Download CHAPTER 1: THE CELL 1.1 (p. 15) 1. Name four characteristics of

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1.1 (p. 15)
1. Name four characteristics of living things.
Organization; growth and development; response to environment; reproduction
2. How did the microscope change human understanding of life?
It allows us to see cells, inside cells and even molecules. Before the microscope, people didn’t realize that life
could be so small.
3. Explain the three concepts that make up cell theory
All life is composed of cells; cells carry out life functions; cells only come from other living cells.
4. Relate the characteristics of a scientific theory to cell theory.
Cell theory is based on abundant evidence and is widely accepted by scientists.
5. Compare and contrast uni- and multi-cellular organisms.
Uni-cellular organisms are prokaryotes w/o nucleus and can’t be seen directly without magnification. Multicellular organisms have many, specialized cells, they are eukaryotes with nuclei. Both have DNA, cytoplasm
and membranes, and both require energy.
6. Explain how Pasteur’s experiment supported cell theory and failed to support the theory of spontaneous
Bacteria required other bacteria to grow (cells come from other cells) and do not appear from nothing
(spontaneous generation).
1.2 (p. 24)
1. What advantages and disadvantages does a light microscope have in comparison with an electron
With a light microscope, you can view live specimens, but you can magnify only 1000 times. Electron
microscopes have much more powerful magnification.
2. What is the difference between a eukaryotic cell and a prokaryotic cell?
Eukaryotes have DNA protected in a nucleus. Prokaryotes have DNA throughout the cytoplasm.
3. List three structures found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells.
Chloroplasts, vacuoles, cell wall
4. What organelles can be said to act like an assembly line within a cell?
Chloroplasts are energy producers and mitochondria are food processors.
5. Compare and contrast plant and animal cells.
Plant cells have chloroplasts and photosynthesize. They also have vacuoles that take in and remove
chemicals. Plant cells also have a protective cell wall in addition to the cell membrance. Animals cells have
lysosomes that process chemicals. Both have mitochondria. Both are eukaryotic. Both share many other
6. Identify the type of microscope used to capture the image at the right, and indicate whether the cell is a plant
or animal cell. How do you know?
A light microscope. It’s a plant cell because it has chloroplasts and a cell wall and vacuole.
1.3 (p. 32)
1. What are the three domains and what type of cells do the organisms in each domain have?
Archea and Bacteria have prokaryotic cells with DNA throughout cytoplasm. Eukarya have eukaryotic cells
containing a nucleus.
2. Define specialization in your own words.
Specialization is when cells perform different functions (and therefore are designed differently).
3. Describe the levels of organization in a tree.
Photosynthetic plant leaf cells generate glucose which is transported by xylem and phloem tissue along with
water for use throughout the tree.
4. In what way does a specialized cell in a multicellular organism differ from the cell of a unicellular organism?
In unicellular organism, one cell must do all the work necessary for life, whereas the specialized cells in
multicellular organisms perform one or a few tasks.
5. How is a model similar to the real object it represents? How is it different?
Models are simplifications and represent real objects or processes and are used to study and better
understand the more complex objects or processes.
6. The organism below is called Chlamydomonas. What taxonomic domain does it belong to, and what do the
internal structures tell you about it?
It’s a Eukarya because it has a nucleus and it photosynthesizes and it’s unicellular because it has a flagella.