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Nature of Bacteria and
Higher Level only
Learning Objectives
 Discuss the prokaryotic nature of bacteria
 Discuss the eukaryotic nature of fungi
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
 Living things can be divided into two
categories with regard to the structure and
complexity of their cells:
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
 Prokaryotic cells do
not have a nucleus or
membrane enclosed
organelles e.g.
bacterial cells
 Eukaryotic cells
have a nucleus and
membrane enclosed
organelles e.g.
plant, animal, protist
and fungal cells
Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
Prokaryotic - Bacteria
 Bacteria are
prokaryotic cells
 Their kingdom Monera
is also referred to as
 They are extremely
small (0.5 – 10 μm)
Prokaryotic - Bacteria
 As they do not have
a true nucleus,
bacterial DNA is
found as a circular
loop floating freely
in the cytoplasm
 They do not have
enclosed organelles
like mitochondria
and chloroplasts
Eukaryotic – Fungi, plants, animals, protists
 The cells of all other
kingdoms are
 More advanced
they have a true
nucleus and
membrane enclosed
 evolved from
prokaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cells
e.g. Bacteria
Eukaryotic cells
e.g. Fungi
Extremely small
No nucleus
No membrane enclosed Membrane enclosed
DNA circular (loop)
DNA arranged into
Cell division preceded
by DNA replication
Cell division preceded
by mitosis or meiosis
Learning Check
 What two categories can cells be placed in?
 In what way does a bacterial cell differ from a
fungal cell?
Can you answer the following questions?
Depth of treatment
 Describe the Prokaryotic nature of bacteria
 Describe the Eukaryotic nature of fungi