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Study Island
Copyright © 2014 Edmentum - All rights reserved.
Generation Date: 04/01/2014
Generated By: Che ryl Shelton
Title: Science- biology Cells
1. Below is an image of a plant cell.
What processes require the chloroplasts and mitochondria to interact with one another?
A. glycolysis and fermentation
B. mitosis and meiosis
C. photosynthesis and respiration
D. electron transport and proton induction
2. Which of the following is the only cell organelle that is capable of converting light energy into
chemical energy?
A. endoplasmic reticulum
B. mitochondrion
C. vacuole
D. chloroplast
3. Atoms of what element form the backbone of large, complex molecules such as sugars and
A. oxygen
B. sodium
C. carbon
D. sulfur
4. Cells have particular structures that perform specific jobs. These structures are known as
A. organelles
B. tissues
C. organs
D. systems
Technology Enhanced Questions are not available in Word format.
6. Humans and other animals need a variety of materials in order to form the molecular building
blocks of life. What is the primary source of these materials?
A. the Sun
C. food
D. vaccines
7. Plant and animals cells are both eukaryotic, and thus they are similar in many ways. However,
plant cells have some organelles that are not present in animal cells. Which of the following
organelles is not found in animal cells?
A. a large vacuole
B. a functioning Golgi complex
C. a DNA-containing mitochondrion
D. a membrane-covered endoplasmic reticulum
8. All living things contain carbon. Which of the following statements are true about carbon
I. Each carbon atom can form single bonds with up to four other carbon atoms.
II. Each carbon atom can form double bonds with up to two other carbon atoms.
III. Carbon atoms can join together to form chains or rings.
IV. A single molecule of some compounds can contain thousands of carbon atoms.
A. I, II, III, and IV
B. I, II, and III only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
9. Nucleic acids are biological polymers that are comprised of nucleotide monomers covalently
bonded together.
The picture above shows two monomer units of a nucleic acid chain. What are the components
that make up each nucleotide monomer?
A. glucose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base
B. a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base
C. glucose, a phophate group, and an amino acid
D. a five-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and an amino acid
10. Why doesn't every cell in the body respond to every hormone signal?
A. Hormones break down too quickly in the bloodstream.
B. All cell respond to the hormone, but in different ways.
C. The endocrine system cannot produce enough of the hormone.
D. Not all cells have receptors for every hormone.
11. Communication among cells is required for the coordination of body functions. Cells are able
to communicate with each other mainly through nerve impulses and hormones. What cell part
receives nerve impulses and hormones from other cells?
A. receptor molecules on cell membranes
B. chloride channels in cell cytoplasm
C. electron transport chains in cell cytoplasm
D. lipid molecules on cell walls
12. Which of the following organelles is primarily responsible for the formation of the cell's
A. chloroplasts
B. central vacuole
C. Golgi complex
D. mitochondria
13. There are many criteria that are used to define living things. Living things reproduce, grow,
and develop. They respond to stimuli, use materials and energy, and evolve and adapt over time
to their environment. What is another criteria used to define living things?
A. All living things are able to move.
B. All living things are made of cells.
C. All living things are complex.
D. All living things are intelligent.
14. Proteins play a variety of roles within cells, but there are many steps that must be undertaken
to make these proteins and deliver them to where they need to go.
The above picture implies that
A. only the organelles shown in the picture are important to cells.
no organelles are necessary for the synthesis and transportation of proteins.
C. organelles act independently when synthesizing and transporting proteins.
D. organelles must interact with each other to synthesize and transport proteins.
15. Certain drugs can mimic or block the molecules involved in the communication between
cells in the human body. These drugs
A. can only affect operations of the human body but will have no effect on the human brain.
B. can never have any effect on either the human body or the human brain.
C. can affect operations of both the human brain and the human body.
can only affect operations of the human brain but will have no effect on the rest of the
D. human body.
16. In the above diagram of an animal cell, what is the name of organelle 1?
A. mitochondrion
B. endoplasmic reticulum
C. Golgi apparatus
D. ribosome
17. A polymer is a large molecule that forms when smaller molecules known as monomers bond
covalently in a repeating pattern. There are many biological polymers such as nucleic acids,
proteins, and starches.
What are the monomer units that make up starches?
A. amino acids
B. glucose
C. fatty acids
D. nucleotides
18. Eukaryotic cells contain organelles that harvest energy from organic compounds to make
ATP. ATP is the main form of energy used by cells. Which cell organelles are responsible for
making most of the cell's ATP?
A. mitochondria
B. lysosomes
C. chloroplasts
D. endoplasmic reticulum
19. Nucleic acids, proteins, and other large biological molecules are known as polymers because
A. they all have the capability of functioning as enzymes.
B. they contain many small, repeating subunits bonded together.
C. they all contain only ionic bonds.
D. they are the base units used in the formation of plastics.
20. Within eukaryotic cells, there is an intricate network of _______ with unique functions.
A. organelles
B. lysosomes
C. vacuoles
D. chromosomes
21. Suppose a hormone is released by an endocrine gland. The hormone is carried by the
bloodstream to its target cells. When it reaches the cells, the hormone binds to receptors on the
cells' surfaces. How does this allow intercellular communication to occur?
A. The receptor receives the hormonal signal and begins to produce nerve impulses.
B. The receptor emits heat energy, thus causing nearby cells to change their activities.
C. The receptor contracts and causes the cell to shrink.
The receptor changes shape and activates a chain reaction that leads to the cell changing
its activities.
22. What are the most basic building blocks of all organisms?
A. organs
B. bones
C. cells
D. muscles
23. Living systems are made of complex molecules including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and
nucleic acids. Even though there are more than 100 elements known to exist, these molecules are
comprised of only a few elements. What are these elements?
A. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur
B. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, fluorine, chlorine, iodine
C. sodium, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur
D. fluorine, chlorine, iodine, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur