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EVOLUTION REVIEW Part I: Absolute and Relative Dating
1. In radioactive dating what is the definition of a half life?
The time it takes for half of a radioactive element to decay into a stable element.
2. Define radioactive isotope.
Unstable element that will decay (release particles) overtime to become stable.
Answer #3: 28.1 years
Answer #4: 25 grams
#5- layer 4 (very bottom)
#6 Layer 1 (very top)
You should know this due to the law of superposition.
Part II: Types of Selection
7. Match the type of selection with the graphs listed below. (Stabilizing, Disruptive, Directional)
_____S​tabilizin​g_____________ ___​disruptive​___________________
8. There is a population green, brown, and black lizards living on a sandy beach. After a volcanic
eruption, the whole beach is covered in black soot. Due to this environmental change, darker lizards
are more fit. What do you predict will happen to this population? What type of selection is this?
The darker lizards would have a higher fitness due to increased camouflage. Directional
9. ​There is a population of rabbits. The color of the rabbits is governed by two incompletely dominant
traits: black fur, represented by "B", and white fur, represented by "b". A rabbit in this population with
a ​genotype​ of "BB" would have a ​phenotype​ of black fur, a genotype of "Bb" would have grey fur, and
a genotype of "bb" would have white fur. If this population of rabbits occurred in an environment that
had areas of black rocks as well as areas of white rocks, what do you think will happen to this
population? What type of natural selection will most likely occur?
The extremes (white and black) both have a greater fitness. Disruptive selection.
Sexual selection
14. Circle the correct statement
A.Females will often show flashy traits to attract males attention.
B. Males will often compete with one another to mate with females.
C. Males will often show flashy traits to attract females into mating with them.
D.No animals put effort into mating. Having offspring is not important.
E. B & C are both correct
15. True or ​False​: Sexual selection always leads to traits that are best suited to help an organism survive in
their environment.
Give an example of a trait that has developed through sexual selection.
Peacock tail, frog croak, eyes of stalk eyed bug- anything case where the male greatly differs
from the female in an attempt to attract a mate
Artificial Selection
16. List three examples of ways humans have used artificial selection for their benefit.
Multiple examples: size of corn, chicken, cows, bananas, types of vegetables coming from the mustard plant,
dog breeds. There are other correct examples that are not listed.
Natural Selection
17. What is Charles Darwin often referred to as? How were Darwin’s ideas different than Lamarck's?
Darwin: The father of evolution. Darwin believed that organisms evolved due to the passing of heritable genes
that increased fitness in a certain environment (correct)
Lamark: Non-heritable traits could be passed to offspring. Organisms could will themselves to change.
Examples: you were born with muscles because your parents worked out, giraffes could stretch their necks
What animals inspired his theory of natural selection?
Finches on the galapagos island
18. What are the three requirements must be met if natural selection is occurring:
1. Variation in the population
2. Survival of those suited to the environment.
3.Some survive and reproduce while others don’t due to limited resources.
Part IV: Evidences of Evolution
19. List the following structures as homologous, analogous, or vestigial.
Analogous Features
Vestigial Traits
________________ _______________
20. The appendix serves no purpose in the human body, yet every human being is born with one.
What is the name of an organ or structure that has no purpose? Why do we have these structures?
Vestigial. Ancestors needed them, but we no longer do.
21. Sharks and dolphins look very similar, yet they are not closely related. What type of evolution
leads to unrelated organisms having similar features?
Analogous- convergent evolution
Divergent evolution due to natural selection
23. How can a fossil record serve as an evidence of evolution?
Show change in organisms over time. The newest fossils most closely resemble organisms that are
alive today.
24. How can embryology serve as an evidence of evolution?
All organisms look the same in the early embryonic stages.
Humans have gill slits and tails for a period of time.
25. A colorful California King snake looking similar to a colorful coral snake that is poisonous is an
example of what?
Part V: Speciation
26. What is speciation? Creation of a new species to due lack of gene flow between two populations. 27. True or ​False​: I can infer there is a large amount of gene flow between these two populations.
28. What is gene flow?
Passage of genes between two populations. Are they breeding and sharing genes with one another.
29. What would need to happen for reproductive isolation to occur?
A mechanism other than species is preventing gene flow.
Give an example
Ecological, mechanical, gametic, temporal, behavioral
30. What would need to happen for geographic isolation to occur?
A barrier separates two populations. The barrier cannot be crossed
Give an example
Chipmunks at grand canyon.
31. The Grand Canyon is relatively young. It cut through the layers of dirt AFTER the dirt was
already laid down. As the canyon cut deeper and deeper it separated squirrels on each side of the
canyon. After many, many years the squirrels are considered different species. What main factor lead
to speciation of the squirrel?
Geographic isolation
32- Which statement below is the best ​inference​ about the
change that has occurred in the coloration of the Butterflies?
A. The Moth’s have become separate species because of
their different colors
B. The habitat colors where they live have changed over
C. The Butterfly females only like Dark Males
D. Farmers are selecting for the incomplete genotype
33. What INFERENCE can be made about the LACK of middle color.
A. Gene flow is not happening now between the light and dark moths
B. Gene flow is still happening to a high degree between the populations
C. Light just don’t like Dark colored Butterflies
D. Butterflies are Racist and segregate themselves in nature
34. Define the term species.
A population of organisms that can produce viable offspring.
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