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Winter Final Study Guide
A researcher wants to know if pondweed will grow taller if it grown in warmer water. He places 3
pondweed plants in three 12” x 12” glass tanks, as shown below.
Tank 1
Tank 2
Tank 3
1. Identify this experiment as controlled or uncontrolled, and defend your answer.
2. Identify the manipulated variable in this experiment, and defend your answer.
3. Identify the responding variable in this experiment, and defend your answer.
4. List 3 controlled variables in the pondweed experiment.
The data from the pondweed experiment is shown below.
Effect of Water Temperature on
Pondweed Height
75 °
85 °
95 °
5. The researcher’s hypothesis was that pondweed would grow taller in warmer water. Based on the data
from this experiment, draw a conclusion.
6. Differentiate between a supported hypothesis and a theory.
7. Explain why sucrose, C11H22O11, is considered an organic compound (two-part answer).
8. Explain why sucrose, C11H22O11, is considered a carbohydrate.
9. Explain why lipids are used in steroids and waterproof coverings.
10. Identify the monomers of: a. carbohydrates, b. proteins, and c. nucleic acids.
11. List the 3 functions of protein in living things.
12. Explain how it is possible to make thousands of different proteins from just 20 amino acid monomers.
13. Describe the relationship between nucleic acid (DNA) and protein.
14. Explain why some chemical reactions are slow and difficult to start.
15. Explain how enzymes catalyze chemical reactions.
16. Explain why a different enzyme is needed to catalyze each chemical reaction.
17. Explain why enzymes stop working at high temperatures.
18. List three differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
19. List 3 similarities between prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
20. Give an example of a prokaryote.
21. Give an example of a unicellular eukaryote.
22. Describe the function of the nucleus in making/shipping out protein.
23. Describe the function of ribosomes in making/shipping out protein.
24. Describe the function of rough ER in making/shipping out protein.
25. Describe the function of the Golgi apparatus in making/shipping out protein.
26. Describe the function of the central vacuole in plant cells.
27. Describe the function of the contractile vacuole in unicellular protists.
28. Describe the function of chloroplasts.
29. Describe the function of mitochondria.
30. Describe the function of the cell membrane, and explain why it is very flexible.
31. Describe the function of the cell wall, and explain why it is less flexible than the cell membrane.
31. Explain how plasma is different from pure water.
32. Explain how eating a cupcake affects the concentration of plasma.
33. Explain why cells must transport solute across their membranes.
34. List two types of passive transport.
35. Explain why passive transport does not require energy.
36. List two ways that active transport is different from passive transport.
= CO2
37. The cell above needs to get rid of CO2. State whether it will use simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, or
active transport, and defend your answer.
38. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs in terms of how they obtain chemical energy,
39. Explain why cells use ATP, rather than glucose, to power activities such as active transport.
40. Explain how energy is released from ATP.
41. Identify the main product and byproduct of photosynthesis.
42. Explain why 6 molecules of CO2 are needed to make 1 molecule of C6H12O6.
43. Identify the organelle in eukaryotic cells where photosynthesis occurs.
44. Explain why chlorophyll is green.
45. List the two parts of photosynthesis.
46. Explain why the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must occur on thylakoid membranes.
47. Explain why the Calvin cycle is able to occur in the stroma.
48. Explain the Calvin cycle cannot occur unless the LDR occurs first.
49. Explain why CO2 is taken in during the Calvin cyle.