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1. ______ are needed by the body for the growth and repair of
body cells.
By Cindy Grigg
Nutrients can be
grouped into six main
groups. They are
carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, vitamins, minerals,
and water. Proteins are
needed for the growth and repair of body cells. This includes brain
cells. You might say that eating proteins makes you smart! Proteins
are made of amino acids. These are chains of building blocks for
your body. Your body can produce some amino acids. Others,
called "essential amino acids," must come from the foods you eat.
Foods that contain all the essential amino acids are called complete
proteins. All of these foods come from animals-fish and beef are
two examples.
Foods that have only some of the essential amino acids are called
incomplete proteins. Plant foods provide incomplete proteins. Even
so, you can get complete proteins without eating meats. You can do
this by combining certain plant foods with others. In this way, you
can get all the proteins you need. Eating rice along with beans, for
example, supplies complete proteins. Vegetarians are able to
combine plant foods to get the needed proteins they need without
ever eating meat. Proteins are found in meats, poultry, and eggs.
Proteins are also found in fish, nuts, dried beans, and milk products.
Soy products like soy milk and tofu are also rich in protein.
To have a healthy diet, you should eat more of some foods and
less of others. You need to eat more carbohydrates than any other
type of food. About half of your food should be carbohydrates.
Kids between the ages of 9 and 13 need five ounces of protein each
day. A quarter-pound hamburger is four ounces! Two tablespoons of
peanut butter counts as one ounce. You should know just how much
of each type of food you need so you can eat the right amount each
2. Your body makes all the amino acids it needs.
A. False
B. True
3. Which kind of amino acids must come from the foods you eat?
A. Nutrient amino acids
B. Carbohydrate amino acids
C. Essential amino acids
D. Complete amino acids
4. Complete proteins come from ______.
A. Rice
B. Beans
C. Animals
D. Plants
5. To get the proteins you need, you must eat animals.
A. True
B. False
6. Kids between the ages of 9 and 13 need ______ ounces of
proteins each day.
A. Five
B. Four
C. Ten
D. Twenty
Do you think it might be easy to eat too much protein each day?
Explain why or why not.
Name at least five protein foods you like best and explain why you
like them.