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Heredity- Passing on of characteristics
from parents to offspring.
TRAITS- Characteristics that are inherited.
GREGOR MENDEL was the first to
succeed in predicting how traits are
transferred from one generation to the
Mendel used garden peas to conduct his experiments
1.REPRODUCE SEXUALLY (they produce male and female
sex cells called _GAMETES)
› a. male gamete forms in the pollen grain. SPERM or male sex cell
› b. female gamete forms in female reproductive organ. OVUM or
female sex cell.
In fertilization the female gamete (ovum) unites with the
male gamete (sperm) to form a ZYGOTE which develops
into a seed.
2. In pea plants both female and male organs are in the
same plant and tightly enclosed by petals, which prevents
other pollens form entering.
 - Reproduction is PURE AND CONTROLLED
Mendel’s Experiment (fig 10.1)
 -Removed male organ
 -dusted pollen of his choice on female
 -Sure of what he crossed
 -Well CONTROLLED experiment
 -Studied ONE trait at a time.
 -Analyzed data MATHEMATICALLY.
HYBRID offspring of parents that have a
different form of a trait
 For example: short x tall
 MONOHYBRID cross means that he
crossed plants that differed in only ONE
What do you get when you cross a gas
powered car with and electric car?
Original Parents : P1
 1st generation: F1 (F=filial meaning son or
 2nd generation: F2
 RR x rr = F 1
 Rr x Rr = F 2
Mendel eventually studied 7 traits
Rule of Unit Factors: Each organism has 2
factors that control each of its traits.
› Genes exist in alternative forms called
› 2 alleles determine one trait. (Tt)
Recessive trait only when tt. Is present
Rule of dominanceOne trait is dominant
over another. The
trait is expressed as
long as it is present in
the gene TT or Tt.
Every individual has 2
alleles for each gene
and when gametes
are produced each
gamete only
receives one of
these alleles. During
fertilization these
gametes randomly
pair to produce 4
PHENOTYPE The way an organism looks and
behaves. (may have environmental influence)
GENOTYPE- The actual allele make up of the
HOMOZYGOUS traits have the same 2 alleles
for a trait. ( TT or tt)
HETEROZYGOUS traits have 2 different alleles
for a trait. (Tt)
Law of independent assortment- Genes for
different traits are inherited independently of
one another,
A cell with 2 of each kind of Chromosome is called a
DIPLOID cell or contains 2n for the # of chromosomes.
A cell that produces gametes (sex cells- ovum and sperm
cells), contain one kind of each chromosome know and a
HAPLOID or n number of chromosomes.
Two chromosomes with identical information are called
homologous chromosomes. They are similar structures.
They contain the genes for a specific trait, ex. Height.
Genes are arranged in the same order but because there
are different alleles (dominant and recessive) they may
not be identical.
Traits controlled by genes located on the
X and Y chromosome.
› Because X and Y are not homologus they do
not carry the corresponding allele to each
› Characteristics carried on X will be expressed
and not masked by the other chromosome.
› Examples: Male pattern baldness, red-green
color blindness, hemophilia (X-linked)
Human traits are often complicated and
not expressed purely as either dominant
or recessive but rather a mixture of the
two traits.
 Incomplete dominance
› For example: Sickle cell anemia (blood
disorder that effects African American
population), blood types
Cystic Fibrosis- White Americans
 Tay-Sachs disease- Ashkenasic Jews
 Phenylketonuria (PKU)- Tested for at birth
 Lesch Nyhan
Cleft chin
 Hitchhikers thumb
 Attached earlobe
 Huntington’s disease- 30-50yoa is
If cells reprduced gametes with a
complete set of chromosomes (for
example 14 chromosomes /7 pairs) each
generation would double chromosomes.
 F2- 28 chromosomes 14 pairs
 F3- 56 chromosomes 28 pairs
 F4- 102 chromosomes 56 pairs
 F5- 204 chromosomes or 102 pairs!!!
MEIOSIS is cell division that results in HALF
the number of chromosomes as the
parent’s body cell.
Male gamete= SPERM
Female gamete= EGGS
When the sperm cell fertilizes the egg the
result is a ZYGOTE with a diploid # of
Interphase: Same as mitosis.
› DNA coils, homologous chromosomes line
› Spindle forms
› HOMOLOGOUS structure forms called a
TETRAD each made of 2 sister chromatids. (
some crossing over occurs causing an
exchange of DNA information.)
Chromosomes in a
tetrad pair so tightly
that non sister
chromatids can
actually break and
exchange material.
This is called Crossing
 Pulled to equator like in Mitosis except
the tetrad structure is side by side.
3.Anaphase I
› Homologous chromosomes separate (tetrad
pair separate)
› Ensures each new cell will only receive one
of the homologous chromosomes.
4.Telophase I
› New cells appear with full set of genetic
information. One homologous pair in each
Some cells undergo a short resting phase,
others go directly into meiosis II.
It is simply mitosis.
Prophase II
› Spindle forms and attach to chromosomes
Metaphase II
› Sister Chromatids line up at equator
Anaphase II
› Centromere splits apart and sister chromatids
separate and move to opposite poles.
Telophase II
› Nuclei reform, spindles break down
CYTOKINESIS – finishes process
Meiosis II
 Same as mitosis
chromosomes DO
before they
divide. 4
Since each pair can line up at the
equator 2 different ways there are a 2N
or 2 46 or 7 x1013 or 70, 400, 000,000,000
possibilities, or 70 trillion possibilities.
Genetic recombination- reassortment of
chromosomes and the genetic
information they carry.
› Failure of chromosomes to SEPARATE properly.
› Ex. Extra chromosomes in one cell or missing one
in another. Down’s Syndrome is Trisomy 21.
Gamete missing : Turner Female XO
Tetraploid: 2 complete sets of
 Polyploidy- Organisms with more than the
usual # of chromosomes. Death of zygote
in animal cells. Common in plants through
genetic engineering.