84112