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Lesson Quiz A
Levels of Organization
Multiple Choice
Directions: On the line before each question, write the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which is true of cell differentiation?
A. Tissues produce various stem cells.
B. Stem cells become different types of cells.
C. Unicellular organisms become multicellular.
2. Which is true of unicellular organisms?
A. They lack cells.
B. They all are eukaryotes.
C. They lack cell differentiation.
3. Which is true of multicellular organisms?
A. Their cells lack a nucleus.
B. Their cells are eukaryotic.
C. They have no fertilized eggs.
Directions: On the line before each definition, write the letter of the term that matches it correctly. Each term is
used only once.
4. unspecialized cell that can develop into many
A. tissue
different cell types
5. group of similar types of cells that work together to
do a specific job
C. stem cell
D. organ system
6. group of different tissues working together to do
a job
7. group of different organs working together to do a
series of jobs
Structure and Function of Organisms
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
B. organ
Lesson Quiz B
Levels of Organization
Directions: On each line, write the term that correctly completes each sentence.
1. Unspecialized cells that can develop into many different cell types are
2. A group of similar types of cells that work together to do a specific task is called
3. A group of different tissues that work together to carry out a task is called
organisms usually have many organ systems.
5. A group of different organs that work together to complete a series of tasks is called
Short Answer
Directions: Respond to each statement on the lines provided.
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
6. Compare unicellular and multicellular organisms.
7. Define cell differentiation.
Structure and Function of Organisms
Content Practice A
Levels of Organization
Directions: On the line before each definition, write the letter of the term that matches it correctly. Each term is
used only once.
1. a cell that can become many different cell types
A. cell differentiation
2. a group of similar cells that work together to carry
B. stem cell
out a specific task
3. a group of different organs that work together to
complete a series of tasks
4. the process by which cells becomes different types
C. tissue
D. organ
E. organ system
F. organism
of cells
5. a group of organ systems that carry out all the jobs
needed for their survival
6. a group of different tissues working together to
perform a particular job
Directions: Circle the term in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence.
7. Cells work together in a (multicellular/unicellular) organism.
8. A cell in a (multicellular/unicellular) organism must carry out all the activities that are
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
necessary to survive.
9. Different types of cells in a multicellular organism have (different/the same) chromosomes.
10. Multicellular organisms are (eukaryotes/prokaryotes).
Structure and Function of Organisms
Content Practice B
Levels of Organization
Directions: Answer each question or respond to each statement on the lines provided.
1. How are unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms the same?
2. How are a unicellular organism and a multicellular organism different?
4. Explain how stem cells are necessary for cell differentiation.
5. Compare what makes up cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
Structure and Function of Organisms
Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
3. What is cell differentiation? Why is it important?